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Supermarket ScrambleView game page

Complete your grocery list by grabbing items from stalls, or go on a rampage and steal them from other shoppers!
Submitted by Zephyr7 — 14 minutes, 55 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1533.6673.667

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
The user can ram into other carts to topple them and spill their contents all over the floor, leaving it in a much more chaotic and disorganized state.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?

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A fun and challenging game, very well done. The only negative thing I'd say is the controls didn't quite feel right but everything else worked well.


Very innovative! Love the music :D.


Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the music! It was made near the end of the jam, so I'm glad it turned out well!

Enjoyed playing! the gameplay is indeed appropriate for the theme, crashing carts  and getting fallen goods is chaotic... good controls and  good replay value, overall great game! keep it up!


Thanks for the feedback!


Very cool game. Crashing into other customers alone is fun. And it gets indeed pretty chaotic after some time. Music and Graphics fit the gameplay well. 


Thanks for the review, glad you liked the game!


Great sfx and track. Just a well polished idea, albeit not something that is super riveting. It is cool that the game changes as you become aware of the layout just like actually shopping at a grocery store. I would just make the game crazier, some wet floor signs, being out of stock so you have to hit the carts to find what you need. 


Yeah, those are great ideas! I wanted the AI to completely remove some of the items the player required in order to force them to obtain it by knocking over carts, but it was more of a last minute thought and not something I wanted to risk breaking the game to add right before building. I agree having the supermarket have more variety with hazards and different initial stocks for items (maybe even dependent on item size / season?) would be something I could add if I continue development on this. Thanks for the feedback!


The game looked & sounded great, but the controls were hard to use. The cart toppling is super fun though, and it definitely fit the theme.


Thankd for the feedback! The control scheme is definitely one of the weaker points for the game, I wish I could have made them more intuitive for sure! Glad you enjoyed it despite that!


It's pretty fun, I love the visuals and the music!

I kept playing it for a good time haha and the animation of you hitting other shoppers is amazing. 

I have some suggestions: 

  •  Make the window animations a little bit faster
  •  It would be easier if the shopping list showed images of the items, not only the name. It was kinda hard to me to understand some of the items (probably because english is not my main language), but I thought that images would be a good solution for this.

Thanks for the feedback, I agree that it would have been wise to add some visual indication as to where each grocery item was located, as to help the player more easily navigate the store. Also, although I had at first made the window animation (between weeks) faster, when I added the score breakdown for each week I also slowed them down a little so that people could have time to glance over it. A system where the player could choose to skip the pause during the transition between weeks may be in order if I develop this further. Thanks for the feedback!


Amazing concept! I also had fun pushing the other carts, lol! Though like others have said, the controls are a bit confusing.


Yep, one of the things that seems obvious in retrospect, but didn't occur to me as I got used to the odd control scheme while testing it. A prime example of the importance of playtesting, for sure! Glad you enjoyed the concept!


Had a great time playing the game!


That's great to hear, thank you for playing!


Fun game, the controls are a bit hard though. Really like how I can ram into other carts.


Thanks! I agree the control scheme needed an overhaul, but sadly as I tested the game and got used to the controls I forgot how large of an issue it actually was. Despite that, I'm glad you had fun!


Love the chaos in this, my god the other buyer is danger 


Glad you enjoyed, thanks for the comment!


This should definetly come high in place! i only got to the first level but i can honestly this is a really good submission - i especially love the nice UI animations and the little pixel art food not only that ramming into shopers is an awesome feature

30/30 stars you deserve it! :)


woops - sorry keeps lagging and commenting twice  - really sorry

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the praise, I'm glad you like it! I'm really proud of it, as it's my best project by a mile!

Also, don't worry about double commenting, I also get it occasionally. I'll delete the duplicate.


OMG!! Your game reminds of those old miniclip games I used to play when I was young like park alot. Crazy fun yet crazy difficult, I love it. 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'm glad that you found my game fun, I also got a similar vibe when working on all the pixel art for it! Thanks for the positivity, it honestly means a lot to me! :D


I agree with the others about the control scheme, but I honestly think that's the only criticism I have for this.  Good job!


Thanks for the kind comment, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


It's a good and fun game, however the controls are a little hard to use. One suggestion I have is you should give the player a tutorial level instead of a menu with text since not many people are gonna read through the whole thing.


That's a really good point. I agree the controls leave something to be desired, and although the how-to section is obviously not as clear as I might've liked, I sadly ran out of time to make a more interactive / visual 'how to' page. Despite that, I'm glad you enjoyed the game, and thanks for the advice!


Haha it starts off as simple but gets more and more complicated and i love that!

The controls were a bit hard to get used to but loved the game overall!

Oh and please rate mine too!


Thanks for the kind words, I agree the control scheme wasn't the best, especially the interaction keys A and D. I saw you replied on my 'to rate' thread, so I will definitely rate your game as I go down the list!




Fun game! I feel like instead of using A and D to grab left and right, you could just map one button to grab in a radius.


Yep, I've recieved lots of feedback about the grabbing mechanic, and it's obvious that my  A and D controls were unnecessarily confusing and pointless. In retrospect, I agree a single interaction buttun would've been a relatively easy change to make and would've benefitted the game immensely. Thanks for the constructive criticism!


Yeah! Other than that, I think the game was really fun!!


Very fun concept and game. Running into the other shoppers is oddly satisfying!


Thanks for the feedback, I agree that the mechanic of ramming into the AI carts turned our really well!

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