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A member registered May 25, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks ! I still have a hard time with the mixing phase, on my speakers some instruments seemed way too loud, but not when I listenned with my headphones >< And I noticed that the overall volume of the track is very low compared to other submissions, I should pay more attention to it next time. Anyway thanks for the nice feedback ! <3

Thanks ! 

Thank you 🙏

Thank you very much for your feedback <3

Nice track, would fit perfectly in the underground level ! Love the acceleration at 1:25, as if this is where we meet the boss. Good work ! 

(1 edit)

I love the chaotic feeling you gave to it, this rocks ! Reminds me of some of Elfman's track in some ways.  I really like the evolution of the track, becoming more stressfull as it goes one. Very unique track, well done !

Good track ! I like the rythmic ideas and pattern you used, give a groove feeling, but discrete. Special mention to the whole tone scale you used at 0:58, suprised me in a good way :D Good job !

Has a very nostalgic feeling to it, interesting track ! That guitar did suprised me, but in a good way ! Good job !

I like the original leitmotiv you used, very unique. The track really has a ominous feeling to it, works well with the theme, congrats !

Nice track really, would work great in a real Mario Game ! Love the part between 0:38 and 0:56, very spooky and good chords progression, very good job !

Nice sounds, and "deep" feeling to the track, fits well with the theme. Lacks a bit of melodic elements to me, but this is well crafted and very pleasant to listen to, nice job !

Nice track, with lot of space to have this underground feeling ! Layers are well made, and good melodic ideas as well, blending well with each others. Nice job !

Niiiice ! Really feels underground, and I must say, really good and interesting orchestration choices, you kept me suprised all along. Great Job !

I love this ! It's a nice and unique approach to the theme, with a more dreamy feeling, but still feeling underground with the percussions and little water drops sound, very nice composition. The melody starting at 1:40 is very sweet as well, I like the sound you chose for it.  Very good job ! 

I like the idea of the loop adapting to the player's actions, and you did very well with that. Got a good underground and shaddy feeling to it, nice take on the theme !

A bit too minimalistic for my taste, but it fits well to the underground ! I liked that you quoted the Mario theme at 1:31, made me smile :D Good work !

Nice sounds, really felt underground ! I like how the track develops, there's a sense of emergency that I enjoy ! Well done !

Good groove, I like this track very much ! The swingy feeling and sounds really fits a Mario game to me, well done !

Nice sounds, fits well with the theme, kinda dark and deep ! Chords at the end felt a bit out of nowhere, but pleasant anyway. Good job !

Nice swing, and some very good ideas ! Has some cool shaddy feeling to it, nice job !

Cool vibes ! I do not find it boring at all, very chill and pleasant to listen to, and there really is an underground feeling to it. Great job ! 

Interesting remix and sounds ! 

(1 edit)

I don't really see the underground side of it, but I like this track ! Would fit well in a Zelda game to my mind, adventurous theme :D Good job ! (And the intro of your video is cool too, I was suprised :D )

Fits well with the theme, and some very interesting ideas here, well done ! 

Interesting atmosphere, and the distorted sounds add the kinda creepy feeling. Maybe lacks a bit of melodic elements for my taste, but that's just me ! Good job anyway :D

Creepy atmosphere, and I like the "water drop" sound effect, really felt in a cave ! Good job !

Mysterious and deep with the reverb you added ! (Maybe a bit too distant though) Good atmosphere for the underground, and nice groove ! Well done !

Super scary :O Maybe a bit too much for a Mario Game, but the "underground" theme is there, and very interesting sound design, good job !

Good job for your first chiptune ! Feel like some elements would have needed more developpement, but this works very well with the theme ! Keep at it, nice track ! 

Maybe a bit to atonal for my personal taste, but it does fit well with a creepy underground level ! Good job !

Good composition, and well done using the original hardware of the NES ! Same as the others, very baroque feeling to it, which I like very much ! Nice job !

Some 80's vibes here, I feel this would work very well in a racing game or such, lots of foward motion to it ! A bit far from the theme to me, but nice track !

Good ideas, and well executed ! Makes me want to dance, the rythmic part is very catchy, good job ! 

Damn, nice groove !

Really fits well with the theme in my opinion, well done ! I would have liked hearing more after the track gets "faster" at 1:30, but anyway good job on this one !

Good vibes, I like the ryhtmic ideas and pattern ! The entry of the second voice at 0:43 is nice too, nice job !

This music makes me smile :D Surprising theme for the Underground ambiance, but very pleasing to hear nonetheless !

Good stuff ! I really like the part that starts at 0:38 (and its variation at 1:14), would fit well in a real Mario game ! Nice work mate ! 

Fits great with the theme, I would totally see a fan made mario game or a remake with this tune ! GJ !

I like when the beat finally drops ! There are some good melodic ideas as well, nice job !