- I appreciated the accessibility of being able to play the game on my own!
- The rules were super clear and legible!
- There didn’t seem to be a mechanical difference between the Combat Cards and Task Cards?
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Right the Rain- Climate Jam 2024 IoInBetween's itch.io pageGame Title
Right The Rain
Developer Name
Short Promo Blurb
Right the Rain takes place in a horrific fantasy world we're an evil force has overthrown a Kingdom polluting it and sending down bouts of acidic rain that have devastating effects on the kingdoms once bountiful flora and fauna. The gameplay revolves around the player being tasked with cleaning up the environment, destroying evil creatures that are produced by the muck, helping residents of the Kingdom including humans and animals, and amassing items to save the Kingdom and return it to its once beautiful state.
Full Description
Right the Rain is a board game that takes place in a horrific fantasy world we're an evil force has overthrown a Kingdom polluting it and sending down bouts of acidic rain that have devastating effects on the kingdoms once bountiful flora and fauna. The game comes with rule pamphlets, 3 separate decks of cards, and a game board. Travel around the kingdom solo or with friends and fight to return the kingdom to its once thriving state.
Promo Image(s)
Promo Video
Artistic Statement / Use of Theme(s)
I think the idea of my game aligns with the climate jam theme of changing the story because for the player to reach a success state or win they must get a high enough score through tasks that aim to reverse the effects the acidic beasts left on the Kingdom in a set time. So quite literally the goal is to change the story as failure results in the Kingdom falling further into corruption as the lands surrounding it begin to erode to far distant kingdoms destroying the beauty and habitat of the planet.
Development Summary
Between the original idea and final copy, I managed to put out 28 pages of content. I found the hardest part of this journey was not being able to keep up with uploading images which I hope to do in future releases. I really would like to make the cards have their own separate images but due to time constraints and software issues I was not able to get my drawing tablet tell some of the last days of the jam. I feel like if I had more people involved in the project like an artist, I definitely could have a more polished version of the game ready however that is unfortunately not the case as I solo the whole thing.
Release Plan
In the future I will probably try to add a lot of additional images I would like to create unique pictures for all the cards and really clean up the map. I'm not currently sure if I intend to keep working on it or not as I would like to take a little bit of a break after this jam.
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