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A jam submission

Pizza Jam - Gamedev.js Jam 2023View game page

A time challenge game to make pizza for the gamedev.js jam 2023
Submitted by Lund (@LundProd) — 2 days, 18 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Polished and quite comprehensively featured. Very well made. However, causes a bit of information overload at first. If this even makes sense: You both under- and over-explained things. Try pacing information out and showing it to the player when they need it, rather than providing everything in a few long text boxes at the start. Also, perhaps start with a small number of essential ingredients showing on the Work Day screen and unlock them over time.


Yep I know, the tutorial part is the worse thing in the game but I didn't have time to implement what I wanted to do. At first there were less texts and people were lost that's what it over explains some stuff (for example the fact that you need to buy ingredients). Some feedbacks I got before posting the game was : "I started the game, and I saw after that I had to buy ingredients"

That's also why I made a video (in the description) to explain the game more visually and without big block of text ;)


It’s amazing that you’ve been able to put this much content in the game in such a short time.

Instead of having the player buy the ingredients on the first day, I’d suggest giving the pizza store some starting inventory. Then after completing a level, have a button to go to the store to buy more ingredients, preparing for the next day.

I like that each ingredient has a shortcut, makes it fast and easy to play the game, and the time limit never becomes a hinder.


Gameplay is fun, I like being able to assemble the recipes by typing and remembering the keys on my keyboard. I'd like to finish your game, but after 3 days I was expecting to be able to buy some new customer recipes and still didn't have enough reputation. I think you put a bit too much content in your game, and planned for your game to be played over hours. Most people playing jam games don't really have more than 20 minutes to put into a game, so maybe you should try to drip feed the content a bit less.

Id also like if there was an indication of recommended ingredients for first day, because I was lost and didn't felt like reading the entirety of the tutorial.

With a more polish and more gameplay mechanics, I recon this game would be very interesting to play for a few hours! Anyway, congrats on submitting to the jam!


Really nice game! I like the gameplay and the audio is just perfect :-) Great job!


This is one of the best games I have played in this jam. It is polished, well explained and fun. Simple and a lot to do. Great game. Well done!!


Excellente! (*chef kiss*) I love the music, especially in the kitchen it is catchy and lively, it makes me happy. The pizzas look great. My only downside is the amount of ingredients choices to put on pizza are placed in one row which is overwhelming to look at and interact on. Maybe it is just me, but I prefer a grid of ingredients from most common to rare ingredient. This way, I can map the keys accordingly in grid.

Overall, this is really good. Congrats!
Added to my collections to reach that 100% satisfaction someday. Right now I got 30% above.


When I open the page I didn't figure it out the at the top it was not a great animation it was a great game :D I didn't expect this will be really fun. It's simple and understandable. Great job!