Tried the game again. It's a lot easier when not streaming. Here's some remarks if you need them :
- I'm not sure the colors for the unlock requirements are clear. I thought yellow would be "to unlock", and green "unlocked". I also wonder if having little logos on the frames embedding a color + the state of the unlock would be both clearer and more intelligible
- The action cards should reveal themselves just a bit quicker when you select one
- The Action freeze button instead of changing its face should always be the snowflake, but have a frozen frame/background if it's ON
- After a sprint jump, I find the air slowing a bit harsh. It's nice to to do precise jumps, but it kinda ruin the momentum for me
- Have you thought of having the power jump starting its charge when you crouch instead of holding space? Or being able to charge it while still being able to move? I would find it more fluid for a speedrun
Best deving to you
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Thanks for playing it again. I can imagine not streaming makes it easier to concentrate.
The colours for unlocks make sense to me, and were suggested by colourblind anons, but yes icons showing ulocked state is something I want to do in future.
Action card speed should be adjusted in upcoming update.
Action freeze button not changing the icon, but freezing itself is a great idea.
After a sprint jump, I find the air slowing a bit harsh. It's nice to to do precise jumps, but it kinda ruin the momentum for me
Were you attempting bunny hopping, or something? Yes, the jump acting that way is for precise platforming and not moving around with jumps. If you want to travel fast, then try jumping and then dashing in air. There are also more unlockable abilities that make it even more extreme. Comboing air jumps with multiple dashes makes you fly really far too.
Have you thought of having the power jump starting its charge when you crouch instead of holding space? Or being able to charge it while still being able to move? I would find it more fluid for a speedrun
Power Jump just like other jumps changes its power depending on if you are crouching or not. As for it stopping your movement, it was fully intentional to make it that way. It's supposed to be a slow, but powerful way of getting a lot of height that requires extra planning, so making it fluid was not my intention (it's still good for speedrunning since it allows you to skip many platforming challenges in vertical rooms). Hover Jump is faster, and more precise, but costs more mana, and Multi Jump is the most versatile one.
Best deving to you too.
owo what's this? Dungeon Speedrunning + Management + Hentai? Very new and interesting concept! I love it!
So, I don't think you need several different Jump powers that you need to switch between. You can easily have them all together all at once, and simply unlock them one at a time on a skill tree of sorts. Seems like it'll be more fun, rewarding, and less finicky. Toss in more powers in that skill tree and you're golden.
Also, people hate Time Limits, so try to ease them up by making it so you do get more Gold if you clear it, but instead of just Losing, you could instead let people keep playing and just earn less Gold. You get halfsies if you choose to not have a time limit at all, and you could elevate the hardcore do or die time limit to be the greatest gold reward, sort of like an Easy, Normal and Hard mode.
And finally, lots of mechanics and menuing around. This will probably be tidied up in time, but I recommend focusing on trimming it down and narrowing it as you go along.
Can I get a Naked Man vase too?
Skill tree is planned for permanent upgrades, but many different abilities are tied to the seal system. How long/how many in-game days have you played? I actually have good reasons for keeping the jump abilities separate. I guess you could think of them as guns in fps (you don't want one gun that does everything).
people hate Time Limits
I am well aware of that. People hate many things.
instead of just Losing, you could instead let people keep playing and just earn less Gold
That would make the game much slower and grindier instead.
the hardcore do or die time limit
If you find yourself running out of time, it is better to go back to the entrance and cut your loses short. It's up to players how deep they want to explore, and if they feel confident enough to do objectives. Risk - Reward.
And finally, lots of mechanics and menuing around. This will probably be tidied up in time, but I recommend focusing on trimming it down and narrowing it as you go along.
It actually got much better already. It's going to be an ongoing battle.
Thanks for trying it out
Played for about an hour. Video (despite the choppiness of the video, the game worked fine):
I have played this game before, so I will comment on the things that drew my attention.
Cool to see the new figurines in game! They mesh with the art style really well.
The volume slider has a ton of space that is not used. I was trying to lower the sound of the page flip and money spending, they are way too loud.
Some actions frozen when the action screen is showed for the first time. Is this to show how freezing works? I like the drawings.
The game is now run based instead of lobby based. Kinda like a roguelike, but I don't know what the fail state is. Much easier to understand than the old menu, thats for sure. The images help a lot.
I'm happy I figured out the chest room mechanic, very cool stuff. The gold of the chest didn't add time though.
The dungeon modifiers and bathroom events overwhelmed me a bit. The game still could use less text overall. I know that it is not news for you.
I believe I managed well enough for the first two dungeons, but the third one kicked my butt. Maybe I need to familiarize myself with the rooms, a lot of them were introduced at once and threw me off.
I couldn't make the radar and other unlocks work or find the keybind to activate them. Maybe I'm missing something
I think that at the end I got the hang of the gameplay better, like how important it is to use crates to get a few more seconds of time and when to use skills near blue crates. There is definitely a learning curve to it.
Thank you very much for the video La_Fafafa. It helps my game through the eyes of a player.
Some actions frozen when the action screen is showed for the first time. Is this to show how freezing works?
Yes, it's my way to show you can do that and force those action to still be there even if players accidentally re-roll.
The game is now run based instead of lobby based. Kinda like a roguelike, but I don't know what the fail state is.
That's good to hear. I always intended it to be a game where you can do up to 5 minutes runs, and just do some prep in-between runs. Current fail state is just slowing down your progression - losing resources. There is going to be more in future, but it wouldn't be part of the early game anyway.
I'm happy I figured out the chest room mechanic, very cool stuff. The gold of the chest didn't add time though.
I was happy to see you do that. Chests adding time is a seal, but maybe it should be something that happens by default given people rarely get chests.
The dungeon modifiers and bathroom events overwhelmed me a bit. The game still could use less text overall. I know that it is not news for you.
Yes, I still have not found a solution to that.
I believe I managed well enough for the first two dungeons, but the third one kicked my butt. Maybe I need to familiarize myself with the rooms, a lot of them were introduced at once and threw me off.Yes, Baby Steps++ template seems to be like a huge difficulty spike to many people. A lot of it is to do with me just adding a side path, but players not being able to recognize it. I am going to change my template descriptions to images/charts and see if that is going to help those who pay attention.
I couldn't make the radar and other unlocks work or find the keybind to activate them. Maybe I'm missing something
You unlocked them at the Bathroom, but you still need to equip them at the Sealing Chamber.
I think that at the end I got the hang of the gameplay better, like how important it is to use crates to get a few more seconds of time and when to use skills near blue crates. There is definitely a learning curve to it.
You've definitely improved. Too bad you did not crouch land on reinforced crates, and just completely ignored them, because they give a lot of time. Thanks for testing the game.
Hey Webbie, I really like what you did now lol!
The music is so good, it fits so well with the theme, especially the hub/menu music. I can't wait to see how the 3d models for the goblin girls will look like in the future.
I appreciated very much the tutorial this time around with the explanation of each skill/movement entirely and honestly with that background music you chose you can't go wrong lol. The gameplay feels smooth as always. I like these super fast-paced runs, it's nice for the player to challenge themselves to be faster each time they play.
I wasn't able the go further than the BabySteps++ dungeons lol, but I did try many times, I'm sure that with more practice I will get there before the timer runs out, it's so easy to get lost! I didn't want to turn off the timer as I liked the challenge, I see how important it is to keep a mental map of all the areas, especially since it's all generated when it's loaded.
I can't really add much to this as you have been updating the game more and more each time. I'm really curious about the whole lore, story and artstyle that your going for (besides from what can be seen already).
I'm sure I've missed some other previous versions but you have progressed so much. Congratulations and keep at it!
Thanks eldelnacho for playing. I am really happy you think the game is progressing well. I hope I am going to have enough new content the next time we see each other to keep you interested.
I wasn't able the go further than the BabySteps++
yeah, it seems like it's a difficulty spike for many new player, even thou that template just add one side path.
The action screen is pretty good. In theory it limits how many rooms you can visit in one day but in practice it greatly shortens the time spent navigating menus.
I feel like I progressed to harder rooms way faster this time around too although that may be in part thanks to the removal of a lot of dialogue and tutorials.
The inclusion of an option to remove the time limit at a cost was necessary at some point, although at the moment I'm not sure if it's ever worth it because the only way to progress involves collecting resources.
Thanks for playing Bakar. I wonder if you saw Mosca figurine in the game, but I guess you would have mentioned that if you had.
The action screen is pretty good. In theory it limits how many rooms you can visit in one day but in practice it greatly shortens the time spent navigating menus.Yes, the idea was to narrow down the options to guide them in the right direction, and give them some break time inbetween dungeon runs.
The inclusion of an option to remove the time limit at a cost was necessary at some point, although at the moment I'm not sure if it's ever worth it because the only way to progress involves collecting resources.There are two resources you spend at the reception: Gold, and Fun/Lust points. The latter is rewarded by completing main objectives, but you could always get gold and ignore the objectives. Playing with no timer is basically ignoring gold, and concentrating on completing main objectives. It's also so players have the option to get used to the game more, and in future after I add lewd content, playing with no time limit is going to be important if you really want to look around and enjoy the content.
I look forward to playing your game some time within the week. I plan on recording myself play just like last time, so look forward to that.
you can see get one figurine for every 5 potted decorations.
the figurines only show up on SFW mode, the tier one, so if you accidentally changed it to the lewd even thou there is no lewd content you are not going to see figurines at all. It's the Safe/Lewd button in the hub to change it.
I'm running out of things to unlock.
Even seals? or Reception? Either way nice
nice gif, got confused for a moment with it playing backwards.
I am going to add tasks/side objectives where players will need to do certain with with specific negative seals in use, so it's going to make players change seals more often, than sticking to just two builds that always work for them.
There are going to more things to unlock at the reception if future, so gold is going to be more important for much longer, especially with tags that cost much more than what you can get with gold caps.
I wonder which positive seals you ended up using the most, and if you got any of the more powerful ones.
Thanks a lot for playing Goblin Resort
Made a video for ya, you deserve if after the tons of videos you've made for other devs.
I really like the streamlining you did with the hub.
Again thank you for the video. I don't know why but you kept bunny hopping everywhere for some reason. I am pretty sure you haven't used sprint even once (Left SHIFT ), and I am unsure if you just assumed there was no sprinting in the game, or you thought the default speed was already sprinting. Sprinting is pretty important not just for running speed, but it also changes how much you bounce off e.g. mushrooms.
I liked how you decreased your time limit to add Dash Step seal, but you never used it ha ha. Also the reason why you could not add more seals even thou you still had Points of Power was because you had no free slots.
You mentioned the seals that add like couple of seconds are not that interesting, and that is true. There are over 120 seals to unlock in the game, and many of them change the way you play significantly.
I am happy to hear the new Action System is an improvement. I am definitely going to add more Actions with temporary and permanent bonuses in future.
By the way in your last run if you only went for the coins at the end you would make it in time to make it in the end.
Yeah, I somehow completely forgot about sprinting, explains why I was so tight on time. Bunnyhopping is just because I played too much Quake in my life.
But I didn't want to focus on the dungeon runs this time around anyway, they're good fun as is.
Also the reason why you could not add more seals even thou you still had Points of Power was because you had no free slots.
I didn't realize there were slots. Why have those and points? I'd just have one of them. If you stuck with slots better seals could just take up more of them and if you stuck with points the player could just use up all of them. Both is needlessly complex imo.
There are seals that are balanced with both cost and slot space e.g. you could get similar stat up from two slots and spread costs, or one slot. It's like how seals cost 0, but they still take slots. There are also seals that change your reward depending on how many spare points you got.
Slots stay consistent (there are going to be upgrades in future), but how many points of power you get depends on what seals you use.
The mechanic is you need to use some negative seals to be able to use positive ones, but you also must think of the slots. There are seals that cost a lot, and gaining points from multiple smaller neg seals may not be enough. If you want something real good, you may need to use something real bad instead of many minorly bad seals. Of course there are different synergies, and sometimes the bad ones can became not so bad, so there is extra layer of balancing to that.
All changes since DD49:
New Save Profile
There are options for starting new games – most of them are to make the game more difficult/rewarding, but don’t worry I worked on making the difficulty curve much easier.
The starting flow of the game was changed. There are less “cutscenes” and the tutorial is removed from the main game for the time bing. The cutscenes are still text only, but I drew some images for new Action Screen system.
Action Screen
The old Hub are with the office was replaced by Action Screen. I look forward to feedback on how the game inbetween dungeon runs work. I plan on adding little chunks of tutorials to that system in future.
I was not able to finish all figurines I hoped. It’s going to be an ongoing project.
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