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A Short Hike

a little exploration game about hiking up a mountain · By adamgryu

Ending was dissapointing

A topic by cinnamonmeanstoothpaste created Jun 19, 2020 Views: 3,048 Replies: 17
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At first this was such a wholesome happy game

I have never had so much pure enjoyment from a game before

Then when the game ended I was devastated

I was hoping.... for more

Now I know this is a small indie game for about $5 and I got it practically for free with the Bundle for Racial Justice

It was my fault for expecting something after Claire wakes up from the nap

I was hoping for the marathon, to climb the mountain with the rock climbers, to recieve the email of the selfie, for the hat seller to return to the island, the boat to sail, for the chair to be returned

And when I realized the game never went beyond the first day I felt emptier than when I began

I would gladly pay $60 to see a longer version of this

Please my heart is gnawing at me for more


I thought the game was delightful, short as it is. While all of the additions you ache for would definitely improve on the game, I had a wonderful time exploring the island and felt the ending wrapped things up just fine. (Unlike, say, Firewatch. Ech.)

I felt like the ending was anticlamatic 

But I guess that goes with the chill theme of the game


Did you go back and talk to your aunt? And did you help the other character to the top? I still haven't done the footrace, and there's one fish I haven't found, but there was so much to explore. I almost didn't find the watch but since I had so much money I managed to stumble upon that.

I'm pretty sure there are some coins, shells, flowers and fish not done yet but  I did all the main stuff unless the fisherman gives something special for all the fish

Another thing I am unaure about is the photo. We never get it right?

(1 edit) (+2)

I never got a photo, no. But I did get a baseball cap! And a gold medal, which I destroyed (so sad). And if you get all the fish, yes, you get a golden fishing pole. Not that you need one once you've got all the fish, but it's still sparkly!

Wait a baseball cap?

Don't spoil it how to get it!

And you can destroy the medal?


You can destroy it - I also destroyed it, accidentally. If you find it in your inventory, then choose to inspect it, Claire notices it's actually a gold coin attached to string (or something), and you can choose to take it apart (destroying the medal and giving you 1 coin) or keep it. I wish I hadn't destroyed it, but maybe you won't :D 


Yes if you select the gold medal in your inventory you can inspect it, and you get the option to take it apart. You wind up with a coin for your efforts, and possibly make Avery sad.

I will keep mum about the baseball cap!

If your talking about the fox who wants to get to the top to take a photo. It is possible to get the fox to the top.


Yeah but after he takes the photo we never get it right?


Yeah, I think it's just a cutscene of getting a photo.


I loved the game as it is <3 I greatly apreciate that is a short game. In my personal case I'm a student so I normally don't have a lot of spare time to play videogames. This game gave me a mental break from all the homework and exams and and I loved the ending. Simple, short and wholesome.


I hope there's a sequel titled A Long Hike!


I loved the ending. I did no quests except stickball and had the minimum amount of feathers. When I glided around the mountain at the end it was amazing. I don't think the phone call is the end. The game's climatic finish is when you soar down the mountain and see all the challenging parts, knowing that you conquered them.

^ Yep, that!


A Short Hike is incredible because the player's intrinsic  motivations line up so perfectly with the Claire's 

it's naturally satisfying to do the activities which contribute to your ability to conquer the mountain.

The length of the game is literally in the title A Short Hike

like the Tibetan Buddhists painstakingly assembling gorgeous colorful Mandalas one sand particle at a time,
only to then destroy the Mandalas at the end of the ritual

the game is a  lesson in Impermanence

all of existence, without exception, is "inconstant"

All temporal things, material or mental, are in a continuous change of condition, subject to decline and destruction.

All physical and mental events are not metaphysically real, that they are not constant or permanent, they come into being and dissolve.


> A Short Hike is incredible because the player's intrinsic  motivations line up so perfectly with the Claire's 

This right here. I hated Firewatch because my motivations didn't line up AT ALL with Henry's, and I stopped playing Night In The Woods because I couldn't relate at all to being Mae. Especially, in both cases, because backstory I had no say in, no interest in, and no sympathy with, kept getting revealed. Here in A Short Hike, there was none of that crap, so I could just do my thing.