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It was a successful week for our "Auto Shipping Solution" project as we made significant progress this week. During this time, I worked on refining the master schedule for our team. Collaborating closely with my team members, we meticulously outlined our goals and deadlines, ensuring a comprehensive roadmap for our project's journey ahead.

In parallel, I assisted in setting up our Jira project. This crucial initiative has streamlined our task tracking and deadline management. The main task I was assigned was recategorizing and rewriting our user stories since they didn't quite meet our expectations at the time.

I also had the opportunity to contribute to our art bible. It was a team effort to define the aesthetic vision of our game, focusing on aspects like color palettes and character designs. My role involved providing input and suggestions in terms of color palettes and helping to shape a coherent and visually appealing style for our game.

I also delved into the auditory aspect of our project, focusing on the game's sound effects. I thought I could incorporate some unique audio elements such as metallic clinks and gear rotations to enhance the game's immersive experience. My team member David, who is currently taking a sound design course, will be providing valuable insights, which I am deeply grateful for.

For sound effects, I plan to use a mix of existing resources and some original recordings. This approach should bring a rich and authentic feel to the game's audio landscape, adding another layer of engagement for players. 

Each step this week, from scheduling to artistic development, was a collaborative effort. As part of a team where every contribution matters, I feel great to be a part of this project. It will be exciting to see our project evolve over the next few weeks as we continue to collaborate.

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It's good to see a lot of work being poured into the pre production of  your project!

I would advise your team to start pressing on into working your prototype/proof of concept into a playable build, or at least a vertical slice, for the upcoming playtest.

I wish we had a little bit more time for pre production, but it seems we're being thrust right into the playtesting aspect of this project, meaning we need concrete builds of some kind. 

I wish you and your team luck on your project, and I believe your work on setting up future plans will pay off for you.