This game, titled Fatten the Beast, is one of the best creations I've played (out of 96)! It has 11 (15 now) rates and it needs 20, we are over halfway through the rating period and ratings slow down which means it's on pace to disqualify! And it is not by me. Edit: we are at 15! only 5 more people needed to put qualify this one! EDIT 2: we made it! 20 rates on both of these games was reached, allowing their developers to not feel sad about disqualification!
I'll even rate the next few people to give it ratings (until it reaches 20) just to incentivize a little more interaction. Disclaimer, I'm on Linux which means if your game is Windows only then I can NOT play and rate it. If I've already rated your project I obviously cannot rate it again. To claim this, rate Fatten the Beast linked above and leave a comment both there and here. NOTICE: out of stock
Additionally, there is another game in a similar situation: Dune Keepers with 15 rates needing 20. It might be on pace to qualify but I want to be sure since it's good. I did not make it. EDIT: Dune Keepers is now at 21 rates! Nice job, jammers!
Since it has passed 20 rates I will no longer be obligated to rate the games of people who play Dune Keepers.