Really enjoyed the journey here! Of course I loved Re:Punch's combat, and this offered some novel variations with a party of four, the ability to act with 0 HP, and all those skills to consider. I found it well balanced, but I could see how playing this without remembering Re:Punch could be a pretty tough task. I also made some really foolish mistakes, thinking that guarding my teammates would lower the user's aggro, and not the target's, ensuring I got some buddies killed. Learning the different tells could be challenging as well. Didn't expect that first AoE, though it seems obvious in retrospect.
The story was pretty touching, and I think it worked even without knowing any references. I like this Reid - full of both doubt and excitement (but he's no Harold). Thanks for this poignant send off. I don't even feel the need to punch you in the face talk deeply with the different aspects of yourself. The server will be in capable hands!
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