Cute little characters. The fetch quests in itself were not difficult but led to different mechanics like rockbreaking. I really liked the idea with the fishing minigame. This was a nice and well balance touch. The boss battle was a bit easy if you only stood before him and spammed your sword. You lose two hearts but then the friends cutscene kicks in. I don't know what would happen if you would not have befriended everyone, though. Some i-frames and also a bit more damage feedback would help. The second phase with the rocks is a bit to fast for the player to react and leads it into a more "trial and error" approach and feels a bit unfair. Could be a pattern that has to be memorized but if you do a hard boss battle with trial and error, you should have a save point before it. I had to only walk 2 times to it , but it felt a bit annoying. The music was a bit exhausting after some time, but it was good that there was different music in the houses and for the boss. Otherwise the idea between character interaction with an occasional hard battle in between is pretty good, but could also need a bit more context storywise.
- Vashetrockner from ncon_ev
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