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A jam submission

Downtown DaisysView game page

Grow and arrange flowers in the city, in VR!
Submitted by Dragon1Freak (@dragon1freak) — 1 minute, 37 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun factor - How much fun was the entry to play.#63.6923.692
Audio - Did the entry make good use of audio?#93.5383.538
User experience - How well was the user interaction implemented.#113.2313.231
Originality - How original was the entry.#123.4623.462
Theme incorporation - How well did the entry fit the theme.#123.8463.846
Haptics - Did the entry make good use of haptics?#132.0002.000

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • A very impressive game!
  • Really nice concept, worth building out to a full game

Godot version used

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Thoroughly enjoyed it, will probably play a few more times to min-max as possible


Interesting pretty fully worked flower shop sim; has the full loop in there. Unfortunately on PCVR index controllers the grip threshold seemed broken; it was extremely easy to drop stuff on the ground and annoying to pick back up.


interesting, I'll have to look into how to adjust that, I've got no way of testing the index controllers so I just assumed itd work out of the box.  thanks for playing!


Wow, this is a really great start! I would love to see this built out into a full game, although, honestly it's practically there already. Great job!


Thank you!  I'm gonna clean up the jam version a bit, theres a couple bugs and some stuff like saving I want to implement, but the current plan is to take a step back and get a design document going for a fuller version.  I really enjoyed the concept so I want to take it further.  


Really nice game. I enjoyed but it would be better with a fast way to go next day. I love prepare the flowers. 
Thank you


yeah 100% agree, the initial intention was that youd have more to do day to day, including some flowers to start you off, but as i simplified things and was testing yesterday I realized how quick each day could actually be.  something like a button on the controller being held down would probably be better.  thanks for playing!


I loved play it. If you plan to work more on it, I would like to test it and give you feedback. 


I'm definitely going to clean up the jam version a bit, and add stuff I wanted to like at least saving your current inventory state, but I've really like this project so I'm planning on expanding on it for sure, gonna start over to support VR and flat though, but that shouldnt be a big deal.  I'll try to remember to reach out to you when I get to that point!


Recorded my playthrough

Sorry I should have read the instructions first!
Developer (1 edit)

No worries!  While I somehow was able to keep all the systems I wanted, I ended up having to cut stuff like in game tutorials that would probably have been more important 😅  thanks for playing!

Watching your video was actually super insightful, so I really appreciate you recording your playthrough!  Confirmed some stuff I figured needed to be explained better and pointed out some other issues I overlooked as well