I like this idea! The solutions for level’s 3 and 4 seemed like they were the same to me, but maybe I just couldn’t figure out a simpler solution for level 3. Level 6 I think I figured out but it seemed odd that the character moved to the side for seemingly no reason. It might just be that the path finding is affected by the beam closing, but that’s such a sort window, it doesn’t really seem like a reasonable expectation. I think that kind of mechanic would work better if they were more obviously sliding doors that took a bit more time, but maybe had more space between them or something like that.
The last couple levels seemed like the time-window you had was super short, which was made them kind of frustrating and I didn’t do the last one. I was doing this on my laptop trackpad, so that’s a bit of a factor, I suppose, but still seemed like way to short of a time window for a puzzle.
This is definitely a neat direction that would be worth exploring more, though. Overall I think this is a pretty solid initial exploration of the idea. Nice job!
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