VERY fun and SUPER cool presentation. A cool, stylistic twin stick shooter in the vein of Hotline Miami.
I will say that the graphics hurt my eyes a little after a couple minutes. The train boss was BRUTAL. One small issue I ran into was when I walked towards the train boss (to the left instead of going right through the fires) I was pushed inside one of the train car rooms and couldn't escape.
The music in this game is excellent and I love the difficulty, which might not be for everyone but I had a great time!
I played very little, until I got run over by the Train. This isn't the Game for me, it's to hectic, there's too much going on with the rotating Map, the flashy Colors, the Enemies and Effects and everything. I liked the Health being represented by the Hat falling off, I personally didn't really enjoy anything else, it felt mostly like a bullet Hell where I was just rotating my Bat constantly to take out Enemies. When a Gun dropped and could shoot back, I just spammed shoot until I ran out of Bullets before swinging my Bat again, probably not at all how this is intended to be played, sorry.
i struggled a bit to notice where i was able to cross the railway in the dark. i think it should glow more to be more noticeable i love the shotgun and machineguns i still find bothersome how the retry button "wobbles" when you die, with your character and camera still ragdolling all over the place from whatever explosion killed you and trying to press retry it's kind of a challenge of its own
Looks fun, but might need some work on the readability of things. Be careful with tossing the player around too much, too, as it seems really easy to lose track of where you are.
Liked 2/3 new levels. Liked the skunk and the sniper bot, leg guy can fuck off, he's not fun to fight in a large open space.
Every time I killed the sniper bot - his rifle flew somewhere, so I couldn't really test it - but I dig how you've changed the grenade launcher.
Cool stuff.
Please don't make me fight legbot in a large open space again.
VERY fun and SUPER cool presentation. A cool, stylistic twin stick shooter in the vein of Hotline Miami.
I will say that the graphics hurt my eyes a little after a couple minutes. The train boss was BRUTAL. One small issue I ran into was when I walked towards the train boss (to the left instead of going right through the fires) I was pushed inside one of the train car rooms and couldn't escape.
The music in this game is excellent and I love the difficulty, which might not be for everyone but I had a great time!
I played very little, until I got run over by the Train. This isn't the Game for me, it's to hectic, there's too much going on with the rotating Map, the flashy Colors, the Enemies and Effects and everything. I liked the Health being represented by the Hat falling off, I personally didn't really enjoy anything else, it felt mostly like a bullet Hell where I was just rotating my Bat constantly to take out Enemies. When a Gun dropped and could shoot back, I just spammed shoot until I ran out of Bullets before swinging my Bat again, probably not at all how this is intended to be played, sorry.
i struggled a bit to notice where i was able to cross the railway in the dark. i think it should glow more to be more noticeable

i love the shotgun and machineguns
i still find bothersome how the retry button "wobbles" when you die, with your character and camera still ragdolling all over the place from whatever explosion killed you and trying to press retry it's kind of a challenge of its own
GODots represent!!
Looks fun, but might need some work on the readability of things. Be careful with tossing the player around too much, too, as it seems really easy to lose track of where you are.