im actually quaking in my boots rn this game SUCKS (complementary) and is horrifying im so bad at playing horror games so I had my friend play for me and you've 100% mastered the feeling of fear needed for this we were all on a discord call and screaming so 10/10 i love what you did w it
the graphics are crunchy and the color choices are perfect in unison to create a very very unsettling experience from the get go. Audio kicks in to make it even worse and then the angels appear and you start wondering what the point of resistance is lol, you did a great job!
What I would say tho is that the camera sensitivity is 100% way too high and made playing an actual struggle as multiple times we got lost trying to find where the angels were, not because they ran away or moved but because a mouse flick was enough to send it into the wall. Lowering that I think would make the game way more playable and also more horrifying haha
Great work!! I'm really impressed, this feels less of a game jam or a proof of concept and more like a demo for a greater game. Excellent!
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