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A member registered Feb 28, 2023

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Looks great visually, but I can't give it a honest try with the horrid default keyboard control scheme :(

Keyboard bindings are very buggy. It seems you can't bind the F key, and it's possible to bind the same key to different actions even when the UI displays otherwise.

(2 edits)

At first I was like what is this control scheme... but then oh, right lol, nevermind. Makes sense. Still, I won't complain about it, but it made the game a bit harder since the default controls ghost on my keyboard.

I think the difficulty is alright for the kind of game it is. As a shmup player, it was pretty easy for me, but enjoyable. I like how you can switch between the weapons you've picked up whenever you want. I stuck with the default gun most of the time. I found a bit weird how the laser and that other weapon make you go slower, but I can live with it.

Is the bomb not supposed to make you invulnerable? I got hit a couple of times in the middle of it. It's a bit unintuitive considering in pretty much any shmup it's pretty much a get out of jail card.

I have some peeves about the shift/slow down button. I don't like how the slow down takes some time to start after you press the button, especially considering I was using it to micro adjust my position since the normal movement is very fast. I think you could add a dedicated focused/slow movement button separate from bullet time.

The horizontal movement rate being different from the vertical movement didn't bother me, but it's a bit odd considering this is a widescreen game.

Also, I couldn't read the tutorial properly because the hud was covering the text. I think it would be nice if you could advance the tutorial at your own pace. Same with the text in the cutscenes. I had some other minor UI glitches like different option menus overlapping each other. 

Some kind of gallery mode where you can view the sprites would be nice. The action is frantic so you can't pay too much attention to all the fantastic details and the girls while playing.

Were the voices AI? I liked how the shopkeeper talked better.

Costumes didn't unlock for me but I assume that's just for the demo. Anyway, check this out.

An actually good platformer? No way.

It's very fun and intuitive. I really like how the time slows down when you charge the sling. I had no problem except that the camera got stuck in the last level and it wouldn't let me advance, so I had to kill myself. Probably it's because of the turret. In the same level you can go on the roof of the structures and skip half the level. Finished in 7 minutes.

The character is also very cute. Keep it up!

Way too rough to give meaningful advice. You can stunlock or run past regular enemies. Way too easy, and the boss is way too hard and doesn't play by the regular rules.  I got hit and he didn't even swing his sword.

I'm not sure what kind of this game is, but you should start working on the kinematics. Look at beat em ups or other action games like fighting games. Notice what kinds of thing happen when you hit enemies. Keep it up.

(4 edits)

Very good presentation. The godrays were :chef_kiss:. I can feel can be big. Finished it 42 minutes, and probably over 1/3 of that was spent on the last boss. I think he's way too tanky. I get that you, as an experienced player, were spamming grenades or something but you can't expect that from a first time player. I also feel like his patterns are unbalanced. His tackle attacks are way too fast for me to react properly, so it made me stay in the corner for most of the fight, where those attacks didn't ever reach. His other patterns are very easy to dodge. There's a pattern where he spams bullets when he gets on low health, but it's completely harmless. The only way you're going to get hit by that is by trying to get hit on purpose since he never aims at you. 

I didn't have issues with the enemies except for the worm that goes under the ground. It's hard to tell where it's going to appear from. 

I found the game hard at first, but after a decent couple of deaths I got the hang of it. I think that could be eased by adjusting the difficulty curve. The dashing beetle doesn't feel like an enemy you should meet within the first minute of gameplay. Yeah, I know it's a short demo and you can't do much about it, but I wanted to mention that. I think the game is pretty intuitive though. 

A couple of suggestions: I would really like if the mouse/aiming position affected the camera, rather than adjusting the camera using the direction you are moving to. One needs to see what they're aiming at better. It would also help in seeing what kind of places you're falling to when aiming down. I would also like a way to exit the menu using the mouse, like the return button you have on the weapon menu. Speaking of that I really like how you can select which weapons you want enabled. I would also really like for you to add a way to change weapons using the number, at least on keyboard, like an FPS.

Oh, I also think the basic gun should autofire. I get it's a basic bitch weapon, but you can just make the fire rate low. I'm not a fan of constant clicking. I think you should also auto-switch weapons once you run out of ammo.

A couple more of things to add about my experience.

I didn't use the dodge button very much other than for sliding. It doesn't feel that much faster from walking.  The backdash feels obsolete when there's the forward dash. The double jump/air dash thing felt a bit hard to get used to, and I didn't notice any situation where I would want to use the air dash over the double jump. EDIT: I ran out of grenades just when I needed them to progress and I had to farm for a bit to some. I guess that's the problem of mixing progression with ammo. Before I got the pulse rifle I thought my health was the ammo count for the longest time. Maybe it's because it's just above the weapon icon. Idk. Like another comment said, I wasn't a fan of immediately falling down after bumping your head on the ceiling.

Other than the pulse rifle there was some kind of machine gun, but I couldn't pick it up. I tried every button (does G not work anyway? I never saw it do anything) to no avail. No idea what was up with that. There were also some kind of graphical artifacts around the borders of the tiles in the first room on my nvidia. Pic rel
Anyway, good experience, but hard as balls.

Another great demo. Nothing to complain about except that the bosses are too easy, especially with the new remnant power. I think you should make them at least 4x tankier.

About what the other people said about the bees, I think it oddly works. There's something unsettling about the world. It gives me a feeling that there's some kind of super evil entity that controls the world and is out there to kill you, and even the super bees are part of it.

I like how there are multiple solutions for some of the puzzles. I think you should focus more on the puzzle side and even mix it with the combat because the time mechanics are very well suited for it, instead of making it a more generic game like the other comment said.

Sweet graphics. It's pretty nostalgic, particularly the lack of music, which reminds me of dx ball. Only critique is that the silver coins are too similar to the ball so it's hard to tell where the ball is when too much shit is falling down. Also, did you really have to make the description sound so suggestive? lmao

I would really like if you increased the jump buffer when you're hooking, so you jump asap instead of having the jump input being eaten. Also it's not too clear what enemies are hookable and which ones aren't. Not a fan of the friction-less jump when you've got little air control in the first place.

Ah, yes... the best game of DD. 10/10 art and presentation menus aside.

It kinda feels like it's not sure if it's a mouse game or not, since the camera/character rotates when you move to the sides and it sometimes goes against your mouse motion, which feels weird. Also, you should be able to stand on bushes :)

Please don't throw several pages of tutorial of me before the game has even started.

(1 edit)

Got a bit of dissonance at first from the zelda style graphics with tile-based movement. Do you plan to add puzzles other than pokemon ice puzzles? Also the text in the books is a bit hard to read.

Oh, this game, finally.
I really think this game needs to have a shadow under the character. It's hard to tell exactly where you are in the air otherwise. Also the camera is a bit jerky. It's not noticeable unless you stop moving fast.

Cool. Not much to do, but I liked the subtle animations. Does interacting really need a button for each directions? I think you could keep a single interact button and make it so it aims at the last direction you moved to.

It was very useful. I noticed it was very easy to skip the tutorial and it wasn't very obvious how to go back to the main menu, so you couldn't restart the game and do the tutorial. I'll tone down the difficulty a notch. It's hard to adjust the difficulty when you're way too used to the game.

Music is from

Thanks for trying it out. Haha, I figured if they wouldn't know how to take the red key if they skipped the tutorial. I'll see what to do about that. Also, the HUD is definitely unfinished and I want to make it look prettier, so I appreciate the feedback.

Thanks for playing. I'm not sure what the default controls should be because I don't use the default layout and I don't want to impose my weird config on everyone. I had another thing planned for the double jump eventually, but toggling bat with jump might be a good idea.  Sorry about the crashes on windows. The file I uploaded got corrupted for some reason.

Thanks for playing. Sorry about the crashes. My HDD is a bit faulty so there was problem with the exported files. I've removed the desktop ones now. Do you think Elves should just take a beating when against the wall?

Thanks for trying it out. About the camera, yeah I definitely have to tweak that out. I got too used to it. The running thing is intentional. It looked awkward no matter what I did so I guess should draw a push animation.

The controls in the air feel really really bad. You can't come to a standstill in the air by holding opposite direction.  Of course you can work around it by swapping directions repeatedly, but what's the point of that? If it's intentional I don't get it. Also, why does the air kick make you go faster in the air? The only thing it does is making the controls feel worse. I didn't play for long because I felt like I was fighting the controls more than the game.

This game is the savescummer's dream. The mechanics encourage you to YOLO everything since there's no risk associated. The dash is extremely useful to dodge almost everything.  You almost don't have to time anything thanks to it. The save points a bit useless in that regard. I did die to the final boss since I ran out of mana? I'm not sure that mechanic ever came into play before that point. It could be a bigger point in the game. I had no issue with the movement, just takes a while to get used to. Only problem is that it's too easy to misinput the crouching slide. You could do what other games do and have crouch+jump for slide. The ledge grabbing shouldn't be automatic imo, since a lot of times you just wanna fall or run past.

(4 edits)

I got filtered hard by the test levels. Got stuck on 7. Bonus level seemed really easy in comparison. EDIT: Completed all levels. I completed 7 last. I don't know why I couldn't  find the solution earlier, but there was something unintuitive about it. The hardest level overall I think is 3. Also I kept confusing the summoner with the summon.

My only issue is the gun feels too laggy and the range is short so it's hard to kill enemies with it. Hope there are weapon upgrades.

Some bullets blend in too much in the background, and the bosses die too quickly. Also the player hitbox is not very intuitive.

Game runs very slowly for me. Maybe it's some vsync shenanigan, but don't tie your gameplay to the framerate.

Very obtuse. I don't know what happening at any time.

Looks fun but the movement feels awkward and some actions always leave you facing the same side.