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Joel 2:7 Game Brainstorming - Sketche99

A topic by sketche99 created Jun 11, 2019 Views: 518 Replies: 12
Viewing posts 1 to 12

So hyped that my verse choice of Joel 2:7 was picked!

I always looked at this verse as a real life version of Christian Super Heroes seeking and saving the lost!

After playing such superhero games as DC Universe Online, Saints Row 4, and Ultimate Spider-Man (loved that Cel shaded / Comic Book look!) I wanted to do a Christian super hero type game! Also, waaaaay back in 2012, for my 2nd CDN speedgame, I made a semi open world type game named "Overcomer" and got a ton of negative feed back on Kongregate. Not sure if it was a bunch of non-Christians trolling me or if my game really was that terrible, but I have been for awhile just itching for a chance to show what I can do now with Unity, after honing my skills with it for nearly 7 years, as opposed to a few short months.

Definitely want the game to feature running and climbing up walls while seeking and saving and possibly encouraging others.

Now to decide if I want a huge less detailed city (like GTA 3) or a smaller more detailed city (like Shenmue) .

Also, with the now eminent permanent closing  of the Ouya game store, I'd like to make my game Ouya playable too (at this point, it would have to be sideloaded). I regret that I didn't put any of my other  CDN speedgames that I actually made Ouya playable versions for on the Ouya game store (No More Burnt Offereings / Forgive or Revenge). I always said that I was going to but never did.

I may have to scale my vision back some , as I only have 2 weeks, but I'm shooting for the moon, that way if I miss, i'll at least land among the stars!

Happy Christian Speedgaming to all!


Submitted (1 edit)

Hmm.. Didnt realise until you said that I had been looking this wrong way around. I was looking those things as a bad thing, but actually those might be Lords forces indeed. I mean, it is not sure which forces they are, Lords, or bads forces.

Hey Sketche99, can't wait to see what you come up with! Also, we actually have a little more than two weeks, we have until the 29th to work on the game, 30th actually, but 30th is also the upload day.


Don't keep us in suspense Sketche99. What are you up to? :)


I definitely over reached with my game this year and alot of things aren't working liked I'd like them to, but I'll post an update this evening. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Again, the vision I originally had for my game is being both reduced and revised. I still am shooting for a Christian superhero type game that focuses on running through an open world and climbing the walls of buildings (similar to Infamous on PS3 or this old Shockwave I used to love to play called UNDERdog City Jumper[] you'll need shockwave player to play it, if you already have it installed because adobe depreciated it  ). My biggest trouble was getting my unity asset store assets to play nice with each other. I started out with Opsive's 3rd person controller (the one that is now depreciated) because it has a wall climbing ability built in (I own both Opsive's and Invector's 3rd person controllers, but I don't have the free climb add on for Invector's nor did I upgrade my Opsive to the latest version) I was using the modern male and  females from the All-Star Character collection, along with it's  get in and out of vehicle collection. Then things started to not go as well as I wanted. Maybe with more time I could finagle things a bit more but time is of the essence. I have since decided to ditch the more so photorealitic look for a more so cartoony one.  Also, had lot about 5 hours of time working with the vehicle radio system, but didn't want to use it just in a car but with my character walking around. Could not get the audio working, reinstalled unity, installed a different version of unity. Come to find out, i had the volume of the vehicle radio system low (at like the off level but technically the radio was still on). So now I'm using the Easy Ladder Climb 3rd person controller and as long as my buildings are flat, they are climbable, which is easier to pull off with a toon stye than a realistic style. Just need a solid map for my open world city. Still thinking about the types of Christian music I want for the radio stations and still thinking about enemies and collectables and even objectives. Even though I'm kinda starting over, I think i'll have a better game now. I'll try to see if I can share a short video that shows the wall climbing and the switching of the radio stations.


Nice climbing. Turning the corner on the building was pretty cool. And I like the pose at the end of the vid.

Submitted (1 edit)

Ok so i have made alot more progress but i still have a long way to go. Managed to use the city map from Essential Game Assets, but replaced all of the buildings with the buildings from the Hammer 2 game kit. I stumbled upon a beauty of a unity game asset, and free no less,  Game Object Replacer, made replacing object really easy (!/content/21655). So, I implemented 7 christian radio stations and used the free PSD logo templates for the radio station logos (!/content/103928). After replacing buildings, props, cars, characters its now time to implement enemies, collectables, objectives, main menu and closing credits. Here is a video of my progress so far:  

I'm feeling pretty good with my progress so far but still have much to do, also still shooting to port to OUYA, but if i don't for the deadline, I'll probably port it to OUYA afterwards. I noticed the radio player may sometimes glitch out and display the wrong title of the currently playing song, but if you change stations and change back it fixes itself. Also managed to make a radio station from some Ravenscroft audio that I got on my CGDC 2004 DVD I got waaaay back from my trip to CGDC 2005. Still, deciding if i want (or have time) to implement a traffic system...


Not much to report today. Just worked on the title screen menu, end game credits and in-game pause menu. Next on the agenda, enemies and collectables... and maybe a you win screen or something of that sort.


So I uploaded my game today.  It's called Super Christian. I made it for windows, Mac, Linux and webgl. Except the webgl version won't load after the loading screen. Also still trying to get an ouya version going but forgot how involved compiling the ouya sdk for unity was. Making sure all of the lines are black in the ouya plugin window for java, android ask and ndk and compiling the plugin then compiling the ouya ndk and getting console errors about depreciated methods in the ouya sdk plugin (using unity 2017.3.1) and currently the ouya version is still work in progress but if I can't get it, I'm not stressing over it. I'm pretty happy with how my game came out. As a hint, the 50 bibles are where you'll find the level enemies (the hotheads) but the enemies respawn after being defeated.  Also, I didn't add a mini map as I figured it would have made the game too easy. It's already easy because you have infinite lives. Also, I spent too much time on music and the radio and none on sound effects. The game literally has no sound effects in game, but the music is nice in my oppinon, so that kind of makes up for it, I think. I think I'm done with wanting to do open world, sandbox style games for now. Hope everyone enjoys it. God bless. 

Submitted (4 edits)

review time. This time I am recording my playtesting, here are videos of this playtest:
(Notice I am still figuring out some details, like now my recording output was to my C-drive, had to change it to external HDD when ran out of space)

Actually many things I said about last years game, will apply to this one too. And I very much like that you now added the jumping around feature, as in last year I pointed out that jumping around was pretty much fun and was thinking game could have been about that, and now it is.

Unfortunately you have clearly ran out of time again. It is difficult to even say which one is better, this or previous years. This was clearly heading towards a better game than previous years, but it feels like you ran out of time even more bad this year than last year, since it just seems so imcomplete. Like as example all the bibles/enemies are exactly same. Last year there was difference. 

Finding 50 bibles is simply too much, in its current state game cant handle that many and it was quite boring after a while. However, basically I did enjoy looking for them. But maybe total of 10-20 bible around had been good amount. I had found 41 bibles and was actually sort of looking forward looking for the rest, since it felt bit like a challenge finding the last ones as easy (and therefore boring ones due to too many) had been found already, but unfortunately as you can see from the video, i encountered a bug and got stuck. Unfortunately I didnt know of any suicide button to fix that problem, so had to simply quit and didnt have interest enough to collect all the bibles again, so this time I didnt pass your game.

Graphics look good. I very much like the friendly feeling of them and city did feel sort of living, although people were just standing still. Also the size of the city was quite good, that it didnt feel too small, and wasnt too big either to feel like I would never find the bibles. I always thought that I would eventually find them all, since city was of suitable size.

Jumping was fun and climbing too. However, I would have liked climbing to being faster, and camera to move away from my character to see better. Climbing slowness however got fixed when i realised i could keep jumping up while climbing, after that going up the buildings was basically fun and I liked it. However, controling felt very difficult for aiming purposes. By the way, I liked the option to use pad, although I didnt use one. But you can see many times I am having difficulty in aiming at the bible, and another problem was that I wasnt quite sure if I got the bible or not. Didnt actually realise to watch the coin, if the number had went up, then i obviosuly had got it. Oh, and one thing I had liked had been to have right mouse button for jumping. That way I could have kept one hand on keyboard, and another on mouse for beating purposes.

In its current state this game is pretty funny in amusing way. It is bit unclear who are the bad guys. For it seems your task is to go and beat the guys up to get their bibles. Based upon getting more coins when you get bibles, I guess you sell them. So seems to me like player is the bad guy, stealing bibles from people who defend their bibles and sell them for money.

This could allegorically work well as some people shoving their own view of bible to others by taking their bibles (views) away by beating them up.

Anyway, this looked like a game which could have been very good had you been able to complete it, even now it showed already that it looked good and could well have been real good, just falling bit short now due to you obviously running out of time. But even as it is, while it might not be most exciting game, it is definitely worth showing off, it is something to be proud of.

Oh, and the musics, main menu music was very nice, and ingame musics fit well the current state, it made me even wonder if this was some sort of tribute to NES wisdom tree games or something, since right now the plot is something they could have had (go beat the guys to steal their bibles), and with that NES kind of music, it seemed really fitting. I liked that, and while it might be accidental, it was very fitting in its current state.

I wonder how much difference it had made had there been some sounds. At least bible collecting sound had been real helpful.

All in all, I did like playing it for a while. but 50 bibles was simply too many. It became too repititive very fast.


Thanks games for fun for that great in depth review! I really appreciate it and will try next time to a) not have such a grand idea and b) not run out of time. 


Forgot to make one thing clearer in my text. So when I said that I couldnt keep my hand on mouse and another at keyboard currently, it had to do with Jumping. WIth normal keyboard I could have used my left thumb for jumping with spacebar, however, with my special keyboard space is actually no bigger than "return" in normal keyboards (actually even smaller) and it is situated in such place that I am supposed to use right thumb to press it. Therefore because I could only beat using mouse (with right hand in my case) and I could only jump using Right Thumb, and movement had to be done with left hand, therefore Jumping and beating without changing hands positions first wasnt quite an option for me. With normal keyboard this had not been a problem.