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A jam submission

Lost SpiritView game page

Submitted by Torben, ConfusedPhoenix (@CPhoenixGames) — 4 hours, 31 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Relevance#253.0913.091

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I noticed that the text would often mess up, especially when viewed several times. Dialogue boxes would become half gibberish and half-intelligible, and it seemed like it only happened when they opened up multiple times.

Submitted (2 edits)

Hello, I now rated the game and I want to give you my feedback: As I try to respect the 10 day limit and the quality of game, it is a very nice game! The audio and the gameplay are nice, but, how @Gad already said, they are a few things, that could be better.

Theme Relevance: The theme of the collecting of parts of the soul, to rebirth is very good!

So I don't find anything bad about this section.

Artwork: The artwork is very well, especially the fact, that all is done in only 10 days!

So I love the artwork and the atmosphere, well done!

Audio: The background music is very nice and beautiful,  so it's very good!

But I wished, that they are more sound effects like the ash - human transition. Like jump, collison (from jump), Sprint or speech sound effects by the dialogue.

I don't want say, that the game is bad! But in my opinion, it could have more sound effects.

Gameplay:  The gameplay is nice and for 10 days, it is a very goo job!

Also the design of the game an the levels are nice!

I know, how it is to be under strees as a game developer and programmer, because I'm also a programmer and I also had lot of stress because the time.

So I don't to be very hard, but they are still few things, that could be better: The movement of the player is often struggling, so I often lose and it frustrated me a little bit, but it's ok.

The another thing is, that the collision don't work at few times, so it makes the game very hard.

So the game is in general a little bit hard, but it is not your fault, I know how the bugs are.

Maybe more checkpoints between the level self is a good balancing to currently work around the bugs.

I read, that you tried to make the game for the controller, so I can understand you.

The last thing is, that any time I leave the site or sometimes I click the right mousebutton, the game crash and I need to start from the beginning. I also found a bug in the first and second world, where you sometimes fall forever and you must restart the entire game too.

Like Gad said, the UI of the dialogue is to little by fullscreen and the dialoguetext is broken, if you spam the skip button (mouseclick).

But: For 10 days and for the resutls, you did a very good job!

Hopefully, you can understand my rating and I hope, that you will fix and improve your game after the voting period, so anyone have the same chances.

Good success!

Best regards



Beautifully 3d art, its really well done. This is a solid entry with some simple mechanics that could go far. I think I would change up the UI dialog controls though. Hope to see this in the future!


What a beautiful entry this was!

Let's start off with the graphics. This game is amazingly beautiful. The textures, 3d models and animations are extremely well crafted. The lightning and particle effects are really well executed. Overall this was the best part of the game for me. The only thing that needed a bit of work was some of the transition states, as it made the player feel a bit jumpy (for ex. changing directions)

Theme-wise, the theme is used in the context of the story but not so much as part of the gameplay. That's totally fine by the way, and I really like how you can connect to the player to try and revive someone dear.

The music is absoutely gorgeous, the piano track feels so on point with the world you've created. It did feel a tiny bit repetitive after 20-30 mins of gameplay but there's enough variation with the flute and background synths that it doesn't get monotonous. 

Gameplay wise is where the game fell a bit short in my opinion compared to the other aspects of it. I think the most difficult part of making a great platformer is to really nail down the movement and control of the character. There were too many instances where I felt frustrated with the way the player moved. It seems that the character instantly gets their walking / running velocity as soon as they start moving, and then instantly stop. This made it counter-intuitive to me and hard to maneuver around certain parts of the map (the 3 moving cloud platforms took me a good 15 mins by themselves, I was ready to call it!). Thank you so much for adding regular checkpoints! Finally I found the transition to spirit quite an interesting mechanic, but I felt like its usage was kept pretty limited. One last minor item: I felt like the dialogues could have used a larger font to make it easier to read on large resolution screens.

Overall a really beautiful and polished 3d entry for such a short jam. Awesome job!

Developer (1 edit)

> The only thing that needed a bit of work was some of the transition states, as it made the player feel a bit jumpy (for ex. changing directions)

I agree, the rotation of the player should have been smoothed out instead of instant. The controller itself had a few quirks I had to spend a lot of time fixing. I ran out of time a  little and made a dirty fix for the rotation just to make sure its in there.

> Theme-wise, the theme is used in the context of the story but not so much as part of the gameplay.

The mechanic that allows you to turn yourself to ash and back to a human form was our main go-to for that. The player is essentially turned to ash and reborn (Like a phoenix would turn to ash and back to its phoenix form.) I do think we could have sold this idea a bit more and polished it to get this across better. There is a second point that we wanted to make the player mentally "reborn" in the sense that he feels refreshed and can now move on after what happens in the game.

> Notes on the player controller

I wanted to use my kinematic controller, and that took up a large bulk of the work. Not my smartest choice I have to admit. About 4 hours before the end of the jam I ended up wanting to fix it but I did not have the time to do so... (for the record, I was also getting a bit frustrated trying to get through the end with the less-than-optimal controller) I will take this feedback and improve the character controller since I am planning to reuse it for other projects.

 > I felt like the dialogues could have used a larger font to make it easier to read on large resolution screens.

That is an oversight, You are right. (Going to add a text scaler for future versions of the textbox since I also plan to reuse this for my other projects. Especially the Node editor to create the dialogue and the state machine)

Thank you for playing the game and for your feedback! We greatly appreciate it :)


Dear Gad, your comment is very good and detailed, so I don't have anything to add. Thank you for the good comment!