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A jam submission

Legend of LonkView game page

Save Lowrule from a Virus in this NES Zelda like Game
Submitted by Glauz — 7 minutes, 51 seconds before the deadline

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Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • This was a lot of fun, you did quiet well in emulating the feel of the legend of zelda. This is a definite crowd pleaser.
  • Hey there :). Very nice game, good gameplay, with, of course, nice reference to Zelda. The only reason i didn't make it until the end was the bugs. I started with the buggy version, so i've already lost 5min, then i see there was a fixed version and decided to give it another try. But even in the fixed version, i encoutered some bugs. Been stuck in an enemy when changing map, then entered in a tent and when i get out i was teleported somewhere in a small city, then decided to talk to a merchant and the game crash again cause of a missing resource. This is where i stopped. But anyway, from what i've seen, you put a lot of effort in that game, and i appreciated that. Hitbox are a bit annoying, but it's okay. There is a lot of thing to do, boss, puzzles, and other hidden things. Great job, and thank for your submission. Cya :) Drag

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Hi! Great game! Ambitious and well made! I liked it honestly! But there is also a few problems we must talk about.

- The HUD messes with the text box.

- There was a moment at the beginning of the game after getting the sword, it didn't appeared upon pressing the attack button. (But I still could attack like normal, the sword was just invisible.)

- Exiting the tent located in 2,1 causes Lonk to spawn on 1,2 instead.

- Entering 2,1 for the 3rd time in that manner crashed the game. (I don't know what might have triggered it though because it didn't do it again afterwards. Maybe the monster?)

- I'm supposed to have a warping item in my inventory, but I can't find it anywhere. Which mean you can softlock your game by failing the puzzle game hard enough.

- Also avoid putting monsters that attacks you right after the map change before you can do anything. Most of the time, when I mess up, I have the feeling this is my fault. But this is the kind of situation which could lead the player to think "I messed up because of the game!" And you don't want this to happen.

- Wherever you dive in -2,4 or in 3,0, you will always spawn in 3,0 while exiting the area.

- There is a little problem with your trees in 1,1.

- You can't walk on that bridge? That's even more frustrating considering there is a chest on the other side.

- It rains underwater and inside the dungeon? (Accessible by diving in 1,6.)

- There is numerous instances where the text breaks out of the textbox.

- So if you beat the final boss, but his clones are still there, Lonk can still be hit by the clones' projectiles and get his HP lowered to 0. When it happens, Lonk died shortly after the ending sequence starts and the credit rolls on a mostly back screen. After the credits, the game teleports the player back to last checkpoint instead of the title screen. Going from that checkpoint and beating the final boss again while being still alive causes the credit sequence to roll again on a similar black screen from start to finish. (But afterwards, the game sends the player back to the title screen as normal.)

There you go! Again, I enjoyed myself! This game is good and the problems I encountered weren't enough to ruin the fun. The good outweights the bad here and that's nice to see.

Best of luck for that game jam! ^^


Neat Zelda-like game! Hitboxes are a little wonky but was ok once you get used to them. Really cool to find clues to access secret areas. Did run into an issue where the final boss doesn't appear. Perhaps it is invisible like a virus? Lonk should definitely wash his hands afterwards.


That's lame that you got to experience that. Its a bug then can sometimes occur after you beat the wolf boss (my convoluted eventing for the bosses share a common flag between the 2). Well I guess everyone actually took the corona virus seriously haha.


You can kill the dog?! Worst score ever! Kidding, but I actually enjoyed all the references in the game. The konami code, the LoZ maps and even if it was a bit wonky the gameplay was a lot of fun. Keep making great games.


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. RIP Doggo 2020-2020

Jam Judge(+1)

Hey there! Not sure if you saw, but we did high level feedback of your Jam entry on our YouTube channel:

Submitted (1 edit)

One of the best game jam entries I've played so far, the gameplay is just 5\5. Although the boulder puzzle really pissed me off bcs I accidentally pushed the black orb into a corner 3 times and rage quited the cave. I also couldnt get back to surface when after I jumped into the lake. And there's no options so I couldnt adjust the volume. But I still enjoyed playing this game I hope you'll win!

Jam Judge (1 edit)

The epitaph that inadvertently broke Steel. XD


The concept and execution are interesting, however I think there might be a bug with the boulder puzzle. He says that he gave you a Warp item, but he doesn't actually give you an item. This meant that I got stuck when I managed to block myself in, and I hadn't saved since before entering a boss dungeon (which I'd promptly found had a boss that was too strong for me to beat just yet).

I never knew there was a pixel movement script for VXAce, I only knew of the ABS scripts that I used back when I used VXAce.

The hitboxes on enemy drops are a little hit-or-miss, sometimes it takes several passes of walking over them before I can pick them up.

I also noticed in the screenshots that there are supposed to be spells, but I could not find any of them.

In addition, the HUD is 1 HP off. When the HUD says the player is at 473, they're actually at 474 (and so on).

There were also some typos and grammatical errors (I'm not sure how many were intentional and how many weren't).


Thx for playing the game. Yah I noticed many of the downfalls after I uploaded the game. After playing with the ABS I eventually  gotten used to it but didn't consider new players. The pickups are difficult to pick up because the hitboxes are smaller than they are suppose to due to the pixel-movement scripts. The 1 HP is intentional because every time when you die you had 1 hp left. The boulder bug is upsetting and sorry you had to go through that. Also scaling the boss sizes didn't help since it was the image and not the hitboxes.  I guess this it what happens when you turn the engine into something that it wasn't suppose to be. Either than that, thank you for playing the game!


Aha! I know what game you are copying.....Mario Bros. Hard to play abs on makers but It was really nice see the Zelda maps all over again, were pretty accurate. Gj...that pillar puzzle took me like 10 mins lol


Yah, abs on makers was something I unfortunately gotten used to and didn't consider other players. In hindsight I should have stuck to a simple rpg game but wanted to do something different. I'm glad to see that you got some fun from it and thx  for playing it!

Developer (1 edit)

This version is broken due to one missing image. If your interested in NES zelda like games, you can put your VX Ace RTP files ontop of mine to include missing files or see additional instructions on game page.

You can also try to play the game it was suppose to be like here (FIXED):

I Spent a long time on this so I just want it to be playable.