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A member registered Jun 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Took me a bit due to the slight backlog of promises I made for myself, but I am certainly glad I got around to it :D

The sound effects, voiceover, and music were absolutely golden. The sound when you shot an egg *cracked* me up (I'm not sorry), and I'm thankful the music continues after you die so I could just jam out to it. The gameplay was easy to get the hang of while still not becoming too trivial, and as someone playing on a laptop with a trackbad, the ability to rebind shooting was absolutely appreciated! For a game you had to start partway through and working on your own (and I daresay even without taking those factors into consideration), this is an absolute gem of a game. 

I liked how the faries moved around, providing the player with some challenge leading their shots, and I would have enjoyed seeing that leaned into more with some variety in enemies or shots. For example, having some fairies with different movement paths, or being able to perform a different kind of shot with two eggs along the diagonals could be a cool way to add difficulty and depth to the gameplay besides swarming the board.

Overall, a fun, lighthearted entry that was a pleasure to experience, with just the right amount of silliness :)

A fun and unique concept! I loved that it wasn't just about matching the line to the book - having each story fragment do something different in every book gave it a charm and unique exploration mechanic that was a lot of fun to mess around with! I'd work a bit on the collisions - I was able to enter blocks at times, and the death planes' positions sometimes felt a bit arbitrary and needlessly punishing. Regardless, amazing work, and a blast to play!

This game had a perfect amount of polish - the art and gameplay mechanics are charming and were introduced to the player organically, without any need for a tutorial, and the collision mechanic had a couple surprising interactions that could be found as you kept playing. Amazing execution on an amazing game!

The atmosphere is on point, and I loved searching for different endings, though as others have mentioned, the distances between places make restarting from the baginnning a tad punishing. Still a lot of fun, and I love the story elements / lore you put into your world!

Great game, with satisfying sound effects and controls! I loved the gameplay loop, and tying in the folklore as a thematically fitting way to tie in the powerup aspect was very creative!

It would have been nice to see the enemies also diversify over the course of the game - maybe they could bring in archers or priests to deal with the beast as it ravages the town over generations... but the gameplay loop you've already established is so good I can't pretend it really needs anything more :)

Great work!

Lol, some of the collision boxes could use some work, and possibly the option to collide with some entities and not others (didn't quite parse the phyics layer system in the time alotted, but it seems like the likely solution).

Thanks for the feedback and the heads up on the bug... There are a couple of interesting interactions the player can have with the animals' colliders. Maybe we should have turned the bug into a feature, and given achievements for finding all the ways you can glitch it out :P

I'll be be sure to rate your game shortly, thanks for commenting!

Thank you! Yes, the cabin location is certainly something that was taken for granted when testing on a smaller map. Also, as a side note - this is not my first jam game. But it is the first jam I've submitted in Godot, the first jam I have submitted with a friend (rather than solo), and the first game jam submitted to GWJ (what the question asked in the submission form). Just thought I'd clarify :P

I'll be be sure to rate your game shortly, thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Wholehartedly agree, it's the small things that really stick out. A testament to the importance of playtesting, when time allows.

Thank you for the review, I'll return the favour shortly!

Thank you! We had so many ideas for this game that we had to cut for the jam - predators (eg. wolves and bears, we had the sprites but no time to animate them) and interactions between animals (predators chasing and eating prey, wildlife populations and locations changing overnight depending on the state of the ecosystem, etc. The premise certainly has a lot of potential, and it was a lot of fun to build!

Thanks for the review, I'll be sure to rate your game as well!

The gameplay was quite fun, the art was well-made, the UI was polished, and the game felt complete.

I enjoyed the combat, it was a rewarding to strafe the enemy's projectiles attacks while not cornering yourself. I found myself automatically replaying the game to get a damageless run.

My only complaint is that it ended!

First and foremost, I love the art - the scenery is so detailed and the characters' and items' sprites look amazing.

The intertwining stories were pretty fun to unravel, and carrying your items between worlds is a fun concept that was taken advantage of in several different ways throughout the story, making for quite an enjoyable experience!

My only gripe is that it was easy to get stuck. I managed to gather what I can only imagine to be most of the items available, and ended up just clicking around, wondering if there was some interactable element that I was missing, or if there was a glitch that stopped the troll or scared boy from continuing their storylines. To that effect, some guidance, whether that be outlining interactable elements on hover, or a hint feature when stuck, could be something to consider in the future.

Great work on your first submission as a team!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the kind words! This was our first time feeling out Godot as an engine (moving from Unity), so all of these features were pretty fun to learn about and implement with the new tools.

As for losing your way to the cabin... This is one of those features that didn't seem too much of a priority during development, but quickly became apparent during gameplay after submission, lol. I will have to agree with your suggestion on that one - having a 'compass' pointing back to your cabin in the field inventory would have been a nice touch while keeping with the feel the game is trying to produce.

Anyways, thanks for your rating, and I'll be sure to rate your game tomorrow!

Updated on 19/2/2022 - This issue has been fixed, and the interact buttons have been combined into one button to remove any confusion/inconvenience.

Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the music! It was made near the end of the jam, so I'm glad it turned out well!

Rated! The music was definitely a strong point in this game, and I loved that you even gave a specific download for the OST!

Rated! Very fun game, and fits the theme really well with all the destruction you can cause in the house!

I already rated your game on this thread, but I must say it is still one of my favourites :)

Rated! I liked the minimalistic art style and the soundtrack, they really helped support the gameplay!

(1 edit)

Rated! The art was good, and turning into a dragon was a really fun and unique mechanic!

Rated! This was a cool game, I liked the music and art style especially!

Rated! I like the defense theme, as it is a unique take on the theme that not many games chose!

Rated! Your game was really unique, and very fun to play as well, once I got the hang of the controls!

Rated! I liked the 'Fame' mechanic and avoiding mechanics like instant death, it made the game feel a lot more fair to the player!

Rated! I loved the creative use of minigames to make this game chaotic and fun!

Rated! Really cool game, I especially loved your take on the theme, it was very different than a lot of others I've played! Great work!

Rated! I loved the VFX of the colours merging, and it was fun trying to see how many conversions I could fit in without completely losing red in the process! Great job!

Rated! Loved the art, music, and how the levels scaled up with random generation and an increasing number of crystals!

(1 edit)

Rated! Great job, your game was really fun!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the review, glad you liked the game!

Yeah, those are great ideas! I wanted the AI to completely remove some of the items the player required in order to force them to obtain it by knocking over carts, but it was more of a last minute thought and not something I wanted to risk breaking the game to add right before building. I agree having the supermarket have more variety with hazards and different initial stocks for items (maybe even dependent on item size / season?) would be something I could add if I continue development on this. Thanks for the feedback!

Thankd for the feedback! The control scheme is definitely one of the weaker points for the game, I wish I could have made them more intuitive for sure! Glad you enjoyed it despite that!

Thanks for the feedback, I agree that it would have been wise to add some visual indication as to where each grocery item was located, as to help the player more easily navigate the store. Also, although I had at first made the window animation (between weeks) faster, when I added the score breakdown for each week I also slowed them down a little so that people could have time to glance over it. A system where the player could choose to skip the pause during the transition between weeks may be in order if I develop this further. Thanks for the feedback!

Rated! I loved the 3D graphics, the game looks great, and was really fun!

Great job! Love the game, some problems such as no crosshair and non-scaling UI have already been mentioned, but overall this is a well-executed game for the time limit!

Rated! Great work, you game was really fun!

Good game, I liked the concept and how the chaos built up over time!

Yep, one of the things that seems obvious in retrospect, but didn't occur to me as I got used to the odd control scheme while testing it. A prime example of the importance of playtesting, for sure! Glad you enjoyed the concept!

That's great to hear, thank you for playing!