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A member registered Jan 31, 2014 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Thanks for playing and the feedback! You're right about the friendly ships, they were a bit of a 'stretch goal' during the jam and got added close to the end so we didn't quite balance for them. Just as my team mates mentioned - thank you so much for the work on Phaser. Over the last couple of years I've used it for multiple game jams and it has helped take me from a complete amateur to a semi-competent coder looking for work. In part because of some of the best documentation I've found.🫡

Nice twist on tower defense. I did have a couple of issues that made it difficult to play. It was tricky to move fast enough to place different types down. Also, my mouse kept getting locked in place for a split second when placing a zombie, preventing me from spread them out to try and distract enemies like the sniper.

Solid platformer with cute art and challenging levels. Nice work.

Cute game. I would like to see some difficulty added in, perhaps a bat that occasionally swoops in to snatch a firefly away. Well done.

Really liked this. Fun, playable game with cool art style. Made me very nostalgic for the classic 2D GTA games I played decades ago. Great work.

Great concept that I would love to see expanded into a larger game with an almost open-world design, so that there was more strategy in how you collect colleagues. Excellent work overall with a consistent art style and clear vision. Plus a nice morale to it when you beat the boss. Well done.

Addictive and quite challenging. Great work.

Extremely imaginative and unique. Excellent work. Animations were fantastic.

I didn't realize at first that you could also move with WASD so was only using the mouse. This makes me think there could be a version of this game where you only move like this and are scored on how few moves you complete a level in. Cool game.

Having the spirits follow you around gave a nice sense of comradery, although waiting for the energy to recharge so often slowed the game down quite a bit. Well done.

Concept sounded cool but couldn't get anything to happen. Totally frozen.

Cute game. A few sound effects would have really jazzed it up.

Lovely concept, especially with the cards feature, but my game seemed to get stuck and nothing happened for quite a while.

Gym sim is a great idea that I haven't seen before. 

Very challenging but satisfying when you get to grips with it.

Love the artwork for the creatures.

Liked the tile-saving aspect. That would make a fun feature in a bigger game.

Well done on getting it together on the final day of the jam. Good luck with the future version!

The most adorable dragon hoarding game I have ever played!

Well done on making your very first game. And I didn't encounter any bugs! I enjoyed making small lakes and then filling them in again.

Well done on making your very first game. And I didn't encounter any bugs! I enjoyed making small lakes and then filling them in again.

555 clicks were too much for me and I gave in. Now I will never know if clicked 556 would have saved me from peer pressure. 

(1 edit)

This worked. Thank you!

Nice Pacman clone. Were there supposed to be sound effects? Didn't bother me that I couldn't hear any. My brain perfectly recreated the iconic sounds anyway! 

Cool simulation and it led me to learn about Wireworld, which I've never heard of before!

Fun puzzle game! Was even more fun when I twigged that my guesses didn't also have to be 13 letters long. Nice work.

Best egg in the jam. :)

Very impressed to see a 3D game. This is my first Lisp game jam and my knowledge of Lisps is limited, so I may just be a naïve noob, but I think its really clever. I will be reading your dev log to see what I can learn.

Left me with a surprisingly large amount of interesting thoughts. Not so Thoughtbound after all! Nice work.

This taught me a valuable life lesson that I'd always known dimly but that was brightly illuminated in the light of your game: I am my own worst enemy.

Would have loved to have more mushrooms to hunt. Well done!

Finding lost cats brings me joy.

I was left wanting more bunnies to befriend! Cute and fun.

Frenetic and addictive. Very nice.

Nice, I liked how I had to become more thoughtful and strategic with my shots after I understood that I'd have to 'clean up' at the end.

Cool. Feels compulsive to play and had me hooked. Good stuff.

Creative and interesting mix of ideas! Great stuff.

Clever twist of the theme on to an idle game. 

(2 edits)

As already said, it has a great, juicy feel. Great work. I could only manage about 50 seconds before I'd get killed but was pleased with myself whenever I did.

I love the time-management twist, which turns the whole level into one strategic puzzle. I unfortunately didn't have the patience to try and solve the whole game and would have like to have a few simpler warm-up levels before tackling a complex level like the one included. Great idea and very cute.