You did a fairly good job on this game concept! Next time try to scope your work hours realistically ;) I almost failed once, because I planned too much and finished so little, the result was many hours put into a wonky thing, but they are still your hours of EXPERIENCE and LEARNING METHODS!
This game feels a lot like Super meat boy, where you retried a level 125+ times, got real frustrated, but the reward was well worth it at the end! You don't need to pull off something like that lol.
Here's what I think would make your game more easy and fun: i know you made player rigidbody accelerate and decelerate based on player input, and this results in loooong decelerations when players needs to stop from a high speed. That's ok too, IF the player has enough landing space (without any punisher spikes covering half of that landing zone you know) I still think making the player more "sticky" would be a huge help in maintaining precice control. Super meat boy was frustrating due to this slipperiness too...
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