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Federico Simola

A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Nice take as an alternative track, it captures the undeground mood even if it lacks some of the goofy/funny aspect of the original. Good job!

Your description depicts perfectly the story told by your track, and even if that means not fitting perfectly this jam, it was a pleasure to listen to your music. Good job!

Your melodic ideas are a good take, but it would have been great to have some rhytmic part to bind everything together! Following the direction you wanted to give to your track is a bit hard, mostly after the intro.

Nice take as an alternative track I think it works pretty well, even if sometimes it's a bit ripetitive like the original does. Nice idea to document your process. Good job!

Nice alternative take on the original theme, the track feels a bit too empty and repetitive, it could benefit from a B melody like the original does, but I think you nailed the underground aspect of this jam. 

Nice and very original take, the atmosphere you create is dreamy and suspended. Nice use of sfx too, good job!

Very fun and goofy piece, with a mysterious character fits perfectly the theme of this jam. Good job!

Spooky and fun track, the way you used the synths is pretty unique in this jam, the change of theme and mood was a bit strong, but it was a good listen. Good job

It reminds me of something from a Donkey Kong game, I think it's a nice track even if a bit distant from the theme of this jam. The atmosphere you created is very evocative, with more variations and some care on the mix it could fit very well in a jungle area of some adventure or platform game.

Cool atmosphere, I think you nailed the theme, and with the right sound choice it sounds like a very good alternative take! Good job!

(1 edit)

Simple with nice reminders of the original game, even if the track sometimes feels a bit too empty or ripetitive. The choice of going with the original sounds is very good, and it gives the right impression as an alternative track. Well done!

Fun track with its own sound choices, sometimes unexpected but well executed like the guitar, maybe it doesn't fit perfectly the theme, but it was a good listen, well done!

Very cool vibes, perfect for the theme, this is one of the best in the jam!

Nice take, with a good sound choice and pretty dark. Well done!

I agree with the others saying it feels like an adventure game track, the track is good with a nice melody, so even if doesn't fit the theme it's pretty solid. Good job!

I like the reminders to the original theme, and how you used it to create a different mood. Maybe it's a bit confusing and moody on the mix, with some synths too loud, but it's a solid entry. Well done!

You nailed the vibes of this jam, limiting yourself to the original sounds makes it even better. Very good job!

Very solid track, even if a bit distant from the undeground theme, using the original sounds with all its limitations is a great choice. Well done!

Cool and dark vibes, the way you used the drums give it a different take than expected, strong groove and solid entry, good job!

Cool and funny track, with a bit of spookiness and a very nice melody and groove. One of the best of this jam!

Simple and effective, but a bit too loud in some parts. I think you have a good base to add more variations and other instruments or effects to give it more movement, but you nailed the theme, well done!

Nice ideas and funny vibes, maybe it lacks some variations, but I think it could fit nicely in the game, good job!

Goofy and spooky, it could fit very well in an adventure Mario game, maybe some instruments were not loud enough, but the track was very fun, well done!

Dark, mysterious and sci-fi, with a lot of reminders to the original Mario's theme and sounds. Good job!

Solid entry, with a good chiptune sound and interesting choices. More work on some parts of the melody could have made it even better! Good job!

Very nice and energetic, maybe a bit too distant on the theme, but it has very good sound choices that give it its own personality. Well done!

Good sound choice and pretty dark, maybe a too energetic at times, but you nailed the theme. Well done!

Good chiptune sound, the track fits the theme but the mix and some sounds make it a bit too noisy and muddy, but how the drums open to a new section was a good choide.

Wow, unique entry for sure! I loved the sound, intrumentations and rhythmic choices, but the changes you make out of nowhere make the track feels like a big medley of different Mario tracks.

Nice mood, dark and mysterious, with a solid choice of percussions and pads. Great take on the theme, good job!

Nice take, the track feels a bit too distant and some instruments not loud enough, but you really set the mood with all these sounds and reverbs, it feels very very on theme! Good job!

Good sound choices, and very true to the theme, adding a layer of mystery and danger. Solid entry, good job!

Very nice and spacey track, even if doesn't fit the them truely, it's a good track with a solid soundscape. Good job!

Nice take, it's like listening to an Animal Crossing track in the Mario world, very fun and cheerful, even if a bit out of the Underground theme. Well produced and composed with very solid sound choices, good job!

Nice take, it fits very well the original game, good job!

The track stays a bit too empty for too long at the start, then it keeps improving, and it would have been great to have a grand finale! Your ideas are good, keep creating!

Good chiptune sounds, the intro feels too long and empty, but then the tracks take off and with percussions and the other sounds this becomes a pretty solid entry. Good job!

This is very original and unique, like Mario taking the wrong mushrooms! Your description says it all. The piano is a bit too loud on the mix, but everything else work very well. Good job!

Good reimagining of the original Mario themes, the mix makes everything a bit too distant and flat, but the energy of your track is still there. Good job!

Good sound choice going with the original chipset, the percussions and the bass work very well together and set the mood nicely. Good job!