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A member registered Apr 15, 2016 · View creator page →

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Indeed the game is only dialogues at that point. Thank you for taking the time to read them.

Thanks for your review.

Indeed, the "game" is mostly a story at the moment. What would you have liked to do for example? (Hey free game design advices can't hurt ;) )

We had instant messages during development and it felt a little overwhelming, finding the right balance could be more of a personal preference I believe, so I think of implementing a settings to choose text speed.

Indeed, text box is wonky at the moment, it needs a little more work. I dunno about skipping it though, we still need some time for the player to read the full message of the main character before any NPC replies to it...

Thank you for taking the time to review our game.

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Well, you're using another game's name in your own game's title. The XCOM name is subject to Intellectual Property rights. I don't think you'll have any issues as long as your game is still not much known, but you'd rather change it in the future (if you wish to continue working on it). If you're looking for a game genre, I think the label 'Tactictal RPG' would be the closest, even though it is expected to have some form of movement/positioning involved in the combat.

I didn't manage to look at the game guide below that handheld device. I tried to poke around a little but that 'Y' button only make me a a tiny  tiny hop that didn't help reached very far. In the end I got clubbed to death by an enemy (bugbear? bearbarian?) that do play way too many times compared to my heroes.

I like the character designs but I don't think they blend too well in the world, which has way stronger shadows and non flat textures. The music sounds nice but is there some kind of muffling effect on top of it? I think I'd like it more if there weren't.

I didn't get the link to XCOM, this game doesn't seem to neither match the theme nor gameplay of it, and on top of that, it is a copyrighted brand.

The character customization screen is nice to have in a full game, but I think it's not a top priority when you're making a prototype or a game jam.

The zoomed in camera didn't really help to find where I'm heading, and maybe a cobblestone/dirt path leading to Raelin's shop could have given a hint about where to go (even if it's not that far).

The keyboard stroke sounds felt weird for a medieval fantasy universe and the text was a little slow to appear.

"Move 1", "Move 2" and "Move 3" aren't very descriptive of what these choices do, and I had a hard time figuring it out even after choosing them. The combat took quite a long time to compleat due to enemy health amount.

I seem to be stuck on the loading screen after the GrandPa's dialogue and I quitted there.

I'm sorry if these critiques sound harsh, I get that making a game during one month is a tough task, and I think you overscoped the game you made for it.

I wish you the best in your game dev jouney!

I went through the first mission, and receive the "Congrats" email. I'm not sure if there is any more things to do.

I liked that the game made you look for intel on yourself, and the social engineering techniques in used are believable. The UI is pretty barebones, but the sounds still had a little touch to make the game fell more alive.

Well done overall!

Cool implementation of the Carcassone board game. I liked to place the tiles on a round planet, maybe it could add another dimension if the planet was small enough so we can make the tiles go the full round trip and joins back where we started (I'm sure it poses some geometrical challenges though).

I really liked the art and the music sounded noce but got a bit repetitive n the end.

Very well done!

Intriguing story with well written lore building bits. The retro aesthetic is very nice, and the parallalax in the pictures add a nice touch.

The music and sounds are discreet enough for a narrative game, but they still add a pleasing atmosphere. Very well done overall!

I like how the mechanics are simple, yet with enough parameters to make the player investigate for real.

The sounds add a nice atmosphere and the graphics are cute.

The sticky notes are a handful mechanic however the board gets cluttered pretty quick.

I replayed it once and couldn't beat my high score, let alon any score in the leaderboard.

Superb game that fits the theme perfectly. I liked everything in it, mechanics, graphics music, sound effects. It all felt fresh and appealing.

The procdedural set up is nice to make many runs, but it makes the difficulty of the deduction vary from game to game. Maybe a few manually created levels can make a nice progression?

Fun pun and awesome coding game. The CRASM syntax is pretty hard to use, but I think that makes part of the game feeling. I'm still pretty bad at it, stuck at the advanced tutorial. I am not finding good ways to use the SEND command.

The CLI style UI is fun and the music is catchy. Well done!

Nice game. I like the deck building aspect and I had to give it a few tries before being able to finish it.

The animation and sounds make the game feel very appealing to play, this is pretty polished for a game jam game. Very well done!

Oh thanks, placing the plates on the counter before the wave was super helpful.

Nice little game. The time pressure quickly builds up and the mini games take a bit of practice to handle well. Having the recipes unlock progressively could help to learn them one at a time. I couldn't manage to get that secret wave even though I understood how to do it, I just lost from the customer satisfaction dropping before I reached it.

The art is super nice and I liked when the lights got darker. The music was chill but a bit repetitive. Overall very well done!

Good interpretation of the theme, it reminds me of a very similar game based on german resistants. I like the fact you have to find intel to craft your plans. But I kept stuck in a loop of my actions failing due to not so skilled agents, thus making it hard to recruit new agents.

All the lore writing, map details and events made the world feel lively even though the game is turn based. So, good job!

Nice game. There's a certain mystery in the story, but I didn't get the confrontation mechanic. Should we click on the messages we find suspicious that we want Aria to expand on? Or should we click on the messages that contradicts the last message Aria sent?

The character art is nice, and the music is chill. I do think mixing a typewriter effect and centered text is pretty uneasy to read though.

Good job!

Gorgeous graphics, with a good music. The story is mysterious enough and there are many choices about how to interact (or not!) with the items. Maybe I'll try to get a different ending.

You can be proud of what you achieved in such a short time. Congrats!

Nice little twin stick shooter. The floating platformer made the fights a little tricky and fun, however, the boss was regenrating instantly each time it received a hit, so I was not able to complete the game.

The background sound is a bit disturbing while the main gun doesn't make any noise sadly. Also maybe shot should make sound on impact as well, and not only when fired.

I had a bug with the crosshair that got stuck on certain invisible barriers while I was crossing the bridges.

Good job team, and I'm waiting for Scrapbot VR. XD

I like the cute characters. The black and white palette with red highlight works pretty well. I like how the shadows are presented, it makes it pretty clear where you can be detected. The vision cones being a darker than the light are a little weird, I'd think using pure white where you are the most vulnerable to enemy detection would, and a grey in lit but not watched zone would be more coherent.

I didn't manage to find any secrets sadly.

Beautiful graphics and chill background music!

I did not enjoy the search for the missing batteries, and ended realizing that two were enough to start the camera despite what the UI seemed to indicate. Otherwise, the three apps and the diary / photographs were enough places to look for clues, even if I ended up guessing the love interest based mostly on the messages.

Good job!

(1 edit)

Good interpretation of the theme. I had to try three times to get to the end, trying to find the right balance is entertaining.

I'm still puzzled if the text at the bottom of the screen shows context for the current choice, or the result of the previous choice.

Good job anyway!

Cute game. The graphics are neat. The sounds makes the UI feel more alive.

While the clue hunt is pretty simple, you included some different places to look for and that makes the game feels more like a real desktop.


After a few attempts, I made it to the castle. Endgame was a bit of a slog, where I just had to play stuff until I find the castle parts.

There was still a little risk I cannot play anything due to low number of rocks & trees and high numbers of quarries and lumberyards in deck, but mostly randomly playing until the needed cards come up. I believe more discard effects in cards could help thin the deck.

Overall it was very entertaining experience. Well done!

(1 edit)

Pretty neat game, especially for a short jam! I really liked the flow of the game, trying to match my heroes and figuring which parties work best.

I would have liked to have more choices of upgrades in the village, and maybe setting the tax level myself (this could have an impact on how many / what qualities of heroes will come to your places).

The graphics and musics are charming, a casual take on the dark fantasy genre. Well, the music sounds more heroic than dark, that might make the whole feels less daunting...

Great job!

Do as you please. Although I don't consider my haiku a serious one...

Congrats on making this demo. Movement is pretty slow and game seems to not run that smoothly though.

I hope to watch the tutorial soon!

Je suis sous Windows 10, architecture x86-64, mais le jeu semble détecter autrement:

2023/10/16 18:15:42 INFO System OS=windows Architecture=amd64 CPU=8

2023/10/16 18:15:42 INFO Build ROOT=C:/dev/Go/sdk/go1.21.0 version=go1.21.0 compiler=gc

2023/10/16 18:15:42 error found:

 - échec du lancement de la fenêtre.

 - failed to create window

 - failed to create glfw window

 - VersionUnavailable: WGL: Driver does not support OpenGL version 4.6

J'avoue que la ref' est très spécifique: une anecdote où Ackboo, champion émérite de tennis de table, a eu une altercation avec un chien de race Akita Inu.

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Pendant que la masse s'abrutit sur de l'héroïque fantaisie gnangnan, La Vérité traite de vrais sujets de société avec des approches réalistes et excellemment mises en scène.

J'aurais aimé avoir le fin mot de l'arc narratif de Noël Malware... en DLC?

tu pointe ou tu cliques?/10

Je n'arrive pas à lancer le jeu, le programme s'arrête avant que je n'arrive à lire quoi que ce soit...

Dans ce jeu je réalise mon fantasme de roleplayer M.Chat, je suis comblé! Les doubleurs vocaux se donnent à fond, et le face rigging est excellent.

J'aurais aimé voir le nombre de spectateur grimper pendant l'émission.

train de la hype/10

Le simulateur de stream le plus réaliste de sa catégorie! Une esthétique tableur excel maîtrisée à la perfection. A réserver aux esthètes du nombre qui grimpe.


Une histoire riche en rebondissements épiques avec des personnages attachants. IA no pasará!

On veut les DLCs (dans le ...?).


Quel plan machiavélique! Et quelle mise en scène spectaculaire!

Je n'ai pas réussi à terminer le jeu, j'ai eu des problèmes avec des bureaux soi-disant "déjà soumis" alors que je pouvais en soumettre certains autres plusieurs fois...


P.S.: Je n'arrive pas à lire ce que j'écris avec cette couleur de police...

Ce canard est choupinou. Le moteur physique de ce jeu n'a rien à envier aux plus grand AAA tel que CyberPunk 2077.


464. Je n'iré pas plus loin dent ce ramacis de torchon communo-sattaniste!

Entre la fréqence des faut d'orthografe, le salère de misaire et la precion des délés, tu peut le reconvertire en simlatteur de proff sens problaime!


Cet échiqiuer est un scandale! Une bonne métaphore sur la difficulté d'établir une stratégie à long terme dans une rédaction où chaque journaliste n'en fait qu'à sa tête.

Il manque juste un bouton pour envoyer le plateau valser lorsque l'on a perdu. Non pas que j'aie perdu... c'est pour un ami.

contre sirop/10

398 ans! Au gnouf les affreux! Ce simulateur de bureaulogie est extraordinairement réaliste. Il manque juste quelques animaux choupignons...


(1 edit)

Ah d'accord, c'est bien vu! Il y a certaines énigmes qui était tellement évidentes que je n'ai pas osé passer trop de temps pour chercher celles qui l'étaient moins...

Peut-être qu'avoir un volet "réflexion" sur la note de frais aurait pu guider le joueur?