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A jam submission

The Suspension Of DisbeliefView game page

Made for Barjam, The Suspension Of Disbelief is a game where you fight enemies in your dreams.
Submitted by Red1 — 17 hours, 2 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Music / Sound Design#14.5004.500

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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It's super polished, well done! The dash is cool, but it'd be nice if it conserved your momentum, and shooting in all directions would be helpful in a top-down perspective. Also it can be easy to get yourself softlocked with no ammo, as powerups aren't regenerated on death. The art is great, excellent submission


Awesome game! I love the art and the UI doesn't interrupt the experience. I know you used the theme of suspension in your story, but it wasn't shown too much in the game. I did love the story though, unfortunately some people might not read it. The boss fight was pretty difficult, and I didn't get to finish it but it's hard to balance in game jams, so I didn't mind. The post-processing and glow were great and there was great contrast between the character and the background. The music doesn't get old, and the sound effects aren't too repetitive. Fantastic work!


thanks :)


gret game not in em gee engine tho :trollfa


Good game with great design of mechanics and enemies. only one issue I had with the game. How does the game use the theme of suspension apart from the title of the game...


the story of the game, the game's about the main charachter who's being bullied at work and having a hard life, then he goes into a dream where he gets revenge from his co workers who bully him (who are the robot enemies), and have fun even though he knows it's just a dream and tries not to die so he doesn't wake up from the dream, and the suspension of disbelief is the intentional avoidance of critical thinking or logic in examining something unreal or impossible in reality


This game is really awesome. So much polish! The music and sounds are great.  You could definitely turn it into a full-fledged game with more maps and enemies.

I did notice that I kept getting stuck randomly when running against the walls. Other than that, super solid game.  

I do agree with Winsom that the theme for the jam seems loosely incorporated into your game.  You could have made any game and just tacked on that you're in a dream and shipped it.

With that said, I think you have a very bright future in game development and I hope you get to meet Dani some day ;)


thanks :))


also about the theme, I don't know if everyone understands it but I meant that the character is having fun getting revenge from his co workers (who are the enemy robots), even though that's just a dream and not real, and that's what's called "the suspension of disbelief"


this is obviously the best game.... i mean there is no competition, the only complaint i have is that the theme integration is just a little far stretched but i guess it works. good job!


thank you so much ;)


okay guys, this is a high-level game and it's funny, and hard asf xD, I finished it, but I almost ragequit from that jobA level and his undodgeable lasers, even with infinity respawn of stamina and ammo but you still lose xD, I really like it and enjoyed it, I hope you develop it more and more!


thank you so much ;)

I saw a lot of people saying the lasers are very hard but they're actually pretty easy to dodge if you touch them when dashing.

Jam Host(+1)

OK LISTEN, this game is hella hard, i like it, i finished it. but DAMN i almost raged quit around 20 times. good job tho, this is an extremely high level game and its kinda amazing that you got to finish it in a week!


holy fricking shit dude thank you so much lmao when I read the first sentences I was like "oh shit I fricked up" but then you went like "this is extremely good" and I felt so uncomfortable seeing that lmao

thank you I really appreciate it and yeah the reason for the difficulty is that I tested it so much that It became so easy for me, if I had more time I would've got some playtesters, thanks so much for the review and I'm waiting for your rating tomorrow ;)


Great Game, Although For The Main Menu There Is No Starting Music And When I Jumped In To The Game It Was Pretty Loud, Still A Drippy Game In My Opinion Though, Good Luck In The Jam!


thanks! I should've fixed the default music value lmao


alright cool lol

Jam Host(+2)

Overall this is quite a solid game with very nice music, art, and polish! There were some issues - like the tutorial level's enemies shooting from off screen, and the fact that Joba's lasers being pretty OP, lmao - but I enjoyed playing it, and I'm impressed with how much you managed to implement during the jam :)


I really enjoyed your game, but there are a couple things that I didn't like!

One of them is the tutorial and that's because of the enemies constantly shooting at you. I couldn't really read the dialogue because of that, but it wasn't that bad.

Another thing is the movement, it's just a little bit hard to get used to it, it really feels like you are not really in control of the character sometimes, but maybe that just me.

I really felt bullied in this game, the enemies are pretty hard to kill, that's not a bad thing btw. The rockets were very annoying, again not a bad thing. I didn't finish the boss because it was to hard for me :) but it was a nice boss.

The sounds are nice, but at first they earraped me.

Well the graphics were nice, the menus were simple nothing special really, but they worked fine so yeah, that's what matters.  

I can see that you are a big Dani fan, you can see that in this  game, it looks very similar with some of his games and again that's not bad, well I think you should find your own style, or if you like this style keep doing it, cause it's nice and you're doing a nice job with it.

Well that's it, one more thing, try to play around with more styles of games and find your favourite. So yeah, great job and keep up the good work!! :D


thank you very much this was really helpful, for the enemies shooting at you that's an issue that shouldn't happen most of the time and I'm sorry that it happened to you in the first time, for the movement this is my first 2d movement that I made completely by myself so I'm still learning, it was worse and I tried my best to improve it, for the enemies and the boss that is because I tested the game so much that I became so good at it so I wasn't really a good measure for difficulty and if I had more time I would've found some play testers, for the sounds I assume you forgot to make it a bit lower in the settings lmao, and since I'm working with speakers instead of heaphones I can't really do much with sounds, so I'm sorry about that, but the most important part is, what makes my game so close to dani's style? and which one of his games in particular? I took a lot of things from dani mostly polishing like the UI particles, the screen shake, the juicy sound effects, which I'm really proud of, and even the low pass filter when you pause the games, just bits of polish.


You're welcome! About what you said here: "for the enemies and the boss that is because I tested the game so much that I became so good at it so I wasn't really a good measure for difficulty and if I had more time I would've found some play testers", yeah I know how it is, I do that with my games too :). 

Well the sound wasn't an issue really it was like 1 second of earrape, then I went on the settings menu and lower it down. About the movement, good job! I'm Really impressed that you made it yourself. :D Oh yeah, one thing that I didn't mention in my first comment was the settings menu, you need to go in the main menu and then in the settings menu, it's a little bit annoying, because you need to restart the game, but it's not that problematic.

You said this: "I took a lot of things from dani mostly polishing like the UI particles, the screen shake, the juicy sound effects", that was kinda what I was saying about the "It looks like Dani's game", and maybe the maybe the post processing, but that's just my opinion and it's not a bad thing, it's great to take things from other games and make them in your style. I don't know, when I saw the game I was like, that looks like a Dani game, but maybe that's just me. :D

Oh yeah another thing that I forgot, try to make the hit's when you hit a enemy more juicy, because sometime I didn't even know if I hit the enemy or not.


I have fixed the main tutorial issue, and nerfed the boss as it was so hard, and I may work on more updates if I have time, the update will be up soon, feel free to try it, and thank you so much again for giving me all this feedback

this game is meant to be expanded and to become a full release after the winner of the jam is announced so this is really helpful so thank you very very much

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I can't see the download button. 😳😳

(Edit) Now I see them :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It took me a little bit, but I finished the game, and now it's better. :D

Good job!


thanks, and I consider this a win (since you didn't finish the game so fast so that means it has a bit of playtime at least and it's no longer impossible), don't forget to rate the game tomorrow when the rating starts, I like yours too and I'll rate it tomorrow ;)

thank you so much again lmao