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Quest Of Life Modern AgeView game page

Quest of life is a game about choice and life.
Submitted by Rens Agatha (@Rens_agatha) — 2 days, 4 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This was a nice game, I enjoyed the story and the mapping was very very well done! I'm assuming it was quite a bit longer than 30 minutes though, I played for 40 but felt like I wasn't even half way through. Still a great game from what I saw :D
  • Hey there ! :) Sorry, i didn't make it until the end. I played 30min tho, but i was too bored to continue. There is good things, the zoom is quite nice, the little mini game is cool, and i was impressed by the opening. But there is a lot of things that bored me. First, everything is so slow. The player don't walk fast, there is a lot of useless scenes, like elevator, that slow down the progression, and even when interacting with an object for example, there is a little delay after that where the player can't move. This is frustrating. But the major issue is that i really don't like to going from one place to go to another place, and then going back to the first place, day after day after day ... This is like 90% of the gameplay, where you just walk to go to your work or go back to your house. Second, the writing is terrible. There is a lot of typo, but well, if you are not english i understand. But there is also a lot of conversation that are useless. "Hey, hello ! How are you ? Fine and you ? Fine ! See ya later !". What's the point of those dialogues ? They are just boring. And when dialogues are not boring and are really important for the story, they are not realistic, like the police-man that just reveal very confidential information that he shouldn't even know. Still, there is good things, and one that i really like is that we are able to make choice. Also the hunger system, even if it's not very used, and the mini games, like i said. Anyway, thank for your submission, cya ;). Drag.

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Oh dear... Oh dear... Quest of Life Modern Age...

- Ok, let's start with the positive: the presentation is pretty much flawless and that's definitely the strongest part about this game. It's beautiful to look at. The story is interesting and you have the feeling your choices can have an impact on it.

- You can't interact with the bath from here. Small detail, but worth mentioning.

- There is mistakes almost everywhere in the text. Also, there is diminutives? Why not write things in full?

- No text saying I shouldn't go there for that specific path? Again a detail, but it's a bit inconsistent compared to other paths in the game.

- The game... is awfully repetitive. This is not fun. Cut the repetitions, get the player where he have to get to: "Go to work? Yes. *gets teleported to work or an event triggers on the way there*", it would make the game so much more bearable.

- Wait WTF? I made sure to be above 50 % hunger and had over 1000$! The conditions were met! And yet, the game - despite acknowledging at first we had enough - tells me I didn't had enough money for the both to escape anyway? That's bullshit! And frustrating! What happened? Also there is a message that told Alice didn't made it... but she did? this ending makes no sense! What just happened?

*sigh* Well, this game have its strong points, but the further you play, the more you realize how clunky it truly is. The inconsistencies are small details. The constant broken English break the immersion. The repetition ruins the fun. And the ending makes no sense, telling one thing and its exact opposite.

With that said, I still wish you a good luck in this game jam.


I enjoyed this a bit, the zoom function was well used and the maps looked good. The story seemed pretty interesting, but it was a very slow crawl to get there. It was very creative and a nice change of pace, so keep up the good work!

Jam Judge(+1)

Hey there! Not sure if you saw, but we did high level feedback of your Jam entry on our YouTube channel:


it's been long time i didnt check the jam since covid, but thank you i'll noted the feedback XD I love the review


I has critics... First I can tell English is not your native language so I won't hold any of that against you although I think drifty will freak when he plays this.

Second this is a game jam game. You made a lot of thigs take way to long! Like the tutorials and elevators...

I am pretty sure I went through the game about as fast as possible but it was an hour long.

That being said, it was a fun story although it said I didn't have enough money when I did... Need to fix your ending events.

I played it till the end! Good gritty distopian world but delete the elevator and slow walking...

Good job overall!


No problem, Im gonna note that i the future thanks for try the game XD


I found the plot intriguing and builds a sense of mystery in this dystopian world. The pacing is a bit slower, which I think is ok for what this game is going for. The mapping along with the lighting system is beautiful. The way you play 2 characters and their paths intersect is interesting.

I do feel that Tim's minigame felt a little out of place, but rummaging for food in the trash and dodging snipers fit the theme well. There are some minor bugs here and there towards the end eg Tim kept gaining the hunger points when trying to feed Alice.

Overall this is quite well done!


Thank you,  yes i kinda wanna make another minigame for tim but i know it wont finish about under 30 minute  but i'll think about it if i would working on the game in the future XD

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

digging through the trash for food is such realistic gameplay 

it is indeed a quest of modern life

But to be serious I like the way you can interact between 2 characters but there were a lot of things that I didn't like: basically its everything that AceOfAces said and also tutorials. Tutorials should be short and clear but in this game they're like annoying people on messengers who spam you 10 messages with 1-3 words instead of just sending one big message with all the info. Dialog boxes in RPG maker have 4  lines you should use them. In the last tutorial it even said "this is the last tutorial" twice! Why do you even need a tutorial to tell people how to dig in trash? They can figure it out by themselves XD And there also were some logical inconsistencies at the ending.


Thank's i'll remember how i should use the dialogue box. 

Ah i kinda forgot if i said the last tutorial twice XD but i'll keep it and would change it.
i want to make a game that more sense but don't really have time when i realise on day 3 it's already almost 30 minute so i just end the story so people would finish it quickly. most likely the slow gameplay that makes it long.


OK. I gotta say: The game's visually impressive.  I like the lighting quite a lot. The writing errors did took away from the experience but I was able to follow along. The weakest point was the game play however. It's quite repetitive. Mostly due to two things: Tim's job is quite lacking (way too easy and possibly left more to RNG) and the sniping section. The sniping section suffers from wonky hit detection making it quite difficult to move around. And yet, by simply dashing to the exit made it a breeze. I wish that was fleshed out better.

All in all, a decent, albeit flawed game.


Interesting i'll keep that in mind.
yeah about writing error im not an english speaker so i know some people would disturbed about it XD


This is visually impressive, I really liked the intro. I wish I could move faster.


I made a decision when I made the game and I think if I use normal speed, the player doesn't get the feeling I want to give, so I choose the gameplay using slow passing. 
But i'll take that suggestion I might change it in the future.


I have re-uploap the file to fix some balance issue.

Link to the Devlog :