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A member registered Jan 30, 2014 · View creator page →

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Nice job!  Being able to change the mouse sensitivity would be nice, unless I just missed that in the settings, but otherwise it was good!

Awesome job!  I'll give it a try once its out!

Well I can definitely recommend Godot, I started gamedev back on GameMaker 7 way back and Godot has been my favorite for a while now, great for 2D and 3D is getting better every update. Either way good luck with the post jam polish!

Nice job!  My only real critiques are mostly a lack polish, but thats expected in a jam like this when running solo.  I'd suggest dropping the pixel font for the text, especially since youre using high res portraits, readability/accessibility is more important than strict style, but if you can pull off both even better.  I'm not sure how you handled the buttons, either using Godots built in nodes or making your own, but Godots theme might seem a little overwhelming but is honestly pretty simple, so you should be able to get clicking on them looking good pretty easily.  This is all pretty subjective, in the end design choices like this come down to you, put some more effort into this and you could have something really neat.  Good entry!

Nice concept, my only real comment is on the controls, it was really difficult to actually get the slide to work for me, and jumping when next to a platform was trying to wall jump, so I'd just get stuck.  Honestly for something made in 48 hours thats not a huge deal, I'd like to see this polished up post jam!  Good entry!

Nice job!  Not sure what the hiding is supposed to do, I couldnt seem to get it to work, but everything else worked fine.  Only thing I have to say is real nitpicky, for your UI elements in Godot,  specifically the buttons, you can set an empty StyleBox under the Theme or under Theme Overrides > Styles you can set a style for pressed/focused so you dont have that box outline when selecting a button.  Thats basically all I've got, and its more a tip than anything lol, good entry!

Nice job!  Simple and clean, I liked it.  My only comments would be on the bombs having colliders that youve already seen, on one hand I get that a player taking random damage from a bomb they didnt see is bad, but I was also blocked in a few times by random spawning bombs.  Maybe have them spawn a set distance away to help mitigate that?  The icy movement style isnt my fave but thats all subjective, and honestly I think it works fine with this.  Overall I dont really have any feedback you havent already heard, good entry.

(2 edits)

I'll be honest, I'm not sure I see the role reversal here.  You are playing as a a zombie instead of a human, but mechanically the game is the same.  But, this is one of the few entries I actually played to completion.  Honestly if you polish this up a bit youd have another fun survivors-like, even if you went back to human vs zombies.  Only issues I noticed was that the sound effects slider doesnt seem to work, all my attacks were still at full volume when it as muted, and when dashing your character still tries to go to the last clicked point, so youll usually turn around after dashing.  Otherwise this was great, keep it up.  

Oh and just a suggestion for future jams, I'm sure you've noticed that having a web build makes it way easier to get plays/reviews, but if you cant do that its better to add the game as a zip file instead of a RAR, until windows 11 is more widely used you can assume most people wont go through the trouble of extracting it with third party software, I honestly wouldnt be surprised if thats why your ratings are low, cause this game was solid.  English not being the main language might be another one, but I had no issues.  I'm not sure if you rated and commented a bunch either, or if you posted a lot in the review my game channel.  

You know idk how I forgot about the shooting aspect, that makes much more sense. Yeah getting keybinds right can be a pain, especially with such little time. My experience wasn't really hindered at all, just had to get used to it, so honestly it's probably an issue with me lol

Nice job!  The controls felt a little weird, mostly with the layout.  I kept hitting shift to dash but swapped instead, and then forgot that the mouse button did anything pretty quick.  You could try consolidating them to the keyboard more instead, but that could also just be a me issue.  Otherwise youve got some fun mechanics and good puzzles, you could polish it up post jam and have a nice little puzzle game!

The art is great and I love the interpretation of the theme, but the overall loop is too quick so its hard to really understand what was happening.  In the second phase, I'd lose before I was able to read the tooltips and really know what was happening.  If you could slow it down and polish that loop this could be really cool.  Overall it was a solid entry though, good job

Nice job!  Honestly was a little confused on what the role reversal was until the end lol.  Neat interpretation of the theme, and I like the whole dying raises the health thing since that makes the second phase harder.  Controls for the first phase felt a little floaty, but thats pretty subjective so mostly just my opinion.

Ooooooh ok, yeah this might just be me being stupid lol. I thought if I won with three in a row it was an instant loss, but I'm not sure why I thought that. Ignore all of that the game was good good job 😂

So in the picture in the just comment it says I cheated, which means I won that round for real right?  I didn't get three in a row that round, but I had on the previous round, but the previous round counted as a win instead of being told I cheated. I'm pretty sure it's something to do with how fast it checks stuff at the end, seems like it's carrying over the loss from the previous round

Nice job!  Cute idea, nice execution.  Dont really have any critiques, if you expanded on this post jam I could see other blocks to place and environmental obstacles for you and the scientist to change up the puzzle dynamics.  

Nice job!  Everything is pretty polished, only comment would be that the target for the eye blocks seems to be above the player so hiding lower than them usually means you dont get hit, but that also might be intentional.  

Not a bad concept though the execution might be a little too simple.  The enemy variations was a nice feature though, only issue I found was that the enemies touching the sides of the platform counts as a game over, which doesnt make a lot of sense if we just want them off the platform, but thats mostly my opinion.  Great job though!

(1 edit)

Nice concept, the only issue I found was that sometimes it seems to miss you "cheating" then carry it over to the next round.  Other than that great job!

Edit: That game worked fine, I just need to not review games first thing in the morning lol, great job!

Loved it, really dont have any feedback outside of more tutorials and whatnot, great job!

I totally get that, keeping the scope in check for the time limit can be rough, better to get something finished than go wild and miss the deadline lol

I'll be honest I was very confused by how this fit the roles reversed theme at first since I didnt read anything, turns out it fits perfectly lol.  The concept was good, but the current state could be improved as the puzzle just kinda turns into taking the longest route you can to make the second phase easy.  The later level designs and restrictions definitely help that out, but it could be improved through stuff like different tiles having different movement distances, giving the different bones different movements, etc.  Overall though great job getting this done in 48 hours, I could see you expanding on this further post jam.  Keep learning and keep making!

Nice job!  Interesting idea, could see you expand on it a bit with other levels with different invaders, etc.  

Like the concept, my biggest issue was not reading what the different tools did first, so it was trial and error, but thats on me.  Nice job!

I'll be honest, much better than I was expecting.  The puzzle of the movement abilities were well designed, everything felt polished, great job!  Could really see you expanding on this post jam.

This just reminded me I'm not great at chess anymore lmao.  Loved it though, great idea and great execution.  Honestly no feedback, I just need to be better at chess.

Great little game, honestly I think the only comment I have is that the text can be hard to read.  Otherwise I have no complaints!

Honestly loved this.  Everything from the presentation on the page to the chill puzzle vibes.  Wonky physics aside, I have nothing to say about it besides I want to see more of it.  Great job!

I cant believe you made me do math, 0/10.  

Lol really though nice job, I saw you mentioned in a few places its below your standards, but honestly it was fine for what it was.  Between the music, the timer, and the submission box suddenly moving the presentation kept me engaged way longer than I admittedly thought it would, and it was fun, and thats what matters!  My only suggestion would be similar to the others, trying to adjust the time depending on the size of the numbers in the question, and maybe keeping the submission box from completely covering the button and question.  Good job though!

Nice job!  Very simple so I'm not sure I have any feedback since everything works as expected, most of what I'd suggest has been mentioned in other comments.  Great job getting something finished and submitted though, keep learning!

Thanks!  Glad to hear its working on Opera, I'm trying to gauge what does and doesnt work with Godot 4s web builds lol.   I appreciate the feedback and review!

(1 edit)

Interesting take on the Roles Reversed theme, nice job!  Some feedback would be that there should be an endgame of some sort, either the bombs taking health away or a timer of some kind.  I also eventually got to a point where I was only getting a bomb and a grape, nothing else.  I also found a way to climb lol.  If you hit the fruits from the side depending on if youre higher or lower theyll push you up or down, you'll want to look into locking the players position at the bottom.  Good job though!

Really enjoyed it!  You already mentioned the balancing issue, not sure I have any other comments.  Nice job!

Nice job!  I liked the art and the concept, a few suggestions I'd have is you may want to normalize your input axis as going diagonal makes you much faster than in one direction, and if you have repetitive sounds like the sheep you can slightly adjust the pitch on a random range before playing the sound, that way you can reuse sound files but they'll sound different enough it won't get too repetitive.  Good entry though!

Nice entry!  Its fun, the art is nice, and the concept is simple.  Not sure I have any feedback honestly, good job!

Simple concept wonderfully executed, great job!  

Fantastic job!  Creative concept, punny name, nice execution.  Could honestly see you expanding on this a bit further post jam.  Nothing negative to say really, good job!

Really like the concept, the art and sounds were great, loving the GB style.  Only comments I have are that some of the sign UI elements we're clipping so I couldnt fully read what they were, and the arrow feels a little slow, but that bits mostly my opinion.  Great job and great entry!

Nice job!  Happy to see other soccer themed entries lol.  Only comment I'd have other than the text bug you already mentioned is that I was able to get the goalie stuck in the "interfere" state and just push him off the field leaving the goal open.  Otherwise everything seemed to work as intended.  Nice art and sounds too!

Thanks for the review! What's funny is the AIs logic isn't more than a 4 line if statement and was supposed to be added to, but that somehow worked better than expected so it stayed simple lol