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Oathbreaker: Season 2

A medieval fantasy visual novel / story game · By LarkyLabs

Bug reports - report the bugs and glitches you encounter here. Sticky

A topic by LarkyLabs created May 26, 2020 Views: 9,759 Replies: 111
Viewing posts 1 to 63
Developer (4 edits) (+5)

Currently Known issues I'm working on:

  • Loading issue of chapter 2 with Macs. (Because I don't support Macs, its at the bottom of the list. Try using Bootcamp or parallel desktops in the meanwhile.
  • Changing the font size will move the UI around. Please refrain from changing the font size until I fix this. But if you have any issues with the UI placement while using the default font size, try reducing the font size.
  • Dialogue menu & pause menu placement problem with some resolutions. (Try to play the game on 1920x1080 windowed mode to fix this problem until I update the game)
  • Some Mac computers need the game file carried over to the applications folder in order to run the game properly.
  • Alchemy game clicking issues with some resolutions.(Try to play the game on 1920x1080 windowed mode to fix this problem until I update the game)
  • Very rarely some Windows 7 computers can't run the program. Uninstalling citrix workspace may fix this issue.
  • During the Sanctorium option battle, skills may be unable to use/click on. Saving during the battle scene and loading while still inside the game fixes this issue.

The pause menu is blank, it's just an empty brown window. If I click on it the brown window the load/save/codex etc. screen appears based on where I placed my pointer but the words themselves aren't there. I tried quitting and starting a new game but the pause menu was still blank.


Try to decrease the font size.

Hi ! Just wanted to report a bug. I'm on mac (High Sierra), and when I start the game it just keep loading and loading but nothing happen. I tried to re upload it, but it didn't do anything. I'll put a picture to show you exactly. Thank you in advance for your answer and sorry for my bad english.


Hi Lloki,

try moving the game file to your applications folder and make sure it has the write/read permissions checked.

You can alternatively try downloading the app here and run the game through the application. (This is the recommended method)

Hello again !

I actually had the game in my applications folder so I don't know why it didn't work. But I just re download the game and put it in my applications folder again, and that time it worked ! I still had some problems, like with some parts of the game who were going very slowly, and I couldn't save my game (don't know if it was normal cause it was just the intro).  I think I will download the app for more facilities. 

Thanks again for your help and for your wonderful game !


Please let me know if it works better via application! :)

Sooo I've tried playing the game via the application and it was exactly the same. The same parts where going very slowly and I still couldn't use the options :



I have the exact same problem. But this time i am running it through 

I still get that same blank page

Deleted 3 years ago

I don't know if it's a bug,  but Theoren seems to  grow taller the further the Chapter 1 goes. At the end of the chapter the top of his head was out of the screen.


May be something to do with depth & zooming. I'll take a look.


I get stuck at the fight with the Champion at the sanctorium. Theoren's blue meter is completely empty, and I cannot click on anything.


During the Sanctuary option battle, skills may be unable to use/click on. Saving during the battle scene and loading while still inside the game fixes this issue.


Thanks! And thanks for correcting me on the 'sanctuary' bit. 


Haha, no it's the Sanctorium. You are right. I just copy pasted the FAQ written on this page. :) My bad.

(2 edits)

hello, I have the same problem but can't save during the battle (don't know if there is a quick save command and can't find it) and when I reload the save of the dialogue just before the battle it's still glitched :/

nevermind! hooray I found it! I feel less stupid and all hail the random key pressing! 

(1 edit)

Do you remember which key is q. save and q.load, because I am having a time of it trying to find them :p 

Nevermind xD Figured it out after pressing every key available to me BESIDES the one I needed. ESC key to save during the battle sequence, ESC again to load and I could finally click something in the battle scene.

Hi I noticed that Chapter 1 is released to the public as it said on your website. But I'm still stuck on the "Chapter 1 Coming Soon" screen. I checked and it said the game was all up-to-date. Is there anything steps I'm missing to play Chapter 1?


Please read the dev log! :)

Hello , Thanks so much for the game . I finally got the chance to download it and start playing it . When I started playing I found out that there is a glitch , the characters / most of the backgrounds do not appear . I will redwonload it and see if the problem continue . But if there is a way to fix pleade do inform me . Again many many thanks .

I redownloaded it , the same glitch :'(


Hi Ice Queen!
Sounds like a graphics card issue. Update your graphics card driver and try again? :)

It has been a week or two since I last updated It :( I Guess the pc is too bad to run the game . Any alternative solution ?

Thanks btw ♡ 


Hi again, Ice Queen!
May I know your OS and your specs? =) Let me try and find a solution.

(3 edits)

Hello . My pc is windows 7 .

Manufacturer: Dell

 Model: Vostro 1015

 Rating: 3.4 

Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU T6670 @ 2.20GHz 2.20GHz RAM: 2.00GB

 System type: 64bits

This is what I found , sorry for troubling you :'(

U r truly the best ♡ so are your games .

ummm , hello ? 

Hello dear developer , may I please ask if you have found any solution for my bug ?

thanks and sorry ..


Hello Ice Queen. Try disabling / uninstalling your citrix workspace if you have it installed.

Since this is a new game and Windows doesn't support windows 7 anymore, there may be compability issues. I recommend looking online for a solution. :)

Deleted 3 years ago

oh my goodness I am the biggest dumb dumb ever, I thought we weren't supposed to let the bar fill up but it was the opposite hahaha my bad

(1 edit)

Hello! Hope i'm not a bother but, when I click on the codex or history buttons, and then try to exit, the close button doesn't work, and I need to quit and re open the game. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Edit: apparently it only happened when I was doing it in fullscreen mode, it works fine in window ^^

When I mute the game in settings, the sounds from the alchemy game don't mute.

The same thing happens with the sound effect for the blue icon in the healing game.

hello you know I'm having trouble downloading the game and it tells me that the file can't be downloaded safely.

I'm having the same issue, too. Also my computer anti-virus software keeps deleting the "Unity" programs because it says they are unsafe. It does it so quickly, one at a time, that I can't hit the "restore" buttons to prevent it from removing them completely. 

Actually I got it working! If you are using Chrome, you can click the "unsafe download" notification and request it downloads it anyway. Then, when opening the application, your computer/virus software will tell you it is unsafe or begin removing files. Tell it to run the program anyway and have your virus software restore the files.

Apparently it does this because Unity is rather new and isn't recognized by most computer systems.

I've tried but he won't let me download it 

Deleted 359 days ago

I have a mac as well and the same problem occurs! The game won`t go past the loading screen.

same here! I've been waiting so long to play it but it still won't load to the menu screen ):

i have the exact same issue! and before i updated it to play chapter 2 i was able to load the game and play normally.

(1 edit)

I have the same problem !! ;/


Hey there! 

First off, I've been looking forward to this game since I finished the first season last year and am so excited to see what you have planned. 

Now on to the issue I'm having - I'm using the app on a mac and I tried gettin the chapter 2 update, but it said there was no update. I saw the post you did about having to uninstall the game and reinstall it, so I tried that. Only problem I'm having now is that it right after it shows RinmaruGames on the loading screen it just sits there loading; the little hour glass in the corner just keeps spinning. I tried the fix the install through itch, uninstalled and reinstalled a couple times, but it doesn't seem to change anything. Not sure what to do next :(


Mine is doing the same thing!!! I can't access it no matter what way I do it! I'm starting to get sad because I really love this series but it wont work. :(


I have the exact same problem!! Sucks because I finally got everything working last time :/

Deleted 346 days ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Developer (1 edit)

Please the read the post and refrain from double posting. Thank you.

Has anyone been able to get Chapter 2 to play on their mac? I just tried to re-install it and I'm still stuck on the loading window with the hourglass in the corner. 


I downloaded chapter 2 through the app and the loading screen stays the same (I am running off mac) 


Same problem here ! Its just a black screen and the little hour glass.

I downleaded chapter 2 and there's no sound at all. I checked sound mixer and oathbreker isn't even there shown.

Hello !

Soooo, when the chapter one came out I was so exited to play it ! But unfortunately I had some bug, like not being able to play the game until I downloded the application, or not being able to use the menue, like saving my game or skyping dialogues. So I thought that I will leave the game for a moment and see at the next update if the problems will be fixed. When I saw that the chapter two was out I was so happy and I thougt that with the new update all my bug will be solved. But I'm really starting to thing there is nothing wrong with the game but just my Mac. I still can't save my game so I have to do a new game every time I want to play it and the game still go very slowly at some point in the story. So if anyone as the same problem as me and knows a way to fix this I would be so thankfull ! I was really waiting for this game to come out and not being able to play it is so sad ...

OMG I'm really starting to think that I am really dumb ! I wanted to close the game but I couldn't do it, so I clicked on the ESC key on my laptop and then ! The menue opened ! I was able to save my game and all !

So I hope this will be useful for anyone, or everyone knew about it and I'm just really dumb lol !

Also pardon me for my very bad english, I'm still learning !

Wait were you able to run chapter 2 on your mac?

Sorry !

I just saw your message just now ! So I didn't even finish the chapter 1 because some parts of the chapter were going so slow. So I just saved my game for later when I'll have the courage to play this slow parts. But I think I would be able to play the chapter two as well. I'll come back to you if I have any other news.

So Virion has a tendency to call his daughter the default name. At least I’ve caught him twice in Chapter 3 and once on the boat. I’d like them to replace “Imp” for the nickname inputted, but that’s more of a preference.


I am also have the mac error :( endless loading loop on the opening screen for chapter 2. I am a bit worried tho because I know Rin does not offer support for mac. I will keep trying things

Hello! So I'm a huge fan of this game series and I was so happy that you came out with Season 2 and couldn't wait to play it. I was able to easily play Chapter 1 with little to problems but for some reason it won't let me download again to play Chapter 2, Maybe I'm just doing something wrong but this is a video of what my computer is saying when I try to download.


Click on the small arrow and then click on "save". Google Chrome's security precaution. :)

It worked! Thanks so much! Can't wait to play it...

(1 edit)

Hey I'm having the same problem but I don't have the option to save, is there anything I could do to get around it? I'm going to try downloading it off a different browser so fingers crossed that works :) 

edit: It worked! I had to use internet explorer lmao slowest thing ever haha

So I downloaded the file so I could play chapter 2. I moved my save files over from my old one to the new one but for some reason it's just stuck on the loading screen? I tried downloading a new game without switching my saves but it still wouldn't open. I'm not sure what to do? I have a Mac btw!

Deleted 3 years ago

I think it's the overall update causing this on Macs, I can't even play the first chapter. Were you able to get it to work?

I wasn't able to get it to work on my Mac. i ended up using my work laptop, which is a windows, and played it on there. Though I didn't want to say anything and double post. 

Hey Rin, I'm having some trouble getting past the blank loading screen on this game after the initial credits. The Ascension reboot is working fine so I'm wondering if it's an engine thing if they were made on separate engines? Otherwise, I'm not too sure how to resolve this. :\ I am on Mac, but I don't think it's a Catalina issue as I use High Sierra.

Hi Rinmaru! I really love the game but, whenever we download the game again for the latest update our previous progress dessapears then we have to start over again, it's kinda tiring to keep repeating the game every time there's a new chapter. Thank you me and my sister really love your games!


Please read the chapter posts on how to keep your save files during an update. :)

Okay thank you very muuch!

Whenever I try to open the application, it stays stuck on a blank loading screen. I have redowloaded it to my applications three times now, and tried redownloading it in the app twice as well, and I am still encountering the same problem each time.

There are a number of places where the speaker name is missing (instead of for example "Theoren/Elius/Alwenn" when they're speaking, it's just blank).

Hello! I started playing the game by just straight downloading it through the link but found that I had trouble with the alchemy mission. Thought that if i download it through the then maybe it would go away.  It's the mission to make the Vial of Recovery for helping the Heretics. After adding the firesalts and stirring twice it says "Looks good for a Vial of Recovery." so then I add the 'strange lizard egg' which I assume is the woodland newt egg and stir once. Afterwards I can't do anything with the glass vials. I've dragged them over to every part of the cauldron and it just doesn't fill up, it keeps bringing up "Although it can be quite healthy, I don't think a flash of water is going to help these poor folk." I don't know if I'm missing someone - the recipe says a glass vial and they're the only looking glass ones - and I've tried to search online for a resolution but nothing is coming up for this specific mission. 

So sorry to waste your time but if you could help I would gratefully appreciate it! I love this friggin series so much!

Hello! I tried downloading the chapter 3 on chrome but nothing shows up, I tried downloading it on chrome before and it worked. I don't know what to do i really want to play the latest update.

thank you :^)

Hello! I tried downloading the chapter 3 on chrome but nothing shows up, I tried downloading it on chrome before and it worked. I don't know what to do i really want to play the latest update.

thank you :^)


Try a different browser. I have no control over Chrome's own issues.

okay thank you! i tried downloading it on Firefox and it worked. :^)

Hi, I tried downloading the new chapter through the itch app, but it keeps telling me the game is up to date.


You need to uninstall and install again for the update to work.

I've tried a million different ways to get my saves to move over and nothing is working! I've copied and pasted. Moved entire folders but none of my saves are showing up in the updated game. Help? I didn't have any trouble last time

I have the same difficulties. I've downloaded the new fiel on the website, extracted it, copied/pasted the previous save like last time... The game starts, but I can't click on "continue" that is grey tint, like if the game doesn't recognize the previous save.

In my numerous other tries, it happened the opposite : the saves has been recognized, but it's still asking me to wait for the chapter three's release...

I want to plaaay, help me T^T !


hello! I'm having an issue with the game, I just downloaded it now on my chromebook, so it's the linux version, and everything is well, the only issue is that the game is extremely laggy and its so sad because I just finished the first chapter. :(((((

Hey Rin! I'm not sure whether it's a bug or not, or what could have caused it, but on two of my saves (one where I romanced Virion, and the other Raelan) they seem to have... switched? As in, the save with Raelan processes Virion as the past love interest and vice-versa (I only figured it out because the dialogue options were Not Correct) Thanks in advance for the help! I love the game and, honestly, everything you do, and I hope you and yours are staying safe and enjoying the holiday where you can :) Oh and P.S. the options of ruin and resumption are switched completely but that wasn't an issue for me personally since I planned on playing both options anyway :)

I also got the switched options. Don't know about the love interests as I haven't finished playing the chapter yet.


(This contains spoilers) Hello! I'm having a problem with the new chapter.  I'm playing in Alwenn's route, and in the scene where they are talking inside a room, there's two dialogue options, "i 'missed' you" and "I will wait". When I try to click the romantic option, nothing happens.

Same problem dude :-( have ur issue been solved??? Its been a year now! 

Hi, I love love love this season so far but I have been unable or download the game since the chapter 3 update.  The download simply doesn't start when I try via desktop.  I tried downloading a new game file on a different location on my laptop from the app and it gave me an error saying 'Cannot properly read build for 'undefined'' .  these are the details it brings up.


This is a small spoiler!
I picked where you let the dragon go but in the Chapter 4 part 1 everyone says that I kept the dragon. I tried to other option to see if it was switched but it also says I imprisoned the dragon. So I am a bit confused.

The exact same thing happened to me! I'm glad it isn't just something up with my computer or something


Hi! Not sure if this is just me, but on Alwenn's route in chapter 4, when you get to her room and choose "Promise" then "I missed you"  the scene stops and it won't go no matter what. The other option works okay, might be sth to do with this being the SFW version? 

i'm trying to dowload but it keeps saying that i had already done that ...but i doesn't!!how can i correct it?

Did you uninstall it? You have to uninstall it than download it to get the new chapter.

somehow i can't download chapter 4. it says thanks for downloading, but it doesn't actually start to download

Switch to another browser like Firefox or Microsoft Edge. That should do the trick 

yea i noticed it right after but forgot to delete the comment but thanks :)

(1 edit)

The skip options are not working for me--neither pressing the "skip" button or holding the Ctrl button.  Makes it kind of inconvenient since I wasn't able to transfer my save files over and will have to replay chapters 1-3 to get to chapter 4.

Edit: Oop, nevermind. It started working on the 2nd restart.

I would like to report a big

when I try to start a new game (having another one in process) the game freezes in the first appearance of argandea and does not give me any option, try to download the game again and it is still the same.

i downloaded the game and it acted like it ran smoothly but the characters dont show up and in the beginning i can hear sound but its all black, and other stuff is missing too, i dont know what to do.


Hi I'm doing the Alwenn route and there seems to be a bug in chapter 4. When I select I "missed" you,  MC and Alwenn just stand on screen with no dialogue. Any way to fix this? Thanks in advance! Really love the game so far btw :)

Hi! I had a problem  with the save button like while I am playing the game it saves but the moment where I close the game for any reason and open it again all my progress is gone so I hope this problem gets fixed because it would help me a lot thanks!

Greetings LarkyLabs, absolutely in love with Virion and to this day cannot decide whether I like to keep his hair long or short...

Having confessed that, I am encountering a peculiar problem and was wondering if you could help me. I must have minimized the game at some point but strangely cannot persuade it to revert back to the window mode. I tried rebooting my laptop, to rely on the Crash Handler and even redownloaded the game but none of it works. The music is coming along just fine so it must be a sizing problem, but I am at a dead end.

Attaching the screencap for your reference. As you can see the window key has been grayed out and I cannot manually coax it back to its original size as it eludes the mouse. My laptop runs on Windows if it is any pointers. 

(1 edit)

Hello! It took me hours to download the file, and after extracting it, the actual game file is nowhere to be found. Am I missing something here?

Heya, I've got the NSFW ch8 version from Patreon, but I stopped the subscription in February for reasons, so I'm asking here, if that's ok. I'm not sure if this is a bug or I did something wrong, but when I go for the threesome in Asmad, after the scene the CG doesn't zoom out anymore. I sort of remember it did in the first playthrough in the older version, but now, no matter what that one just doesn't work anymore and I'm stuck with her nose. It was my favourite, too, so I just wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to fix it?


Hello, I found a bug in the game

Having the same problem. Was so scared that my graphic card was dying.

My system specs:

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 19044) (19041.vb_release.191206-1406)                 
Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor             (24 CPUs), ~3.8GHz                   
Memory: 65536MB RAM      
Available OS Memory: 65486MB RAM
Card name: Radeon RX 570 Series        
Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.           
Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x67DF)            
DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)         
Device Type: Full Device (POST)          
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_67DF&SUBSYS_341B1462&REV_EF       
Driver Problem Code: Unknown      
Display Memory: 40913 MB    
Dedicated Memory: 8170 MB       
Shared Memory: 32742 MB        
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (59Hz)

Hello, sorry to be a bother but I think I found a bug?  

When romancing  Virion I end up getting the "Hey, my blue, get your own" scene when reuniting with Argandea and it acts as if I'm dating Argandea not Virion despite having not flirted or encouraged an Argandea romance at all and having a daughter with Virion - she remains Virion's baby but it seems like we're no longer together and I'm with Argandea instead. 

Was that intentional or is it a bug coming from the potential poly route?


Hello! I'm here to repot what I think is a bug (or I really don't get it)

In the scene where MC is talking to Argandea after meeting again, when Virion walks in and starts talking to Argandea, MC says "My Blue" and starts talking like she's with Argandea and not Virion (although in the due option with Virion I selected that I won't share), after that it seems as if I was on the Argandea route and the truth is that I feel a little confused¿


First, thank you so much for the game, it's a delight and I loved playing it! There are still a couple errors, though.

If you choose to fight the dragon in Asmad and sacrifice the Gaelans the dialogue triggers mostly correct, but before the summit when Lula reports it to the Matriarch, she still reports that prince Urnammu died.

The graphic for the cursor graphic(?) while selecting a choice is some weird pixel error as is the background that was reported in the screenshot above already.

Also, I think the ending scenes are switched? When I choose Divine War, the dialogue states that the divines aren't necessarily meant to be prayed to anymore, but that's it. When I choose Making a deal with the Divines/Asking for Mercy, there is talk of Eidolons attacking the borders, but no explanation why or what's happening.

Also, in the SFW version... it automatically selects the dialogue choices that decline sex and romance? Like, you choose to kiss them and flirt, but then the dialogue skips to rejected awkwardness and "not now" talk, which sometimes is a pretty severe mood change. And without the sex scenes it's apparently impossible to opt for the poly, bc Virion is automatically friendzoned and only Argandea is a romance choice in the end, even though I've picked literally every flirt choice I could with him (or well, both). In the last game it just left out the graphic scenes, but it was still a pretty clear choice to have sex and it was referenced, but here, it's just.. abstinence and impossible to have sex rather than just fade to black for the scenes in question and that's a little disappointing.

I will still get the NSFW version as soon as I can afford some pocket money again! I hope you can still fix bugs for the game, but for the time being I just want to say: CONGRATULATIONS on finishing it and THANK YOU for all your work and for sharing it for mostly free!

Hi! I'm not quite sure where to put this because it isn't exacly a bug. I just simply unable to download the game. It says server sent GOAWAY and closed the connection. I've tried to download it from the app, firefox, chrome and microsoft edge but nothing worked so far.


Hey It's me again with kind of the same bug (or I really still don't get it).

In Virion's route after the scene where Virion tells MC he would follow her to the void, it kind of implies they are friends and not a couple. Even in one scene one of them says "we are friends, right?" and the other answers affirmatively. 

I loved Virion since the first season of this game was still publishing, so it kind of makes me sad (not really kind of, I was about to cry) that it's like they didn't have anything. I don't know.

(4 edits) (+1)

Chapter 1 or 2 where you're at a campfire with Virion, the background of the camp is all rainbow color and glitchy. Then in chapter 6 is a really weird glitch. I got a romance scene with Argandea where I pin him down to the bed and stuff when I didn't romance him but not when I did.

Also, I don't know if it's also a bug or not, but if you romance Raelan, Virion has some huge love confession and then when you see Argandea they talk about how they have a relationship so idk if that's intentional or not. Was just kinda odd.

ETA: Ah, overlaps with ChaoticAngel's comment. Yes, that also happened to me. I was also romancing Virion, so idk if it's a thing specific with him (didn't happen when I romanced Raelan), but I'm guessing it just somehow switched things up and tagged the romance scene as friendship and the friendship scene as romance.

(3 edits)

I don't know if the forums are being read anymore, but the game still flags the "save the gaelians" choice as "save the asmadi" choice. Every dialogue after the battle scene with the two Ascended Champions fighting the dragon have the wrong lines regarding this decision.

The BG corruption and pixilation in one scene of the earlier chapter is still an issue.

Virion was not partnered to the general in the first season, but I wasn't able to pick Virion before the last battle in the tent despite me flirting with Virion constantly. When summoning Raelan in the tent I was able to pick "I'm in love with Virion" and "I'm in love with Theoren", both of which I'm filtered with the entire time. I do not know why Virion's S2 friend to lover route is so bugged. I don't even know if we miss out on some other SE2 romantic dialogue with due to this. To bypass him not appearing him in the tent we have to flirt with Raelan and then tell him that we like Virion to appear in the tent at the end.

Theoren's epilogue is the same when we pick the "Start a Divine war" or "Seal the gate with the Dragons" option. Don't know if it is mean to be like that.

I'm having an issue where one of the backgrounds is coming up glitchy? I don't believe this is intentional. (it won't let me upload an image but its rainbow and pixely)

In Chapter 1 , this happens on this scene only. Uninstalled and reinstalled. I have had 3 playthroughs every one is like this.

It says Kayda when I named my Daughter Lillian

Could you have it so the game runs on the website like it did for oathbreaker because that was how I was able to play it even though I am a Mac user. Having it only be downloadable prevents Mac users from playing because doesn't matter what browser I use it shows up as "application can't open"