First time playing this game, and the thing which make me click on this game was the shrimp with some kind of aura/power. It is fun to move around with the shrimp shooting magic spells to squids, a liked the volcano one. Play around half hour, I try to go multiplayer but connection failed. I will looking forward for the progress of this game in the future.
Play shrimp game
SHRIMP GAME's pageComments
First time playing. No bugs to report over ~28m of playtime.
Only played single player.
It's a very neat little game. The movement definitely takes some getting used to. I'm surprised that Steering/control are stats you can boost. I would prefer the movement be smooth at the beginning and have options to make my steering worse in exchange for a big power spike or something. After some time with it though, I was used to it for the most part.
The different types of shrimp being just [element] shrimp is definitely an interesting design decision. There are lots of different types of shrimp that you could easily form entire archetypes around. Ghost shrimp being the dark type, pistol shrimp being the fire type, etc. Heck why limit it to just shrimp? Could make crabs, jellyfish, etc. I guess "shrimp, crab and jellyfish game" does not have the same ring as "Shrimp Game" though.
The elemental fusion is fine, I guess, but it didn't seem like I really had much control over it? Maybe I missed something but it really was just up to whatever elemental rock spawned and that's what my fusion was. It is neat that there's different ultimate abilities for each fused element though. Speaking of I don't think ultimates had tooltips on them but maybe I missed it.
The weapon drop icons need to have a minimum UI size because at a distance, they look like XP blips, then I get close and realize "oh that's actually a weapon". It's also kind of lame to just have them drop weapons. I wouldn't say just copy risk of rain or whatever but as it stands now, it's not engaging.
The weapons themselves were very fun. I liked the properties changing and such, I think I had more fun changing weapon types than I did changing elements.
Fog being the same color as the ground makes it hard to discern between the two, but this might be a stylistic approach that I can appreciate. Not sure if you're optimizing and hiding stuff at certain distances or not but it would be clever to do so.
It has potential for sure. If it stays as a pure arena-based roguelite I think it'll need a lot of features to be competitive, but the aesthetic and concept are a great foundation.
Incredible game with huge potential. Even beyond a direct goal, the gameplay itself is fun and engaging enough to carry interest. Im a little concerned about how you might have servers set up for a larger scale release, maybe a server browser and hosting options could be ideal. Im seriously looking forward to wherever this project goes.
Thanks bro
You can join the discord and hangout with some aggy devs if you ever wanna catch playtests:
Stats feel very valuable to the gameplay, rather than just being numerical. The movement feels hard to use at first but then with more experience and movement stats the movement is actually quite nice. The abilities are fun, and despite a bit of hit detection inconsistency, the multiplayer is good and feels pretty balanced. Shrimps are cool small animals, and the ocean is scary so it is a perfect setting to put tiny animals as the protagonist. Best ability I liked was the shield on light shrimp.
shrimply excellent. looking forward to when the sound is added
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