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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a really good puzzle game! It was too hard for me, but I liked the mechanic and it made me wish I were better at puzzles. The graphics were very nice and it was easy to tell what each tile was and remember what it did.

That WAS a weird little demo! There was something very satisfying about the way the shots/zombies bounced around and then I realized "oh, zombie POOL, not zombie pool!" So I stopped looking for water and started setting up bank shots. :)

Yeah, so I watched this Game Jam Tips video before I started and it said "make sure you use playtesters because you'll be playing your game so much you won't notice you're getting good at it" and I said "pfft, surely not." Now I have learned this is a good tip because almost everyone is mentioning the ball/paddle speed and I will listen next time!

There really isn't anything to know to play better though, the powerups are the color of the brick they came out of, nothing more to it than that.

Hey, a word game, neat! I think this is the only one I've seen in the jam. I liked the voice acting and it had a cute story. There was one puzzle I couldn't figure out, so I appreciated being able to skip to the next level to at least get the whole story.

There is a reason that music volume slider was on my "must-do" list. :) Sadly the side-flippers didn't make it in, they were supposed to pop out when that side-to-side thing happened but I ran out of time. Seems like you got the, uh, artistic vision though and I appreciate it!

A rollerskating robot is a pretty fun new idea, I haven't seen anything else like it. Definitely the start of something good!

The art is great! Overall a fun idea, it has the bones of a full game. (Possibly the bones of some teachers. Are we devouring them? Cannibal children?) I'd like to play it some more!

The game was really beautiful and the music was great. I wasn't good at shooting things but the controls were very smooth and I did pretty well mostly dodging. Very polished, very fun!

A very neat idea, simple but harder than it looks like it's going to be.

The game looks great, I loved watching all the balls flying around. It is easier if you don't move and just keep building the same 4 walls over and over, it could probably use something to discourage that. Neat, original idea!

Man, I really needed someone to sit down next to me and start mashing away on the same keyboard. :)

Definitely one of my favorites so far! The level difficulty was well done, and I appreciated the accessibility options (even though I managed to finish without using them). Really nice simple introduction that showed the controls. Everything looked great and the music is a legitimate bop. The only tiny thing I wished for is a health indicator for the boss, for a long time I couldn't tell if I was actually doing anything to him or not.

My kid watched me play this one and is requesting a full version. :)

The game looked great and was really unique. I could have done without the jetpack, there was enough to worry about without that. Otherwise a very neat idea for a game!

The art looks great and it's a fun little game, but it was really hard to figure out. It took an entire try before I realized the instructions were under another piece of paper at the start, and then I couldn't figure out what was "grill" or "submit button" or that buns need to be cut. I did finally get the hang of it and it was pretty cute.

I really liked the angy amoeba, he's pretty cute. The game was a lot easier if you just never attacked, which doesn't seem quite right, but it's definitely the start of something. 

Looks fantastic! Definitely chaotic. It could use some ramping up/tutorial levels, but hey, it's a game jam.

I'm not sure this is a game, but it is an interesting concept. Very nice look and good audio!

It's cute and fun and the levels were enough challenging that I had to do some a couple times but none that I gave up on. Short but very nicely done!

Even with the sensitivity all the way down the controls were still pretty nuts, but at least you could turn them down. Neat idea for a game, cute doggos, and the yeeting was fun - would have been even more fun with a smaller play area so you could spend more time yeeting and less running. 

Just watching all the fruit flying around was pretty fun in itself. Some indication of how well you're doing would be good - fruits in the bowls or even just a score counter would have helped. Still good concept nicely executed!

I feel bad that I can't give it more than 5 in graphics, it looks SO GOOD. And absolutely chaotic!

This game is super cute and very fun. I only wish the transitions between the direction-picking and the getting to run around and smash stuff was faster.

This game is adorable, the jumping and boosting the strawberry looks & feels great. I only know there's more to it because of comments, I tried a few different things but just fell off edges either way so I figured the game was only meant to be about 10 seconds long. If it had some visual cues it would really help.

The game looked & sounded great, but the controls were hard to use. The cart toppling is super fun though, and it definitely fit the theme.

Nice tutorial/level design, for as complicated a game as that is there was always that sense of "ah, now I know what this new thing does" instead of "WTF was that???" 

Really liked the art in this, the game looks great. Having it 2-player is impressive!

I used WAD, and generally I'd hold the keys down but I'm pretty sure I tried both.

I can't say I got very far in this game, but it was fun trying! A very creative way to mash up two games, and there was absolutely chaos.

Solid little game, it fits the theme well. I don't want to have that guy's day!

That's a really neat way to present a mini-puzzle set, I'd play this if it were expanded out to a full game. Good twist at the end!

Ooh, checkpoints, very fancy! You can tell a lot of thought/good planning went into this game, really polished for something made in a week.

Camera controls were a little nuts, but the game was very cute. Loved the cat's little hops! And I can't say no to a game that lets me push stuff off of tables, so overall nicely done. 

The secret is you can't tell the difference even if you can see the colors, they're only colored by the brick they popped out of. :)

Game was very fun, and it fits the theme 100%! Enjoyed being a ghost. :)

I played long enough to get a couple of upgrades, but the difficulty really needs to increase faster, 1-2 starter levels would have been plenty. Still fun, liked the upgrade mechanic, and the invaders bumping into each other was a nice touch.

I would have like to be able to see more of the screen, but then it wouldn't have fit the theme so well so I can't really complain. I made sammich!

Hey, I actually won! It was a little hard because I kept being entertained by the limbs flying off and forgetting you're not supposed to do that. I liked the graphics but wish there was a little more contrast in the colors/lighting, it would be nice to see the details.

The jumping felt really good, but I couldn't ever get my lil' guy to move left or right. (He just kind of jittered? I don't think that's supposed to happen, it looks like everyone else could play fine.) The graphics and atmosphere were great, and I thought the control switching was fun.

What a cute style! Fun and surprising game - I kept thinking "ah yes I see what's going on here" and then going "oh, nope, that's new!" Music was really nice too.

Fun puzzle game for something that seems really simple at first! Nicely polished as well. :)