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Reboot - Demo/Beta Version 1.0View game page

This is the demo of our game Reboot - Betaversion 1.0
Submitted by Mudy, ThatGuyFromATIS (@ThatGuyFromATIS) — 51 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Relevance#421.9072.000

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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This is really good! The aesthetics and audio are both quite nice, and the movement and jumping is really smooth. Good stuff!


Hi gamecoder95, thank you for your comment and kind words :D That make us happy to improve our game!

Thank you again :)

Best regards




Thank you :D I'm happy, that you streamed my game :=)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Sorry for the bugs :( Unfortunately, the game stucks sometimes, so sorry for the glitch problems and the traps.


Fix those glitches, make bombs blink red, change SFX for bot when he lands, and add some enemies and some levels u can beat and this could be one really sweet game.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your ideas :D Yes, some of this things I already want to do, so thank you and I will notify you, if the game is very, very changed :D


Before I rate this game I want to know how the Rebirth theme fits into it.

Developer (1 edit)

Hi Sekai02, the game is a story about the little robot called HSD-34 (Humanoid Surveillance Drone - 34), who is the only one of the robot with  a consciousness. So more about that, you can find in our description:

Reboot is a 2D adventure platformer game in which you control a small robot called HSD-34 through various abandoned places. He has been reactivated (rebooted?) in an old facility for no known reason and is now searching his origin. Along the way, many dangers and puzzles await him, which the player must avoid or solve in order to reach one of the portals that connect important points on Earth.

Hope, you get the idea.

Best regars


Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Ok now I understand so I will give my opinion about the game.
It looks good even though the details are on a small scale. So my congratulations to the artist (s).

As for the gameplay, the game feels good, the controls and the movement of the character are very well taken care of. But it lacks elements that make it fun, at least for me.

I liked sounds and music a lot too. They are well contextualized.

I also liked the way you included the tutorial.

Good work!


Hi Sekai02, thank you so much for your oppinion and critic! That will help us, to improve our game!

It looks good even though the details are on a small scale. So my congratulations to the artist (s).

Thank you first, but ehmmm.... thank the artist 0x72, who gave his nice asset for free, and yes... but hey, I mean, we designed the level, so....


here is his link (I'm also credit him in the disclaimer, but maybe it don't load, because it safe the view with PlayerPrefs, so maybe  I made it wrong):  

As for the gameplay, the game feels good, the controls and the movement of the character are very well taken care of.

Thank you :D That make us  happy, woho, coding skills (lol I don't have one)

But it lacks elements that make it fun, at least for me.

Yes, you're right! I wanted to add more robots, so you need to shoot at them with the pistol in our second world/level, but I didn't have enough time, so I focused at the last day before the deadline with bugfixes and designing the site, so anyone can play without problems.

I will fix that after the voting period, so it's fair for all.

I liked sounds and music a lot too. They are well contextualized.

Thank you again! We found this sound as royaltiy free, so we wanted to use that. We wanted to make our song or music, but we don't have any experience, so it would be take to much time.

If we can developing our game further, we will try to make our own music.


I also liked the way they included the tutorial.

Thank you! Yes, my friend @Maxim_der_Erste, who made artist-work and also the programming, had the idea and I liked it. So we take his idea and used it as a tutorial.

About the tileset again: My friend is a very good artist (and animator), but we are new to unity, so we used the tileset first.

In the future, my friend and I want to make our own tileset, so it is then not from an another person.

So, thank you so much for your review and opinion and we hope, that the game will be improved like you wanted it.

Also we hope, that your game get the result in the game jam, that it is deserve!

Best regards and thank you again!



Well most of the textures were made by 0x72 although the small robot, levels and drones were designed by me :D

Also we work on textures ourselves but tried using free ones to wait until our code works like it should...


PS: Do you know, that you can shoot on bombs to avoid damage?


yeah, that's cool


Thank you ;D


Nice solid submission. I enjoyed the movement and the artwork. The artwork was super consistent and matched the tech-y vibe well.


Hello Urodela Games, thank you so much :D We are happy to hear, that you like our game. Thanks for your attention and review :)


But to be fair: Like you read in the disclaimer, the assets of the world is from 0x72, a very great artist! The link is in the disclaimer and here:


Very good movement and the gun felt satisfying, nice job.


Thank you so much :D I'm very happy to hear this :)




:D :)

