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11 entries were submitted between 2019-03-08 12:00:00 and 2019-03-11 13:00:00. 268 ratings were given to 13 entries (100.0%) between 2019-03-11 13:00:00 and 2019-03-15 12:00:00. The average number of ratings per game was 24.4 and the median was 21.

The Last Spark

by Harlan87, Nalsarius, littlerobyn, LadyMeow, elidecarteret, Ariath98

Ranked 1st in • Fun with 20 ratings (Score: 3.367)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Innovation#13.4643.550
• Fun#13.3673.450
• Commercial Potential#13.4163.500
• Teamwork evident in game creation#14.0504.150
• Graphics#24.0014.100
• Narrative#32.9283.000
• Audio#32.8302.900
• Strong connection to the theme#33.8553.950

Just Shoot It

by MattCane, Dan McCabe

Ranked 2nd in • Fun with 23 ratings (Score: 2.913)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Graphics#14.1744.174
• Audio#13.4353.435
• Fun#22.9132.913
• Teamwork evident in game creation#33.6963.696
• Innovation#32.6092.609
• Commercial Potential#42.7392.739
• Narrative#52.4352.435
• Strong connection to the theme#73.0873.087

Overjunked - Jamfuser 2019

by Various Breads, Techxorcist

Ranked 3rd in • Fun with 23 ratings (Score: 2.696)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Strong connection to the theme#14.0004.000
• Commercial Potential#32.9132.913
• Fun#32.6962.696
• Teamwork evident in game creation#53.2173.217
• Innovation#52.3042.304
• Narrative#71.7391.739
• Audio#72.1742.174
• Graphics#72.7832.783
CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Narrative#13.5713.571
• Audio#23.0953.095
• Strong connection to the theme#23.9523.952
• Teamwork evident in game creation#23.7143.714
• Commercial Potential#23.1433.143
• Innovation#23.3333.333
• Graphics#33.9053.905
• Fun#42.5712.571

Scrap Chasers

by homelesshobbit

Ranked 5th in • Fun with 21 ratings (Score: 2.476)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Fun#52.4762.476
• Audio#62.2862.286
• Graphics#62.8572.857
• Narrative#61.9051.905
• Teamwork evident in game creation#72.8572.857
• Commercial Potential#82.1432.143
• Strong connection to the theme#83.0483.048
• Innovation#92.2382.238

The Last Antique Store

by TheCabbageManCan, RedCD, SpectralFog, DebugDog, Lepuff7, Fifi3579

Ranked 6th in • Fun with 20 ratings (Score: 2.245)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Audio#42.5372.600
• Narrative#42.4892.550
• Graphics#53.0743.150
• Commercial Potential#52.5862.650
• Fun#62.2452.300
• Teamwork evident in game creation#63.0253.100
• Innovation#82.2452.300
• Strong connection to the theme#92.6842.750
No image :(


by Krow

Ranked 7th in • Fun with 16 ratings (Score: 2.128)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Fun#72.1282.438
• Graphics#82.1822.500
• Audio#82.0732.375
• Commercial Potential#92.0732.375
• Narrative#101.4731.688
• Teamwork evident in game creation#102.2372.563
• Innovation#131.3641.563
• Strong connection to the theme#131.4731.688

Project Noir

by DotInk, smaugie, JanGison, dahyun_and_tofu

Ranked 8th in • Fun with 19 ratings (Score: 2.103)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Narrative#23.0043.158
• Graphics#43.2043.368
• Innovation#42.3532.474
• Teamwork evident in game creation#43.2543.421
• Audio#52.5032.632
• Commercial Potential#62.2532.368
• Fun#82.1032.211
• Strong connection to the theme#121.5021.579

JunkShip (Pre-Production Demo)

by AncientLaw, Puffinzze, Teckoe12, Samguinius

Ranked 9th in • Fun with 17 ratings (Score: 2.011)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Strong connection to the theme#43.3873.765
• Commercial Potential#72.2232.471
• Teamwork evident in game creation#82.6993.000
• Fun#92.0112.235
• Narrative#91.4821.647
• Graphics#92.0642.294
• Innovation#101.9582.176
• Audio#111.8522.059


by Mr.Cosmogone

Ranked 11th in • Fun with 23 ratings (Score: 1.652)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Innovation#72.2612.261
• Narrative#81.5221.522
• Audio#92.0432.043
• Strong connection to the theme#102.5652.565
• Fun#111.6521.652
• Teamwork evident in game creation#112.1742.174
• Commercial Potential#121.5651.565
• Graphics#131.7391.739


by Bubbly = Nae

Ranked 13th in • Fun with 21 ratings (Score: 1.238)

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
• Strong connection to the theme#53.3333.333
• Innovation#62.2862.286
• Audio#101.8571.857
• Graphics#111.9521.952
• Narrative#121.2861.286
• Fun#131.2381.238
• Commercial Potential#131.3811.381
• Teamwork evident in game creation#131.9521.952