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Whats in progress for you?

A topic by BlobsterHop created Mar 07, 2020 Views: 1,077 Replies: 36
Viewing posts 1 to 14

Hi! Just here to say hello to the community and ask what everyones making right now.

(1 edit) (+2)

I'm taking a break from my bowling game HyperBowl, which I've been working for ten years in Unity, and focusing on a dim sum app for now. I'm thinking about remaking the bowling game in Unreal later this year. I'm also doing some contract maintenance on the Cinefex iPad app.


10 years? I wish i had that much dedication!


I know, right? My follow through rate is abysmal (but I have an alibi in that I have ADHD so I guess I can skip blame for it). If I don't have major progress within a fiscal quarter on any new project, I itch to move on, and if I can't, I lose my marbles.


10 years waw. It's healthy to take a break and work on other stuff =] You must have a thousand of new projects you'd like to start no?

Oh yeah, whenever I meet someone who says they have a great idea they just need someone to implement, I'm like please, I've got a bunch of my own ideas I'd like to get to. By the way, I started using Flutter for mobile app dev last year, really like it, although I don't know how suitable it is for games.


Ha ha yeah I see what you mean.

Thanks for the tip I'll check Flutter =]. Presently I do everything on Unity.


I am currently working on a Horror Game called [REDACTED] (Darn Censor) 

Currently I have to redo it (again) as my OS no longer works so I have no use Linux instead (My game engine only ran on windows and Emulation will not work -_-)

Considering making a Bullet Hell/Platformer Hell Fusion as well, but that's still an idea


I am actually making a Bullet Hell top down shoot or something along the lines of Enter the gungeon, but id love to play your horror game once its out.


I'm writing some romance short stories for a collection and I'm doing a little comedic choose your own adventure book about goblins! i can never just work on one thing at once lol


Cool ideas! Personally id like to read a choose your own adventure book. Actually! You could do some sort of story driven game about goblins and make "making choices" a big part of the game,  But do what you want. Id totally read an adventure book  or play a game about goblins if you went through with it.


I am working on a super fun to play android game. It is multiplayer and made to enjoy with friends. This game is similar to Square Brawl which is a PC game, but its online multiplayer and for androids. Looking forward for some responses for this game!


My next game is a panoramic-interface puzzle/adventure game, set in a sprawling and diverse set of over a dozen worlds, all created with detailed O-scale miniature art [digitally extended] and explorable in first person view. The cost of development's climbed above $1000, much of it miniature supplies for scratchbuilding. It will be released on Steam and Itch.IO. 


Miniature Multiverse.

It's on my profile here.

I also have a sale running on my profile, with a ton of stock media asset packs for gamedevs, which include a vast volume of textures, 3d assets, and video elements. You can buy all the asset packs plus a preorder of the game 'Miniature Multiverse' and all future updates to those asset packs, for just under a dollar right now. 

Cant wait! seems like an epic experience!


Just finished up working as Personal Trainer for 10+ years.

Having a go at making indie games for PC!

Currently developing a two player co-op puzzle combat game called "Roopit and Boopit"

I made all the graphics and sound effects myself, the music is my an artist called Modem

How about you BlobsterHop?  What are you up to?

Played the first 3 levels of ropoot n boopit and i love it! cool concept, great music and satisfying gameplay.

As for what im doing, ive made 2 games, Shapes n Holes and ARCADE(they were both for game jams). Personally i feel as if they were lacking something but il let you decide if you enjoyed them. Thank you for asking!


Thanks mate!  I appreciate the feedback.

Do you mean to say you already did the first 3 worlds?  aka the whole game?

Man I really need to make get some more content on there!

Had a go at ARCADE, loved the humor of the how to screen!

I think your a bit hard on it for a game jam game!  :P

Its fun and has good feedback and looks pleasing.

Only thing I'd suggest is making it so you don't have to start back at the first game if you lose.

Got any plans for a non game-jam game?

I do have plans and ive been working on a game called "Sin." I think it will be a top down shooter but im not sure yet, each boss and area would resemble the 7 sins. So far from what ive made its a top down but please tell me if you think it would be better in a different type of game style :D.


Its a bit hard to tell without seeing the game, but I would just continue with the top down shooter rather than start again.

Most the time execution of an idea is more important then the details.

Nice! Thinking about it now, im not sure restarting wouldve done me any good lol. Thanks for the suggestion!


Preparing to release my first visual novel CANNA-BUS. lol yes it's just as ridiculous as it sounds.


I am bringing together a team of talented developers that I can help me make a game and start a long term dev team of all ages. I am making a CYOA (choose your own adventure) game, I am looking for another programmer (html5, css, and javascript) a graphic designer or two, and any other things that might help, Please comment if you are interested. (please list what you would like to do in it). Hope to see some people interested. I will check as often as I can.

Deleted 4 years ago

It's rudimentary right now as I've only begun work on it late last night, but when it is done, I plan to have a full-featured, standalone, Blender game engine application (via UPBGE) about the Carnegie-Pinkerton massacre in the late nineteenth century.

Disclosure: In my last job, I was a private-sector security officer for Securitas USA, a company that is descended from the Pinkerton Agency.

Right now I have no clue what I plan to call it... yet.


cool! I dont think you should worry about the name of the game right now but overall you should keep working at it! :)


True don't worry about a name!  I made mine up on the spot only after I had to!  xD


I'm working on a game called Shoot Game©(yeah i know creative)its a 2d run and gun metroidvania rougelike platformer about a guy trying to get his dog back from cultists, eldritch gods,aliens and llamas

A sprite of one of the weapons(i'm not very good at pixel art)

It just sounds like pure baddasery. Its a guy, getting his dog back from cultists, eldritch gods, aliens and llamas. Wat? just sounds pretty damn epic.



I am working on my first mobile game =]. I just released a demo playable in the browser. I want to test if the gameplay is interesting,  for now people find it a bit strange ha ha^^'. 

It is meant to be a strategy game:


This game is awesome!

Thanks Spoonizee =]


I'm  making a physics based fighting game about trees

Like we have to make trees fall an enemies?


No the trees have wiggly arms an they smack each other with them


sounds epic and funny ngl

thank you!