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Stellar Sovereigns

A space 4X strategy game with turn based empire management and real time tactical space and ground combat. · By Imagined Reality

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A topic by Imagined Reality created Sep 13, 2020 Views: 770 Replies: 26
Viewing posts 1 to 11

To all Early Access players, thank you for your purchases.Equals(Support)!

This topic is dedicated for general comments about the game feel free to post, but if it is related to a bug or any suggestion than please post them under their dedicated topic.

(2 edits)

Colonisation transport we can remove housing load food and factory but not the colonist when loaded. It's quite bad on this part of the actual design.


I am thinking i could limit colonists to the number of housing  provided to avoid the  problem to encountered , otherwise i suggest to increase your capacity by building additional freighters. 

Ich habe jetzt etwas mit Version 0.94 herumprobiert. Die neuen Schiffsmodelle sind klasse aber die Wirtschaft bzw. das Balancing funktioniert überhaupt nicht.

Sobald man für irgendetwas etwas ausgibt rutscht man ins Minus. Gebe ich nichts aus, kommt die Heimatkolonie an das Bevölkerungslimit. Die Leute werden unzufrieden bzw irgendwelche Kosten steigen plötzlich, also Defizit. Ich kann nicht mit meiner neuen Kolonie handeln, noch nicht einmal Essen schicken. Alles ausgegraut im Importmanager. Vermutlich braucht man eine Handelsstation. Die ist aber unerschwinglich. Erst hat man keine Ressourcen, dann kein Geld mehr wegen Defizit.

Die neue Bonus-Forschungsstation ist Quatsch. +3%, was soll ich damit? Das ist irrelevant. Die Forschung ist sowieso super langsam und teuer. Ich kann mir gerade mal 5 Prozentpunkte leisten. Damit bin ich in Ewigkeiten bei 30.000 und der ersten Technologie.

Ich bin mir nicht sicher aber ich glaube, das hat mal besser funktioniert. Oder ich habe irgendetwas nicht richtig verstanden.

Developer (1 edit)

Hi soulieberlin!

Stellar sovereign economy requires a bit more unconventional approach then other games, first of you should not worry about not having excess money all the time. In the beginning your two best bet is high taxes and selling your resources on the market.

Selling resources is almost equivalent to cheating in my experience. Send your mining fleet to a new system, when it mined around 50% of its current location, the reason is that they mine out the rare resources in the beginning and after that they mostly mine common resources that does not sells well on the market. Later you may want to colonize a planet with high resource yield and sell it on the market each turn.

Regarding population growth, migrate your pioneer population to your second colony that frees up space at your capital. It also helps to pick a government type that lowers the cost of housing development.

About importing food; indeed, you need a trade connection to the colony in order to import goods, but you do not need a trade station at the receiving colony. Use the trade station of your homeworld and establish a trade route with your second solar system, then assign freighters to the route and begin importing from the capital.

Research is indeed expensive at the beginning but there are numerous opportunities to mitigate it over the course of the game, there are technologies, traits, bonuses, events and a treaty that can help you with that. I also suggest to half the research cost at the start when you set up the game.

And you may consider picking the random technologies starting bonus, it gives you 10 random tier 1 technologies.

About research bonus, it starts out small, but can be grown until +999%. Each research station provides +5% and what the system has, as well as +1% after each lab module.

What is a bit unconventional about Stellar Sovereigns economy is that you cannot easily afford all that you have access to, so you must prioritize. I know it is frustrating that the population may protest your hight taxes or that their growth is caped, but you building a new capital vessel so they just have to suck it up. On the other hand, when your shiny new ship is built, you ease up for awhile and develop your colony.

Thanks for your feedback, please provide suggestions, ideas on how to approach balancing the economy and I will do my best to implement.

p.s.: You may enjoy Altron’s series:


Hi soulieberlin!

Here is a bit of an update that aims to alleviate some of the issues you brought up.

For the next update I added starting resources multiplier options 1x 2x 3x which should help with the early game.

I also removed the cost restriction on colony development, which now allows the player to go into debt when paying for colony development, to solve the issue of unable to pay for needed development. In reality most of governmental developments are based of debt so it is not so farfetched. 

I also added Governor feature to help automate colony development, with options for specialization as well as budgetary constraint that allows the player to stay in control. 

If you have any other ideas just let me know!

With selling ressources, I get along now. It's just counter intuitive to sell ressources, which I will need later for construction.

How can I get information about the enemy ships like armor, weapons, shield etc. with numbers?

It's impossible to destroy even a single ship of a regular enemy. (Mashine AI and Sectiod are instant suicide anyways. No idea how to salvage menace ships to research their technologies. Perhaps I need 10 fleets.)

Shield strenth, shield recovery, armor and repair rate are too high. Without any detailed info on the enemy ships, I can not figure out, what to research for counter. I am afraid I even need second tier weapons. And better shields/armor too. Perhaps I have no chance either, because at the time I get the technology, the enemy has even better protection and weapons.



Selling/buying resources is part of economy especially when you take it into account that you gain resources from colonies that never run out :P

Menace forces are purposefully designed to be difficult to defeat especially whit tier 1 weaponry.

Pirates are the weakest with some upgrades and and few tier two rockets but generally have the same stats as your ships.

Sectoids have no shield just heavy armor and good regeneration, but what makes them op is they disruptor weaponry that depletes your  weapons capacitators.

My strategy against them is autocannons with armor piercing upgrade, missiles, rockets and torpedoes. 

Obviously you need more ships that they have, but a lone sectoid fleet can be beaten by two with enough cannons, dont waste your power on energy based weapons against Sectoids, those take too long to charge and you just gone lose your charge amount when a disruptor hits.

Turn off energy weapons and focus fire with ballistics, missiles and torpedoes

Regarding, machine ai! You need all you can get, they are all around OP, they have excellent defensive capabilities that you have to be able to power through with serious fire power.  Machine ai meant to be fought with overwhelming strength and a bucket of luck!   

One think to keep in mind that beside pirate raiders, sectoids and machine ai is not actively seeking you out, they have no directive to defeat you unless you happened to be in their way and even then after a fight they usually fly away! For example if you happened to colonize a system that is their destination they arrive and then leave.

You need salvage sensor equipped for your mining mothership in order to be able to salvage technology. You find it in a slot at the front left side of the mining mothership when facing you. Equip that sensor and then for every ships that it salvages it has 15% chance that a technology is salvaged from it, but keep in mind that only those techs can be salvaged that are equipped on the wreck. Also the salvage is only partial so you may need to spend money to complete it. 

FYI: When you destroy 3 ships in a battle 3 ships will be salvaged 1 per turn per mining mothership in orbit. The process is automatic just send it to the wreck and you will get report every turn. 

Menace forces are my problem later. It's clear that they are designed as tough monsters.

I even can not battle sucessful against regular enemies. I have no info about their ships. Without any numbers, I can not calculate how  much weapon power and how much defence I need.


I will look into it, the only possible way I see that could be done is the same way as you view your own ships just without being able to edit their design.

Please let me preview the weapons in the shipyard before ordering. Now I have to order a ship, pay the price and change to the system reserve, to see the weapons.


You can just not from the shipyard! Buying from the shipyard is a shortcut, the original way was from the fleet menu, just as you do it in the very beginning. My suggestion do not use the shipyard if you want to see the loadout properly but create a new fleet and use the + button which opens the vessel options, there you can see it. I am sorry but it is just not feasible to do it in the shipyard.

Then maybe the shipyard screen is redundant as a feature. Just merge the functions of shipyard and new fleet in a single screen, where you can order also the construction of frighters.

Can  upgarade or improve the bigger weapons of the capital ships?

It would be nice, if there is a panel where you can select the ships in battle. To find them on the map is tricky.


No upgrade on the bigger weapons yet :P except torpedoes.

A couple of things I am planning to work on for finding ships easier. 1 maybe indicators at the edge of screen when ships are off screen, 2 icons that you can see even from far like in HW, as well will take a look at getting better contrast for the mini map. 

But it may takes a while when i am getting around to these.


Also forgot to mentioned that I want to give a CTRL+A short cut to select all vessels.

Wie in einem anderen Post schon erwähnt, hat das Spiel einige Design-Probleme.

Z.B. sind die Ressourcenproduktionen der Planeten viel zu klein. Was nützt es mir, wenn der Planet 2 Trihelium produziert, wenn ich für einen Frachter allein 500 brauche?

So wie die Planeten-Ökonomie modelliert ist, ist auch das Planetenmanagement überflüssig bzw. sinnlos. Planetenmanagement (die Regler) macht nur Sinn, wenn man damit auch etwas "entscheiden" kann. Hier sind die Restriktionen, die aus dem Modell folgen so streng, dass es überspitzt gesagt quasi nur eine mögliche vernünftige Einstellung gibt. Alle anderen Einstellungen sind spielmechanisch sinnlos und führen in die Katastrophe. Daher könnte man die Regler auch einfach weglassen. Regler bzw. Planetenmanagement braucht man nur, wenn man auch richtig steuern muss, z.B. weil dauernd etwas passiert. Hier passiert aber nichts. Ok, die Wachstumsrate ist nicht gleichbleibend, daher muss man später mehr Hauser bauen, aber das ist kein echtes interessantes Steuern, was in einem Spiel Spaß macht.

Und was nützen mir die Gouverneure, wenn ich doch diese überwachen muss bzw. Anpassungen machen muss?


Hello there!

The resource production of a planet grows with your industry, as well as you can find planets with 2 or 3 times yield, browse the planet explorer menu. I am making millions with the resources mined from colonies and selling them off at the exchange every 5-10 turns.

In other games you have not much to do with development of a colony, beside putting down the same building over and over and thinker with pops where you want them to work.

In Stellar Sovereigns I am attempting to model development from a governmental point of view like how the administration provides money to towns to spend on development.

I think the thing gets interesting, when you cannot afford development and have to decide where to cut back and try to stabilize over time.  

The choices I often make are of, at which planet to grow excess food, where to build industry and the logistics of feeding needy colonies.

When it comes to population, I often deal with migrating the pioneer population to new colonies and using political capital to stimulate growth or invest into propaganda.

I often aim at achieving colonial development goals to get that sweet empire point to advance my traits.

Colony development might be a bit dull, but it is only a piece of the pulse.

That said I think it can be improved, so if you have any suggestions, I am all for it, beside throwing the whole thing out.   

Hey @ all reading this ^^

I wanted to share some of my thoughts about the game mechanics right now. I will call my post

  'Quantity over Quality!?'

I ain't got any problems with mineral extraction, mining, population growth or speed of R&D development. I realized the biggest 'problem' where I can't find a clever solution so far is the ship and module building mechanic, so I want to share my thoughts.. 

After getting started, establishing my first colonies and trade routes, exploring surrounding systems, develop a little statonary defence and researching first weapons the time comes the first enemies showing up. Let's call this game state 'settled down in unkown space'. At this point I may have 1 or max 2 shipyards. Now is the time to establish a defence fleet, if not - sooner or later the enemy would destroy my expensive stations.

Establishing a Capital ship with 2 supporters takes time(turns).. Because it also takes time to install new weapons and sub systems. And here I started to get in trouble. I need to look very sharp at my reccources at this early game state. And I need also at least some mining ships and freighters.. So the shipyard is quite busy. 

And here my thinking starts. Is it worth to research for the tier 2 weapons? I need recources, R&D time, and changing weapons needs a realy segnificant amount of over all recources. Sure, a well equipped vessel is worth the work, but if 1 well equipped get atacked by a fleet of 4 capitals, it doesen't got a chance. Also one good equipped ship can't be at 2 places at same time.

I am in my test stage level 2 right now. First try was easy mode.. I builded patiently those well equipped ships, and in 'mid game' (start atacking minor enemies) due to that I blocked all my, lets say 6, shipyards like all the time, with repairing, upgrading, reloading troops and new fleet establishing. And there came this question in my mind.

Why I dont just focus on quantity over quality? Due to I safe a lots of time in research and harvesting if I would focus on only tier 1 weapons, and also saving so much shipyard time, I could establish like 6 fleets at same time, with good life quality due to I must not change any modules..   

So now I am at test stage 2. I have harder difficult level now. And did not took a beginning bonus. This time I will safe those reccources, focus on other development. And I will establish more quantity but bad equipped fleets.

The Carrier ship type is a good example.. If I builded those in first test phase, I developed the 3rd Tier fighter bombers, and all of theyre bonuses. But if I build a vessel and change all the fighters and weapons, it takes much more time and clicks rather to just build 12-18 'unequipped' ones / tier 1, in same time with much lesser effort on credits minerals and pre research.

Maybe the whole building mechanic, and the time management/ time (clicks) investing, results in a significant advatage over raw quantity. But to be honest, at this stage of testing right now, I would be suprised. 

These are my thoughts so far. I will let you know to wich result I may come.. Also your thoughts on that problem would interest me a lot.

Best regards

Choleric o7

Hey there,

started a 'difficult' game this time. Things are going very well. I am much more cautious leaving my systems, builded them out as real shelters..

I am at turn 250 roundabout right now, looking forward to start attacking and spreading when I play on.

I am not sure about damage effect. It also could be an advantage if defense system make more damage. I wasn't sure about that so I stayed with '1'.

The Tech Cost I forgot to adjust, I do it next time. Encounters I already witnessed, thats fun, lost a mining fleet becausee they spawned without seeing a signature. Thats quite cool. But Waves didn't happend so far. Just the usual 2 Pirate fleets attacking.

I made the universe quite big, because I think its harder to prepear for incoming fleets. I already played a very close distant system, that was easy because I could sepperate enemies due to the short distances. I am excited how war would be like here in this wide spreaded universe.. 

Greetings Choleric o7 


Awesome Choleric,

About the Damage multiplier, think of it whether you want engagements to be quicker then increase it or if you want to be slower set it 0.5x.

Have fun and enjoy!

hi just quick one read your post about v 1.0 and steam. Will we be able to get our game that was prepurchased here on steam?


Hi, Unfortunately the Early Access phase of the game is over here on so purchases since then are not providing a steam key.
But if you bought your copy before  28th of November 2022 then I thank you in your EA support and ask you to send your invoice to me in email and I will send you a steam key when released.

will do

sent - purchased on 18/10/2021


Thanks, I found yours!

 I am archiving those emails and will send out your codes upon release!

Thank you for participating in Early Access! 

great stuff. No problems