I may have started late but i started strong.
You know what I like? Cats. I have two cats, one called Midna and another one called Zelda. The first one is the devil in flesh. Midna loves to follow me everywhere and try to grab any loose thing i have. She loves to play with my shoe laces when i'm at the toilet.
You know what my cat also does? Run into things. She's small and doesn't controll herself well so everytime we play she ends up running into the wall.
So you know... if she runs into walls why not run into... holes.
The main objective of the game is to lure the cats into the hole.
On the first day i started to map the basic controls and tone the hole control. I managed to get some basic UGLY maps, camera control and a gole hole.
This is what i managed to do on my first day.
I cant manage to upload the gif tho :/
Today was a slow day and i didnt manage to get much done because of university.
We finally got two cats, Midna and Zelda and some basic AI with navMesh. Because of how the game is being made I had to install the high-level nav mesh from gitHub to be able to get it properly done but we finally have it.
Right now we got three levels to teach the basic game mechanics with the cat AI.
I hope to get more done tomorrow.