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A member registered Feb 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was really something else, it was new. Im not a fan of 3D maker games, since I suck at navigation. But I see what you tried to pull off and you did.

I must say that the controls are the weakest point, or maybe the lack of explanation to be more intuitive.

But this was really creative, Kudos!!

I dont know how to feel about this game , i love it, really love it and then I hate it a bit XD. Your core mechanic is really cool but sometimes its a bit unfair, like you made this emchanic to be really chocie heavy, but sometimes getting an item or two will be undone by another choice(like getting a better item next room). Or maybe it just happened to me so often that I felt it unfair.

I died on the last room, by the Medusa, I fight mostly strongest enemies on the previous rooms so I think she was a bit OP.

Ok, after writing this and thinking about your game, I dont hate it even a bit.l i think it ewas super fun and quite challenging.

I didnt know this was your first game, so great job!! I'm not going to delve much because other ppl said it already. There is a lot of room for improvement but you have talent, the design of the four room and the switches and one of them having multiple switches was a good puzzle IMO. You need to think of making a more cohesive story , but it was...ok.

Also, you had me on "I see, humans are still stupid." XD XD XD 

Well, at this point, the requirements of making a good jam have been mastered by you, so i wont delve much in the perfect length duration and whatnots.

Again, a super strong entry. You made a hybrid of púzzle/battle/shield system and its quite fun. the shifting between your characters its super fun and of course a medullar part of the system, You always recommend  other ppl how they should expand their jams to  full fledge games and this I think, you should do on this one, cant imagine the variety and complexity of having 3 or 4 party members that combo and adapt to various barrier problems.

As always im impressed by your entry Human, but this one I think its  my favorite so far, seriosly, develop a full game with this mechanic and story.

Also, I love how you incorporate your family in your dev passion, it really adds =)


I LOVE the ambiance. I was melancholic all the time, so you accomplished your theme superbly.  I think you nailed the narrative of this game. 

BUT, I only got the ending without seeing them, how can I see them in the present time? I NEED to see them  XD

WOOOOW. this entry is amaaazing! Your battle Hud is great, your system is great. I would love to play a full game with this mechanic. 

It definitely needs some tweaks, like I literally just used the up combos and never healed or dodged and finished the game. Maybe having heal and up combo in cooldowns just lik you did with the assist.

But seriously, Im impressed, good job!

Im a fan of the series so i was impressed on how well you mimic the pokemon franchise, with a bit of a new elements of your creation.

Great job, aesthetically and fun gameplay!

Wow! this was a neat game! A hack and slash, you dont see those very often. I loved the graphic and sound design. I didnt get much of the story though. I missed how to see my level and how to get money, maybe those are not implemented yet? 

Any way, this was a great and pleasant experience.

The only complaint i would have is that it gets repetitive very soon, before you get the soldier's that aid you, it is just scroll hit hit , scroll hit hit. Maybe do a mission where you need to protect someone on a specific location, or retrieve and item, or a puzzle. Something like that =)

(1 edit)

I like this entry. The ambiance is good and scary and mystical. I specially like the graphics and the audio design(pls dont place the default winning battle theme, it ruins it!). The battle system is a bit complex to get it but then , once you do, you start to enjoy it.  I dont get it why once you have the ranger and go fight the grave digger the ranger will not be in your party.

Once you farm on those wolves, last boss its easy peasy.

Good job, I enjoy this!

Woop Woop Warpo!!

Ok, Im not going to delve on whats already been said, the parallel process kills your game completely and I also got the fatal crash  of .lastskill. fortunately, I got it on the second fight so I restart the game. Another thing is. If you restart the game and press the ok button fast enough, the picture of "Warp  enegma presents" will never go away. So I had to restart again.

I like the core mechanic of having a timer, that coupled with the music really felt pressing in a good way. I liked your dungeon design as well, giving some different paths to your player. I was able to beat the second boss but then , since i was super lagged I walked into some damn spikes and died =(.

So, I think this if polished, would be something real good. I good idea is to let some close friends play it before uploading the jam, that way you can get those pesky obvious bugs out of the way real quick.

Heeeeey! Nice mechanic. It was fun to go against  the clock. I like the battle system, nice skills and nice setup with shields and stuff.

My only complaint is that I dont think you can beat the last boss without one health potion(forgot the name). I was out of them so I backtracked to the the vending machine.  But what if I dont have any money left=? Or what if the player didn't discovered the vending machine?]

They would be softlocked.  Otherwise, very neat entry!

I got as far as after third key. Im not much for these type of games but I found it quite enjoyable.  I would ´ve like a bit more connection between the characters because I felt story was all over the place. 

It was fun but after the third key I felt a bit drained.

I liked your game very much. It was simple but fun to play. I loved the gold star mechanic, havnt seen it that often So i was super excited to craft more of them .

I have one thing to say about balance, I used the rusted  knife which poisons the enemy very often. That state is super OP BUT I noticed a lot of bosses have HUGE hp pools and how is the player supposed to kill those without the poison state? I mean they can but it would take  a lot of time. So nerf the hps and the state, my opinion.

Also the final boss was a bit anticlimactic cause I killed them with one shot with the knife that can insta KO, did I got super good RNG? or that 1ko is luck(stat) based? cause i had it pretty high.

Any way, your game is really good, fun to play and the length is perfect .

Oh another thing, if an enemy doesnt drop gold you get nothing at all? it felt a bit unfair, having some bosses drop a lot and then getin excited fighting the next one and bam, no gold at all.

(1 edit)

Awwww this was a very cute(and good entry). To bad it way to short. I thought there would be a lot of time travel and eras to play in as babies.
Great Job!! 

Aesthetically it looks really good. Battle system is simple and super easy.
Like it!

Whats the music on the title screen?! I know its from a game or a cartoon but I cant recall it and it is eating meeeee haha,

EDIT: Crash Bandicoooot!! got it haha

Card game!! Love me some card games!! 
This was really fun, its simple but adds a lot of depth.  would love to see this on a multiplayer scale, computer opponents are just way too easy, I wanted to ask you a technical question how do you programmed the AI? It seems to random but there should be some programming behind it right? Im just curious.

I loe the card game, story is good and busts are great too. Great job!!

I LOVED your game. First, I was immediately hooked with the characters names (Gabriel and Lucifer) which its a good thing cause your text dump is BIIIIG. But since I was hooked i didn't mind.  Then your battle system is quite fun, it was so fun that the first chance i got, I maxed out my gear , all melee, guns protection etc.   It was quite satisfying to get the best gear.

Balance is ok, but its a bit on the hard side, unless you max your gear. The boss I think its quite hard, It has way too much HP and since I grind for hours, it shouldn't taken me so long to defeat.

One thing that could really work well with your system is the ability to change weapons mid battle (from melee to guns).

Also, your skills action sequencing was really good too!

I have quite the fun experience, congratulations to great entry!!

This is a  neat entry!! Like the custom art. The semi thriller horror vibe its good. i like the puzzle, not very complicated but not super easy. Time span of the game was perfect and characters and interesting.

Mapping was also a strong point. Battle system was regular but a twist of equippingng skills, not bad at all. (Rats might be too high on hp)

Overall a very pleasant experience. It maaaay be too short for a demo, but for a jam its prefect.

Great Job!

Aesthetics were new for me, I like em!! I love the sprites, they looked silly at moments but over all the mapping and sprites were my favorite thing.

You need to revise your triggering events and the events per se. you can cancel and repeat same event over and over and after the second explosion I was softlocked into the game.

Combat was simple, not bad but not impressive either.

It was a good entry, gave me different vibes, it just needs tons of polish.

I dont know if you can enlarge the window somehow, ppl like me with poor eyesight finds it a bit hard to play it. I would say that even though I didnt find a wow element on your game, i love how you implemented the silent protagonist. Not only was lore related, but the other characters made it simple to understand what he would say and thats pretty cleaver.

I think you need to work on a batter battle system that is not just default, make it interesting for your player. Oh, I liked how the face sprite of the characters turn pops out letting u know whos acting, that is a super cool and useful addition. 

Great Puzzle game, executed not that very well. I love puzzle games and yours my friend appears to be a good one. I think you need better explanation on how the game works, how to kill viruses what hurts you  etc etc. Like, I didnt mind the crash cause you are dead anyway. But I took me way too long to understand how to play it. Im pretty sure that if you refined this game it will have ALOT of audience,.

I like it, even though with the problems i encountered.

Ok, this one was hard to play. This might be a bit harsh:

I was about to rage quit  on the first battle, thats way too much HP for a first battle. Not only that, but there was like 50 skills per character (or felt that way) to read and chose from. My skills and magic  missed half the time. Didn't find an item to revive an ally, and then the boss healed for 1k. 

I tried the game a second time on easy difficulty, And I was glad I finished it in a couple of rounds. I thought maybe that was just a balancing issue. But then I didn't understand ANYTHING. I get the silent protagonist, but the whole game was silent, didn't know what to do so i just keep advancing, then a couple of fights and then I get an ending I guess? images and Japanese words.

So im assuming  you tried something new and different on this jam but I missed it. 

And Im sad because game looks beautiful from the get go, the menus are astonishing and the sound its great. your Action sequencing is really good too.

So, Game looks great and sounds awesome, but it wasn't a very fun experience.

Dude!! this game for being your first jam is AWWEESOME! Of course, the custom assets are always appreciated and I love yours. Yes, your game feels rushed but like I said, its really impressive for being your first jam. The battle system needs a bit of love, since I button mashed till the end. But hey, super well done entry!

Hey!! Now I can recognize any of your games, you are making a name for yourself. This game was really awesome. I think you are my favorite dev on 1st person battle systems, you actually make it fun and it looks beautiful.  I think the story was good, I was hooked, its not a new theme, but the characters make it interesting. I like the choices you placed, I had to save and load to actually see other outcomes. Your system was neat, gaining points to 1. open chests or 2. buy stuff and remain alive.

I battled everything so at the end it was super easy, but I think that's the perk of grinding. My only complaint (not even complaint, more like a suggestion) is that I see you reused some animations from your other games, they look amazing but given the talent that you have, you should create new, awesome ones.  Congratz, This is a really great entry.

It got really interesting, really fast (intro was done right, with a MGS vibe) then a TP system which I liked. But then, story wise, it goes all over the place(Ha, that angel chick was a douche, like, Ill help you ONLY if you do this, not complaining, it was funny.) I think you could have achieve waaay more with a bit more of time, like it was starting strong, maybe a couple more missions of time travel, Or a better finale.

My experience was good. But it could gotten better =)

Well, this one is hard to rate. Definitely its an unfinished, reeaaaally unfinished game.  I can say that the story was hooking me, like some medieval  demons with 1 and 0 data, interesting. But as soon as I was ready to adventure, it was over. I like the skill system you semi implemented adn the breaking the 4th wall you had going on. I would like you to finish this jam and upload it =)

Nooooooooooooo! Why you ppl keep doing this? all the super fun games are super short! When I  beat the boss I was like, oh cool, this is going to be great. THE END =(.

Super fun to play! I dont think a game can be simpler, great job!

I really liked the custom art,  thats always a super plus. The problem that I had was that I didnt have any direction I was stuck once I got a second airship.  There is this two nasty bugs 1. if you click directional movement while opening chest, you get softlock behind them and need to restart. 2.When talking to mamamia, the screen froze, that one was weird.

I wish I could have finish the game, I wanted to see the not what it seem theme.

I really enjoy this game! except for the last part where I had to give up =(. It really felt like as stealth game with actual mechanics on it. The animations on map where really something. There was a lot of different missions. I gave up on the part where you need to tail the green dude without getting discovered. It appeared to random the way it discovered me and after A LOT of attempts, i decided to gave up. Bummer, would love to finish his game, I was soo into it.

Did i miss how to save my game? That is my only HUGE complaint. Not gonna lie, I died because I miss first chest, the one with potions, it was a bit frustrating and then I got to final boss, no previous indication of that so i couldnt prepare, LUCKILY I kill him with 4 hp remaining. but If i died there all my progress and levels and time would have gone to waste.

Ok, done with the bad side of it. Super nice Zelda like game, loved the puzzles. Also, the usable weapon mechanic feels nice, so you strategize a bit and not just button mash. Nice entry!

Im starting to see a pattern, all great games are super short. Yes, yours is one of them. I was really excited to learn it was a point and click timed puzzle mechanic, by the time I was super into it, BAM, game ended. Kudos on making a really nice and super fun game. I hope you can expand it a bit.

As always, if you are looking for a fun game, go visit Life´s Shop. I had so much fun!! I love the details you placed in the community members(Like Legna´s avatar or HA heterochromia).  I never played a game with Maze dungeons and I enjoy it, cause it makes for a super easy navigation. I lost 2 members (Sorry Humand and Real Tron). great job!

MAJOR flaw of this game....is waaay to short, because never something so simple was so fun. Great Job. Your battle system is so simple but it has depth. I hope you use this system on a full-scale game with a bit more complex enemies. I really like this entry =)

Ok, I had no idea where to go. that's my only complain. IT WAS SOOO FUN!! I like the hack and slash, the weapons', the map, the enemies, sound etc etc. This is a really good entry. The intro was dope too. If you place some direction for your player would be awesome.

Hey!! I liked your game a lot but unfortunately I got stuck on the roof and there was no way to jump down. I like the time mechanic, you should go beyond a jam with this game.

Hey, I hate horror games. yours is more like a thriller and i enjoyed a lot. It had a few bugs here and there but I could run all of it. Good pacing and good length . The ending is cool, did not saw that coming =) Nice entry!