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A jam submission

Sewer ShenanigansView project page

Submitted by DSound — 9 days, 3 hours before the deadline
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Sewer Shenanigans's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Sound quality#203.3503.350

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Track description | Creative process
This is a submission for "Alternative Soundtrack - music jam #3" wherein participants are tasked with creating an alternative song to Mario's iconic "underground" theme.

As soon as I saw what the theme was I immediately thought "bass" and since Mario songs tend to be jazzy I decided to make a song in that genre.

DAW: FL Studio

VSTs: Session Horns Pro, Ample Metal R, Steven Slate Drums 5.5, Korg Triton, Arturia Pigments.

Plugins: Waves Magma Tubes Stereo, Waves Magma Channel Strip, Maximus, Fruity Limiter, Balancer, and Compressor.

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Very interesting vibes!


Interesting jazzy track, I like the tempo changes.


Transitions maybe too abrupt.  It's definitely creative enough though.  We almost all of us took a credibility hit because we used real instruments instead of base chip tunes, got to think of stone age 1985 technology for electronic music.  I liked it but maybe a little more coordination (granting that jazz is about chaos but very first original SMB is a cutie-pie game and not really darker).

If you do rate my submission back the actual correct wav file and soundcloud link are out on this page:

i ran afoul of the issue where if you don't move any of the defaults it submits the prior project by accident


Intro caught me off guard in a good way. Groovy. Cool rhythm changes and chords. Nice work!


Very original ! My favorite part is the rythm change at 0:33, I really like that jazzy mood. Transition to go back to the "rock" beat is a bit abrupt for my taste, but very interesting submission, well done !


Wow, unique entry for sure! I loved the sound, intrumentations and rhythmic choices, but the changes you make out of nowhere make the track feels like a big medley of different Mario tracks.


Cool take going with a more jazzy vibe with the brass, drums, piano. Some interesting structure, its moving alot, good job.


What an intro! <3 Great sound, great feel for the intro and the piano solo

I’d like to know why you chose a rock beat for some sections, feels like you’re shifting gears out of nowhere.

I thinks its a great composition even tho its a little busy. Great work!