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EcoPunk CITY LIMITSView game page

Resource Collecting RPG. Inspired by dystopian themes like Soylent Green and Abe's Oddessy.
Submitted by LURO_INTERACTIVE — 30 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
AUDIO | Did the game have great music or sound design#174.1114.111
IDEA | Was this game super interesting or innovative#254.1114.111
MOOD | Did the game have atmosphere or make you feel something#254.1114.111
FUN | Was the game satisfying to play or did it bring you joy#264.1114.111
VISUAL | Did the game have nice graphics or art direction#893.7783.778

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Let people know how long you've been working on the game
The concept has been a work in progress for over a year but have been more intensely working on the game over last couple of months to get ready for Finally Finish Something 2022.

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Quite a disturbing game. But it manage to tell its story pretty well, and the gameplay works like a charm.

The retor aestehtic and sound effects are nice, and the world feels alive. This seems to have been a lots of work, so well done!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very fun game! It has a lot of cool things that I really like. The music, the control, the factory, the story, is father in a straitjacket? how interesting :) I like when the robot says "greeting" when entering the room full of people who he is about to turn into meat. Nice touch!

Here are my suggestions:

- Add full screen mode, I actually could not see the bottom of my game as it was hidden behind my taskbar

- When pressing the close button on the tutorial, there is a small delay before it closes, I think it would be better without this delay.

- Believe it or not, it took me a while to know that I'm supposed to be killing people. I thought that the game is about fighting mutants or zombies or something, a small hint on this would be nice.

Overall it is a great game!! I had a lot of fun going on a killing spree !!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hey thanks for playing! I’m glad you enjoyed the humour and I certainly had a lot of fun making the game. The suggestions you have made are appreciated and as the project progresses I will work through the full screen issue as well as implement the few details you have mentioned :) Thank you!


Very much enjoyed my mass murder spree! Loved the humour throughout, particularly the conversations with the father who was delightful. I also thought the variety of responses from the humans were great - some running in fear, some hiding (in vain, of course) and some fighting back.

I found it very hard not to shoot down every flying car I saw - there was something about it which just felt right.

Controls were tight and responsive, I'd have liked WASD as an option for movement but it certainly didn't stop me enjoying it. The range of weapons was great :)


Great! Haha Sounds like you really got a sense of the theme I was trying to convey, so thank you!

I definitely look forward spending (a lot) more time working on the project to implement more control options and streamlining a few things in regard to UI and the players experience. It will be awesome to complete development of the game eventually and to tell the story in full!

Thanks for the feedback!


Great fun, great atmosphere, great game. I was offered grenades and thought, "do I really want to hunt with grenades?" And then I tried one, and it turns that yes, I absolutely do want to hunt with grenades.

I think the only weak point is the controls and UI. The mouse input was mostly fine once I got used to it, but it feels like there's a different button for everything I might want to do. Things that seem like they should be quick, like switching weapons or buying ammunition, felt pretty clunky.

Amazing work! I look forward to playing the full game.


Thanks! Glad you had fun playing my game! Its great to get this kind feedback from other players, especially other players with game dev experience who are producing high quality and polished games. Its too easy to get used to a games controls and UI when you spend so much time inside it while developing, so its really important to get different perspectives. Much appreciated! :)


This game was really well designed and the action was really good! Has really good game feel -awesome work on this! :D


Cool! Thank you for playing my game!


Great game, loved the 1 hand controls. 

Really impressive the amount of systems you have working together.

 how long to beat game or play all the content?


Thank you for enjoying the demo!

A lot of effort has gone into coding the systems, so your positive feedback is much appreciated!

To answer your question, you could probably play around with the demo for half an hour or more before you unlock all the weapons. This demo is only a small part of the playable world and in the full release the pace of progression and unlockable rewards will be more suited to the length of a full game and the extended story.


A lot of nice small details, I wonder if the story continues in the demo version? I got "accidentally" killed by the white-blue whirligigs.


Thank you for playing! This demo is only the introduction to a much broader story. In the current state, its a showcase of the features and mechanics and how the game might play when its completed. That's all for now but there is a lot more story to come!


This game has some interesting mechanics, and very detailed. The programming has been done very well, but the graphics might need a bit of polishing. Also, arrow keys control would be nice. But, nice game overall :) 


 Hi, thank you for trying the Demo! Thanks for the positive feedback!




Great game mechanics and theme, I also appreciate the dark humour! I really enjoyed playing and this held my attention longer than I first anticipated. Would definitely be happy to pay for the full version.


Thanks for playing the Demo! There is so much content and material that has been created to be put into the full game.  I can't wait to get it to a completed game to be able share the full story and for you to meet all the characters!