I played a bit of the 1.13 version of the game, and while I enjoyed it, this most recent version has some issues that i'm a little baffled as to why they're here considering they were fine originally.
Specifically, the fact that your stats have no "numbers" assigned to them. They are simply ambiguous gauges now, which for an RPG I feel is poor, as it results in you having no tactical way of telling what you can and can't do. Before, it was very clear how much health and stamina you had, so the "uses 3 stamina" had meaning, but now it seems less so, as I don't KNOW how much stamina I have.
Moreover, blocking, and defensive abilities in general, seem completely worthless. Parrying has the same text blurb as "guard" but doesn't recover as much, so why use it? Does it return damage? I can't tell! And then there's the fact that it SAYS "100% effectiveness to block", yet you still eat just as much damage as always, making it...useless? There seems to be literally zero reason to block at all. And if the idea is that you have to be faster than the opponent in order to make use of it, then I really feel like that should be tweaked--preferably to something that immediately let's you block the next attack, and just scrap the 100% thing in favor for something like 50 or 75%--and maybe it leaves you "open" or something, so if you block incorrectly you can be punished, and then THAT's where "parry" would be useful, as you could be left in an offensive stance just after parrying to negate that, but maybe at the cost of less damage negation or recovery. Nevertheless, even being the fastest starting class, I still seem to "go after" every enemy in the game (from what i'd seen), so i'm not even sure if that's what it is.
I actually really like this game and some of the ideas it has, and i'm genuinely impressed by what you two have been able to put together with just yourselves (and i'm guessing SOME assistance). The game is also very, very hot, so you succeeded in the most important, basic parts, but I hope some of these "issues" I have can be fixed, or at least addressed, in the future.
I'll keep playing t'see if there's anything i'm missing otherwise.