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That's valid, I think game jams are notoriously difficult to get completed games in (of course haha). tbh i can see why you'd assume no one would want to play the cookie clicker type game but honestly there's a really big fanbase for cookie clicker in and of itself and honestly I enjoy actively playing games like that so maybe I'm not the best guinea pig on the block :") Either way tho, I think a good way around this would be to make it more like a text box (like a phone notification?) that you can open up, interact with on like the computer screen, kind of like your coworkers are all messaging in a group chatroom or slack or something. That way, you kill multiple birds with one stone - You have a rereadable chat history, you can make the text more central to the game, and you can also have some sort of alert sound that tells the player when a message comes in. It would be interesting too to play with the idea of being stuck in a room - like you have a bunch of mundane tasks around the office space the player is in (among us style?) like reorganizing some files, dusting some bookshelves, etc. something small and boring so the player has every reason to sprint back to the monitor to read the new messages from their coworkers

Of course, all of this would take much longer than a week so the foundation you laid by having this game this complete in the first place is pretty good already. I can see your vision tbh and its pretty fire

hii speed comment cuz ratings are closing in literally 3 seconds but I really like this game and I wish I had played it earlier because your game not only plays well but is super cute and I love all the juice you added (i.e. sound effects, transitions, UI, everything is sick) and honestly it reminds me of some of my favorite casual games to play. I think this is a really good contender for top 3.

This is a nice simple game that I could already see on the mobile market. The sound design is decent, though I would probably like an ambient track or something of the sort to fill in the silence between gameplay. Beyond that, I think it would have been nice to have a little explanation (very simple) of how the game is played beyond tossing balls at the rainbow circle, cuz it took me a little bit to figure out how to make the balls pop. Overall, I'm not mad at it, it's a cute little game and I had some fun playing. Good job :)

This game has an interesting mechanic that spices up the typical 2D platformer experience. However, personally I feel that, considering the clear Celeste influence, this game has a little too much of Celeste map design without enough of Celeste's meticulous care for movement. The light/heavy/normal switch mechanic would be a lot better if there had been a little more playtesting, as the biggest issue I find is that combining light/heavy is pretty difficult to use consistently without bouncing all over the place, ground pounding on accident, or jumping up 50 feet in the air without much reason (to my eyes, as a new player). I think this is one of those cases where, for a dev, it makes perfect sense to play  and maybe to some degree is scaled well per area, but when considering the perspective of someone who's never touched the game before, serves to be quite difficult not only to get the hang of but to stay interested in when failing over and over. I think a simple fix that would solve some of the issue with the switching from light/heavy is putting the controls for weight on the left hand, given that X is already normal weight. That way, the player isn't spamming the arrows all at the same time in a desperate attempt to switch in time to get the right level jump.

The visuals are cute and simplistic, though I do wish there was a little more unity in color palette as the colors are a little bright and nonharmonious with each other. However, I do think the character design is cute and gets the point across quite well. The music also seems to be pretty good, though it's mixed to be incredibly loud and without a volume slider, I had to mute the tab. 

Generally, I like your idea and I think it would be a cool game to complete. But without either a rebinding option for keys, options for volume or whatnot, it isn't really viable for me to finish at this time. Still, I hope you had fun building it and are proud of what you made, because it is one of the cooler platformers submitted to this jam. <3 

This game was a very creative entry, and it has a lot of potential to be something more. I was really intrigued by the concept of the game, but unfortunately I think there were a few misses in the execution. If you were able to adjust this in the future, this could be a really unique game on the market.

The biggest concern I have is going to be the gameplay. The game lends itself to an interesting atmosphere and a strong storyline, but the cookie-clicker style minigame kind of kills any chance of that taking root in the player's mind. Especially with a lack of visuals, it gets the "boring job" part of the description across well, but also lacks from making the story interesting due to the fact that the story is only portrayed through unreviewable text and flashes of light. The light flash is a great way to indicate mood, environment, and events, but without anything else, can only really be distracting. This along with the fact that the computer monitor ingame is on the opposite side of the desk from the actual text we're supposed to be reading to follow along makes it so that the player has to choose between figuring out what the story is or doing their desk job. When the desk job is the only form of player interaction with the game, this is a bad choice because it discourages the player from playing the game at all.

Despite this, I think you did a very good job creating a setting and the room itself is rendered gorgeously, which is a big part of why I wanted to play this game to begin with. I think with some polish, upgrades to ui and some more game design fixes, this would be a cool game to complete. Good job! :)

I was a little skeptical about this one at first just because the images in the screenshots seemed a little plain, but I was pleasantly surprised to see one of the most competent games in this jam! I think this is definitely an underrated game, and one that plays well and is easy to whittle time away with. I don't really have many complaints at all, except that maybe the camera movement was a little strong? I also wish the temperature bar had the numerical values beside it so I could know what the temperature was (though i gathered that high = hot and low = cold, so it wasn't really that big of an issue). The sound was great, the art was clean and the colors selected were great for showcasing the warmth of the fires started in the game. Overall, this one is one of my favorites! :)

This game was really fun! Granted, I was really bad at playing it, but fun! There's a lot of merit to this and I am really curious what you can do with the concept of this if you ever decided to expand on it, but I really like the way you utilized the visuals and sound to create a great atmosphere that genuinely creeped me out a little bit. I will say that I died an embarrassing amount of times by jumping while I happened to be on the stairs, and the game processed it as a life ending leap. I don't necessarily know whether or not it's too easy to die that way, but I did have to restart no less than 4 separate times because I jumped off the stairs and assumed the height was fine enough to land and not immediately break my legs.

Also, I don't know if I'm just dumb, but it took me another embarrassing 10 full minutes to figure out how to input the password into the bar before realizing that its because when you hit enter in the password bar, it doesn't submit the password but just starts a new line underneath. I also think, while thematic, there isn't enough indication between characters like l, I, and | in the font you chose, which also made it generally worse. These are small fixes though, and overall the rest of gameplay felt and played good.

Overall, this game is very creative and I enjoyed playing it (once I was able to log into my damn pc). happy jamming :)

This game has a fun concept and I coomend you for going thru with completing your project as a solo (?) dev. I like the way the light theme is clearly displayed as a central mechanic and the graphics utilize it appropriately. The backtrack changing with the state of the character was also an interesting touch to showcase the state of mind the player character is in. That said, there are some concerns I had with mechanics.

For a game like this where the main gameplay emphasizes quick and precise movements (especially given the fast and unreplenishable sanity meter), the movement just doesn't suffice. There is a major bug that occurs when the player tries to change direction while the character is moving, causing them to continue moving in the same direction they were walking in before. This forces the player to have to slow down and wait until the character stops moving to switch to another direction, which increases the time they're in the dark, making it even harder than need be to find what they need. Additionally, I think that while the idea of collecting keys to unlock doors is a classic and familiar concept that people are used to, it could have been done better by indicating which keys go to where. If there were less doors, floors and keys overall, this wouldn't be as much of an issue since it would be more obvious, but because there are so many doors to unlock, not having any kind of indication makes it so it is virtually impossible to win with the quick sanity drain, difficult movement, and overabundance of darkness unless you are the developer yourself.

That said, this isn't the worst game I've seen and I think there's some potential to the idea, but it definitely needs some polish and a little reworking of values to make it achievably fun. All in all, I hope you have a good day :)

Heyy! I didn't realize Paracha did work on this one too haha, what a fun surprise! The sound effects and music were as nice as ever, and the art overall was done very well with a distinct visual style. However, I am a little sad because the gameplay was dragging on pretty badly, with movement speed equivalent to that of a tortoise. if the movement speed was any faster at all, I'd be much more willling to do a longer playthrough of  the game but in the state its in right now, there's just not enough to do or see mechanically to warrant replaying given that I spent about 5 minutes straight swimming aimlessly without any indication as to where to go then died (i think because I got too low?). With this in mind, my best advice would be to make it a little more clear in the game where it is you want the character to go and how you want them to get there.

All in all, this game has a lot of potential!! Great work, I'd love to hear if you finish it at any point :)

This was a solid platformer submission for the jam, so good job throwing it together in time! Especially if you worked on it alone. Personally I wish the light/bones mechanic was explored more in terms of gameplay, as right now it just feels more like an aesthetic feature rather than something that affects the way the player has to play the game. Beyond that, I also wish there was an options page to lower the volume or that it had been considered as the music is nice but very loud. Overall, I congratulate you on your perseverance to get something out! Good luck in the jam!

Thank you! We really appreciate your feedback :) Yeah our biggest hurdles in dev were definitely things like optimization, version control, etc. which made it a lot harder for us to get down into the details since our programmer was working overtime already, but optimization is gonna be one of our biggest focuses as we continue to edit the game after the jam's conclusion. That way, hopefully it won't cause so many issues with hardware and whatnot as I'm aware that's the largest difficulty for players at the moment. :)

I can't play it cuz i can't download it :( but I was watching Navy's stream today and I think that offered me the info needed to rate and comment

This game is really fun! I love tower defense games and you took it in a unique way with custom art and interesting upgrades that make the game progressively easier over time. I appreciate that you took your submission in this direction bc this genre has kind of fallen out of popularity and I'm glad someone is making tower defense games still :) 

This game played nicely and was pretty simple to understand. I like the wind mechanic that acts as both an agent to extinguish torches and also as a loss method. I would have preferred the jump button to be either space or something rebindable since W as jump always messes me up, but that's more of a nitpick for me. It's pretty simple overall, and I think a bit better done than a lot of the 2D platformers submitted to this jam. Great job integrating the theme into the gameplay! In my opinion, this game would already do well as a mobile game, but with a little polish would definitely do great.

This game was fun to play and once I understood the star mechanic, not too difficult to complete at all! I had some fun running through all the levels and figuring out how to utilize the stars based on the hints given per level. The stars in the cloud was a nice touch.
The game unfortunately didn't work quite right in full screen, appearing less as a full image and more as a little square in the corner of my screen. It wasn't unplayable, but still something important of note. This detail made selecting, dragging and rotating the stars a little more difficult than need be.
I don't really have any other complaints as it was a pretty solid game. With a little bit of polish and juice like music, maybe some cool visual effects, original assets, etc. I think it would be a really good game to market as the puzzle design was already great as is. Great job, I liked your game!

This game has a very pretty visual affect, and I like the implication of the name pan (referring to the greek patron god of the forest?) I'm a little disappointed at the lack of direction and I was left very confused very quickly on my initial playthrough. After fiddling with the mechanics and figuring out that you can both double jump and wall jump, I decided to try climbing the tree at the start since there was no clear indicated path as to where to go after the immediate starting area. While beautifully put together, I think this game definitely lacked in some sense of player guidance, which is a major part of level design that can be easily overlooked given time constraints. Regardless, a simple sign or even text in the sky would have served its purpose in ensuring that any new player may be able to travel a little further than the front step of the game.

Movementwise, it feels pretty good, though the camera movement was frustrating as since it followed the direction of the player and never readjusted nor was manually readjustable, the area immediately past the spawnpoint was pretty difficult to traverse since most of the jumps were blind. In a platformer without guiding elements such as collectibles (coins, fruits, dots, etc.) or signs this is ultimately a combination that makes playing this game a little more frustrating than it has to be. Fixing the camera to allow the player to see whats ahead of them would be a major fix that isn't too difficult to do if you were interested in making a similar style game in the future. Additionally, removing any assets that exist in the foreground or editing them to not block platforming blocks would also make this game generally more pleasant to play.

Despite all of this, I don't want you to feel like your game was not good, as it was fairly well polished for a 2D platformer, especially one entered in a game jam like this. I think with a little more care to the game design element of the game, you would have a good product become a great one. Keep learning, growing, and take this experience with you to make more awesome games. Great job putting something out there! :)

UPDATE: I finally got a file opener for this and played through the first few levels. As an avid puzzle game fan, I'm pretty familiar with this concept of game, but was unfortunately very confused on how to actually play the game until i spam clicked around for about a minute and hit every key on my keyboard, then the green mirrors started moving. I wish there was a tutorial on how to play the game, especially considering that the mechanics weren't the most intuitive.

I also feel that some sort of regulation or rework of the movement of the mirrors would be very nice, as currently the WASD controls are most often completely unaligned with the direction the mirrors actually move in themselves. This made it even more frustrating to finish a level as I struggled to get the game to work then to get the mirrors in the right place with reversed controls.

I feel the sound and music was my favorite part of this game, which helped add to the relaxing environment and nail home the idea of a soothing puzzle game to relax to. I love the fact that you made this game and added multiple playable levels to it for us to experiment with and play! Good work.

This game is a simple but well put together banger!! If you did this by yourself thats insane bc this is a lot more polished than a lot of the other products here put together by a full team :o and it plays really well! I love the simplicity making it easy to understand but the levels feel well scaled enough to still have some level of difficulty involved. I exploded after about  lvl 4 I think

In terms of gameplay, i wish there was a little more indication that enemies were hit by attacks but also where their health is at, because the player at the start has to just brute force it and therefore lose a lot of health trying to figure out what the monsters do. In any case, its a pretty small nitpick and overall I like the way it feels and plays :) Your game rocks!

omg this is so good it feels just like a whole bunch of other puzzle games I play :D I love how much detail and wit you put into making this puzzle game work well and every puzzle solve feels like a high five to my brain!! I don't really have any improvements for you in terms of anything regarding this game because I feel it was really well done and feels super polished, enough so to be released as an actual game on the market.

My one tiny little gripe is that I would love some sort of settings page to adjust things like volume, lighting, etc. And that green/red colorblind people may have difficulty w the green/red lights so maybe if you wanted to continue w this game that sort of consideration would go a long way

Other than that, i wish there were more levels cuz this was really fun!! Great work!! :D

This game is a cute little minigame. It doesn't have much to do with the theme, but personally I love food related games AND sorting games, so this was right up my alley. I will say it played about how I expected; the instructions were a little confusing to read, so rewriting it to be a little clearer may help. Finally, I would say personally don't highlight the second click after the player selects one tube since if it works it'll automatically move and if it doesn't it doesn't need to be highlighted anyways. Beyond that, good job making a simple game for a jam. Have a good night :)

This game has a lot of potential and I think it's an interesting idea put into motion. However, at the stage that it is at currently, it doesn't quite seem like there's an end goal and that made it pretty demotivating to play in general. Despite this, I tried playing for about 15 minutes just to see if I could explore every path and while I think I was able to figure it out it was a little difficult because there wasn't really any indication as to where it was I was supposed to go. 

The music and sound effects were pretty good overall, adding to a peaceful but engaging feel to the game and the mechanics themselves worked well enough to provide a satisfying movement experience. However, the diagonals did work a bit slowly? so I'm not really sure what that's about.

The graphics are simple but clean, and with the care added to the way the walls and environment disappeared I feel you did really good in ensuring that the light theme was included in the gameplay itself. it also just looks pretty cool, I love the geometric dissolution that matches with the rest of the game's visual style.

All in all, it's a simple game about moving around enemies of different types. It works well, but could use a satusfying ending. I had a decent time playing it. Great job!

(1 edit)

genuinely I was laughing out loud playing this game I love that your witty insults are actually funny and not just lame

tbh its surprisingly competent for a game made in like 30 min so excellent work

pure meme culture, honestly a contender for one of the games I had the most fun playing lol

Hey, great first attempt at a game jam! It's crazy that you decided to go ahead and join one alone, but the fact that you went through the whole thing and came out the other side with a playable game is commendable in and of itself! 

I have a few tips for your next go in a jam to follow up with. Personally, I feel that the gameplay was a little rough because the swing of the player character was so short, and the monsters we were attacking had such a long range. Through my playthrough, I wasn't actually able to kill or damage any slimes because of how short the sword swing was and a few movement bugs/issues. Beyond that, I also suggest that next time you do a platformer, adding things like signs, coins or other indication items is a great way to ensure that the player knows the intended path to follow. Things like a blind jump off a cliff can be confusing for players who worry they might fall into the void and can also cause misunderstanding about future gaps in platforms so adding something like an arc of rings or even a sign pointed down would solve that issue overall. Finally, I also feel that the UI should never disappear behind objects in the game as that obscures vital information for the player. 

The music was a good pick! I would just adjust the volume next time or include an options menu to allow the player to do so since it kind of blew out my headphones when I tried it for the first time :")

Overall, you utilized the assets at your disposal well and you pushed through to make an interactive and entertaining game for everyone to play. Be proud! You did an awesome job :)

This game got me really excited to play and now I'm sad bc I got 4 guys in and won :(( I wish you included a little longer of a timer or a win condition bc this was really fun and the intro got me spooked! 

Gameplay itself feels good movement and firing wise but a major downside for me was the lack of a reticle in a game entirely focused around shooting bad guys at a distance :( I was able to knock some baddies anyways, but it definitely serves as a hindrance gameplay wise. 

The story introduced is sick, and all the juice that went into the introduction and gameplay really worked together to make it feel like something coherent and frightening. I love analog horror, so I was delighted to see that was the angle you took for this experience. 

I feel the theme could have been integrated better unfortunately, as the light gun is cool but could realistically be replaced with any gun to kill the monsters instead and would functionally serve the same purpose. Either way, it's a fun game regardless. 

Good job!! Good luck with the jam :)

This game executes a 2D platformer with a twist very well. I wish there was a little bit more in terms of audio flare, but the gameplay is solid and the gimmick is pretty manageable. The idea of cycling powerups is interesting, but I wonder if some levels may be bricked or impossible with certain powerups versus others? I played for about 20 minutes and didn't encounter this problem, but I do think that may be something to consider if you decide to continue development.

The visuals are well done too, with a consistent, neat pixel art vibe that makes the game feel a little more retro without sacrificing quality. All in all, this is a solid game. Great job!

absolute gaming btw

hii this game tickles my competitive neuron very nicely and I played it twice to make sure i could get the most optimal run I could manage :) It's a cute little concept and it gets the point across well! Knowing you need to use the remotes, switches and individual lights adds a little level of complexity that is nice without being confusing.

My biggest gripe with this game would be how it feels to play, however. The player movement is way too slippery for me and the mouse sensitivity is way too high, leading me to have more difficulty finishing the game than necessary. Also personally, I'd like a jump, but its not necessary so that's fine.

Overall, fun game! Great use of premade assets and custom design to end up with a fun, playable end result.

sick (i died)

Cute little minigame! I don't really have much to say, though I think it would have been cool to include maybe a background that reveals itself as you light up the room so you have something interesting to look at :) My time is 56 seconds! (i know it sucks lol)

This game has a lot of potential, and I enjoy the premise of it to some degree. However, I personally find that the controls are a little disconcerting, not only with the fixed angle for a bomb throw but also with the use of W for jump. This kind of makes jumping up as needed to move past the starting stage very difficult, and in a platforming game, especially at the start comfortability and intuitiveness with movement are pretty major things to keep in mind. One last thing is that the disappearing spike is a little too tricky to figure out since there's no indication that there's actually anything to do there and, with a timer, can be more difficult to manage, especially with the odd platforming to get there to begin with. A fix for leaving players confused at this section is to imply the disappearance and reappearance of the spike, either by showcasing it somewhere earlier in the level or giving it some sort of visual flair (i.e. flashing? different color? etc.) to alert the player to the fact that something about it may change soon. Otherwise, its a lot of trial and error.

The artstyle was cute and simple, reminiscent of games like Geometry Dash or Cats are Liquid. I think there's a lot that can be done with this game, like the simple addition of some sounds/music to make it feel more immersive and letting the bombs be a little more free + have a little more purpose. If there's a way to get past the first area, then I haven't found it, but I'm sure that there being an ending at all would be more reason to play this game than not.

Great job on your first jam game!

also idk if this needs to be said but if your stuffed animals are moving towards you at mach 5 in the middle of the night but stopping in place when you look at them you should probably call a priest bc that's demons

This game is really cute!! I recognized Maxenne's work immediately haha

The premise is really fun, and i love the idea that the little girl is being chased not by actual monsters but by her fear of her stuffed animals in the dark. Also, the cover art is really pretty and got me interested right away! You all did a great job bringing this simple game together.

if I had any commentary on anything, it'd be that personally I felt the game was a little too easy. Most of the nightlights were in the first box next to the door, so it kind of turned into a "how fast do i need to go to outrun the stuffed animals" simulator where I just hugged the walls until i found an outlet. Also, I don't know if I'm just blind but the outlets were a little small and hard to see and I couldn't find a full screen button which made it harder to play. 

Other than that, some polish like room transition sounds and visuals and extra juice here and there would really bring this game to a wow moment! I hope yall continue to work with this cause it's a cute little game and I'd love to see it evolve over time. 

This is a really good proof of concept for this sort of game! Your pixel art is adorable without being distracting and everything fits in nicely. While generally I find 2D platformers are pretty common among game jams due to being some of the easiest games to make, I think this one takes a fun spin on that by adding the area mechanic that drains and adds health depending on your proximity to a lamp. That said, there is definitely some that could be worked on in terms of mechanics, as it feels a little sticky when she lands, a little floaty when she jumps and kind of hard to control when she flies. This game excels in its atmosphere, adherence to theme and general graphics all around. I would have liked to see the bossfight if you were able to make it, but pivoting to an endless mode is a clever way to ensure the game doesn't just end abruptly for the player. Still, maybe it would have been fun to be able to fly in the endless chamber too... 

all in all, it's a solid game jam product. Good work!

i give very few 5 stars all around but this game deserves major props bc somehow in a week you were able to create a captivating game that, while being a 2D platformer, feels fresh, moves great, looks great and utilizes light in such a way that feels unique and new. I wasn't expecting to see anything nearly this polished after only a week, so the fact that you were able to come up with a game that, in my opinion, is easily releasable today is absolutely insane. I don't have much feedback at all beyond that it's really fun, really hard (in a good way), and plays like a knife through warm butter (that is, very easy to get into). If i was any better at platformers I'd crush fr (i am bad at platformers)

My only thing is that I'm not a big fan of mouse to aim? just because the movement is such a big part of it it can be difficult to align your mouse to the bug location (they are so cute) to shoot while the screen is moving. That's up to you though, really more of a small fix imo and its the only issue I had

you should totally set this up as a speedrunnable game bc it lends itself to that genre of gamer very very very well

great work 11/10 :)

"Achroma", a lack of color (like the greys of struggling with depression)? This is a beautiful translation of the theme into a concept, and I think you might be the only person who used 'light' in this manner. For that, I have to commend you. The artistry of this game makes it feel like a warm experience, and as an artist who struggles with depression frequently, this is like a gut punch for me. Sometimes, getting things done really does feel like i'm squeezing every last drop of motivation out of a tube of paint until I have nothing left. This was a very impactful experience for me, and I hope you're proud of your game because the premise is awesome, the ui is unique and homey, and the art itself is lovely and consistent.

my only faults, unfortunately, are the lack of sound effects or music, which I imagine must have just been a time constraint issue. Still, this would have been elevated even further with some included. And the other elephant in the room is, unfortunately, the game breaking bug that makes it so we can't go any further than the first 2 tubes of paint. I so wanted to play it to the end, but unfortunately the shower and journal option being broken made that impossible and that breaks my heart a little bit because I wanted to see Mary find peace and comfort in herself. Still, the fact that I can feel this way after playing your game for 15 minutes is a testament to your work and I respect all the devs who worked on this wholeheartedly. 

Please let me know if you guys fix and/or update this, I want to finish playing it real bad. <3


i can't stop glazing bc you deserve it legend thank you for making this

This actually solos this game is SICK WHAT

I LOVE puzzle games and this was exactly perfectly right up my alley and you executed it so well it felt good was intuitive and the solutions weren't baby easy but weren't "tear my hair out" hard either

the only downside is I wish it was longer PLEASE make a full game i beg you I'll buy it prerelease PLEASE


this is certifiably my favorite game from the jam, but also one of my favorite little games in general comparable to some of my favorites!! the art and everything was beautiful and I loved the premise, it feels so warm and cozy <3 its hard to say what the best part of it was, but the final gift is a high contender... Please let me know if you ever release a full version of this game because it tickled my brain in the exact perfect way i love for puzzles :)

Hello! Your game is pretty cool! I like the premise of shadow people/imaginary people terrorizing you and the storyline included was surprising and fresh; I wasn't expecting much of anything like that from jam submissions, so you're piquing my interest!

Your sound design is solid, and a lot of the sound effects aren't overdone or too repetitive which is great. However, what I would say is that it's a bit too loud in general and its hard to hear anything over the music. 

The gameplay I found was unfortunately lacking; You have the foundations of a great indie game in the making, but there are a few major errors, one of the most blaring ones being that the tutorial commentary and dialogue doesn't actually activate until you, the player, trigger it by finding the flashlight (which the tutorial is supposed to introduce you to). Because of this, we spent a while wandering down the halls in the dark using the candle (which my friends and I thought was the light source until a later point in the game) and struggling because it's not meant to be used as a light source. Additionally, after the cool intro w the flashlight, candle and the valve, the game opens up into a backrooms style environment without any further guidance, leading to boredom/difficulty/frustration from the player who doesn't know what to do. 

Beyond this, your game has some interesting elements that I found impressive to include in a game jam like this, which is not just dialogue and storyline but a save/load system and a functioning inventory system! That's sick and I took a second just to admire that lol

Anyways, great effort, your game came out looking sick! Good luck :)

im actually quaking in my boots rn this game SUCKS (complementary) and is horrifying im so bad at playing horror games so I had my friend play for me and you've 100% mastered the feeling of fear needed for this we were all on a discord call and screaming so 10/10 i love what you did w it

the graphics are crunchy and the color choices are perfect in unison to create a very very unsettling experience from the get go. Audio kicks in to make it even worse and then the angels appear and you start wondering what the point of resistance is lol, you did a great job!

What I would say tho is that the camera sensitivity is 100% way too high and made playing an actual struggle as multiple times we got lost trying to find where the angels were, not because they ran away or moved but because a mouse flick was enough to send it into the wall. Lowering that I think would make the game way more playable and also more horrifying haha

Great work!! I'm really impressed, this feels less of a game jam or a proof of concept and more like a demo for a greater game. Excellent!