I'll try to repeat what others are saying too much unless I feel it needs to be mentioned
- The lighting needs work. For example, the main protagonist is covered in specular lighting and this lighting doesn't seem to vary between the metal in his clothes and his scaling skin. I think you would benefit from studying lighting/shading models. In particular, a good understanding of Blinn-Phong and the Lambertian diffuse.
- Sound is a mixed bag. I dislike some choices and like some others. The ambient music and atmosphere of the title screen are fine.
- The settings menu is nonintuitive, you should organize the settings into two columns. One column could describe the settings and the other column can be where you actually toggle the settings
-A menu that shows the different controls could be cool
-I'd add more checkpoints since covering the distance of the map takes time.
-Maybe increase the walking speed. The run speed is fine.
-I had real difficulty with the combat sometimes where hits wouldn't register. It goes the other way around too: some hits felt like they shouldn't have made contact but they did.
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