My overall thoughts and feelings
Gameplay - Gameplay wise, the controls are easy to use and are intuitive, however the combat of the game is quite difficult, even on the easiest difficulty. The only really difference I could tell was that the enemies attacked slightly slower than on higher difficulties, with the aim and movement being consistent. I also experienced quite an annoying bug, where I was pushed out of the map when it shrunk. I could understand this from a design point, due to the nature of battle royales, but when the player is not allowed to re enter the area, it feels more like a cheap loss and a real programming oversight.
Look and Sound - The music and sounds effects are quite relevant to the games style and suit the game extremely well. It helps to set a good vibe, however due to the way the sound is coded, while playing the game a lot of the sounds overlap. This can cause a quite uncomfortable setting and is extremely harsh on the ears, resulting in me muting the game to even play it
Originality - The game is not really that original due to the sheer amount of battle royale games at the moment. Most games seem to have some kind of mode similar to this, so the game does not feel all that original
Theme - In regards to following the theme of Tiny world, I wouldn't really say the game fully follows it. The only really link I can find is the fact that everything appears smaller than in other games
TL:DR - Game does not meet the theme, sounds are ok but the sheer amount of sounds played at one time can be quite hard on the ears, and the game is challenging, however the difficulty slider does not appear functional, other than a slight delay on the attacks
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