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A jam submission

Diablo's ChessboardView game page

Submitted by omagapower — 1 day, 1 hour before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#4573.2503.250

Ranked from 16 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
My game is a chess game in which the units can refuse to follow the player's commands. The pieces might do as they are told or they might act randomly (like moving in the opposite direction or sparing the life of the units they were told to attack). The random effects make the game really chaotic and fun for casual play.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
I wrote all of the code myself.
I did not create any of the assets. All of the assets where free assets available on

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As a chess fan, this was frustrating. On like the second move they took my queen, but after a few more moves, they didn't move out of check, so I won. Interesting take on the theme though and on chess. If you want to see some more chaotic chess games, this one is really fun and chaotic:


Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely check it out !


very original!


Thank you!


Very nice game. I would like to play it again as a fully developed game. I thing i think you should improve is showing a path from the enemy piece previous position to current position. I couldn't keep track of any of the pieces lol. Also if you want to learn about chess AI. Search for Sebastian Lague on YouTube, he has a really good video on chess AI.


Thank you for the feedback! Sebastian Lague has a lot of amazing content on his channel, so if he has a video about chess AI, I will definietly check it out. Thanks for letting me know!


Interesting take on the theme, I found myself in a flurry of emotions when pieces didn't act the way they were supposed to. As you mention in the description, chess rules and AI are quite hard to replicate, I found some illegal moves being made. Nonetheless, a fun and quirky game.


Glad you enjoyed it!


As someone who is terrible at many skill-based games, I welcome the idea of a "lucked-up" chess game. (A "Mario Kart" of chess games.) This game's AI still kicked my butt though. It was funny to see how pieces fell when the piece made extra moves. The "ignore your move" effect was pretty frustrating for me though - I probably would've handled it better if it were framed as "player gets an extra turn", which has exactly the same outcome. It'd be interesting to see how many more effects you could add, that give the player some opportunity to make a choice. For example, maybe some spots on the map temporarily become portals, or walls, for N moves. Or the piece can split into two or spawn another piece ("the king and queen are adjacent to each other and had a baby pawn!"). So many more cool places you could take it.

Nice job on the AI. It doesn't take much to beat me but it was still fun to see the AI do its thing.


Thank you for the feedback! Giving the opponent an extra turn instead of denying the player their turn would definitely be more enjoyable for both sides. 


Great concept, really good job on doing this in time I can't imagine how much time it must take to program chess logic from scratch!


Thank you !


Congrats on completing the jam and making this from scratch! Programming chess logic sounds like a huge undertaking, so well done!

Randomness for the sake of chaos can be really frustrating, especially when it comes at the cost of gameplay. The idea of chess pieces having a mind of their own is amusing, but in execution, it's less exciting. There needs to be something else so the player can anticipate and/or control the chaos in some way, such as a chaos meter that the player can influence by capturing or losing pieces. 

Also, a dialogue log would have been helpful. Sometimes the text would disappear before I had a chance to process what happened, making the game state even more confusing. 

Great attempt though. I'm happy you were able to complete your project!


Thank you for the feedback! I will definitely keep your suggestions in mind.


Wow... One of the best games I have tried....

Please upload a cover image. It deserves one!


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!


Interesting concept. It could be interesting to add in the concepts of check and checkmate into this version of chess, although I'm not sure if that would help or hinder the game.


Thanks for the feedback! The main reason I didn't include the concepts was that I wanted funny random scenarios to happen (for example the player tried to kill the enemy king but the unit moves in the opposite direction and kills its own king by mistake). I will definitely experiment with them though and try to find a way to make them fit.


It would be interesting to play around with. It may be that this game is at its best when pieces just refuse to end the game.


Good attempt! Sadly, could not get it fullscreen.

Rate my game too -



Good job on the game, was really fun to play!


Quite amusing to play, making my already poor chess moves look even sillier :)


Thanks ! 


Nice game!


Thanks !


Simple and Chaotic. I like it!


Thanks !