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Urbeka Farming SimulatorView game page

A harsh survival farming simulator
Submitted by AlexSchmierbach, Kazuto455 — 2 minutes, 45 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Simulation Mechanics#592.2792.857

Ranked from 7 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I run the game and went to get drink, when I heared the music start and didn't sit in front of computer, I wasn't sure what game I downloaded. It was very good, but I didn't remember installing any medivial theme game. 

I quite liked your execution off shop, even when it was little confusing at the begining, it had sci-fi vibe. I Imagined just putting hand in there and potato materialized right into my palm. 

As others have written, the hunger system is quite punishing and the death exacution is well, dead end. You have to restart the game.

Nevertheless I am fallowing you to see with what you'll come with in the future. Can I ask about the music. Did one of you made it, if so, what tools or approach was used?


Thank you so much for the feedback and the follow! The jamulator game jam was the first game jam myself and Kazuto have participated in before along with creating a game together as well. We found it difficult to get what we wanted to do done and in turn areas are of the game now are flawed such as what you mention. It was nearing the end of the game jam and we knew it needed some sort of death implementation because we had the vitals; hunger, hydration, radiation, health. If those were to be implemented then death had to come along with that. We just weren't able to come up with something original in the amount of time that was left. As for the music we actually didn't make it but I felt like there had to be some sort of musical element to give the game/prototype more character and Kazuto mentioned something about an exploration theme and as such we came across this beauty - The website has a lot of free assets to be used anyway you like as long as you follow the license. We have some good ideas I like to think in the works. Hopefully in due time we can show everyone! :)


Cool potential of this game. I think tutorial can be not the text in-game, but the independent level(s). But you know, game need hud (food, hunger, rad)


Thanks for the feedback! Yea after getting some feedback similar to this and towards the end of the game jam realizing some things weren't so friendly. Later tonight we will be uploading an update that hopefully makes things a little more friendly.

Submitted (4 edits) (+2)


  • I’ve been warned, but I still surprise. Very chilled music indeed.

Update pros:

  • Very forgiven planting system. No dead crops or anything. Which is a nice contrast to health system.
  • Very simple yet convincing plants model. I love it.
  • That $50000 corn though… THANOS CORN xD


  • If you died on inventory there’s no way out for you, except ALT+F4/Task Manager > End task
  • Go into game, then quit to main menu cause a music to overlap
  • I felt like I’m stuck like that journalist who can’t get past tutorial on Cup Head. I am unable to till a dirt no matter what button I pressed. Use a hoe and left click? Nope. Use a hoe and right click? Nope. Shovel? Nope. There’s nothing I can do and radiation is consumed me, I am doom to failed and there’s nothing I can do to stop this. We’re destined here to this very planet to die by radiation or starve to death. Nothing we’re do will be matter and everything will die in the end ‘til the end of time. Or that I can’t find a button to till that dirt. Help.

Update cons:

  • It seems that buttons on death screen didn’t work even when inventory close.
  • There’s no way to pause the game, kind of rough to quickly shove those corns down my throat and have to quickly jot down my thought of the game down into the paper to not die and lost everything in game. :/
  • Hunger & Hydration going down way too fast. Despite we’re on a harsh environment I would assume that you would not get hungry that quick, but then again plant growing very fast I can’t tell the scale of time in this.
  • Need a HUD display health, hunger, and hydration in-game screen instead of having to constantly open inventory.
  • Slow selling items. 1 at a time is painful gain toward that 50k goal.
  • Need more variation of plants
  • That floating orb need a clarification, put some icons into it so we know it’s next and previous. Not 2 moons on Mars. :P


  • Forget to point out how the game have strong wording toward the most important tools in the game. Shovel & hoes. They are useful items and not stupid :(
  • Expect a hot bar to loop around, but that’s alright if it not.
  • Need a quicker way to organize items Click-move-click is 2slow4me.

Overall, it’s kind of chill I manage to get this far and I can’t push myself any further. So, I’m done for now. 9/10 - a bit grindy, but can’t wait to see it into a fully fledge game!


Lol thank you for the feedback and love your comment. If you right click on the buy button in the base items will pop up in the bubble with a price. Then you can right click the two floating orbs to select an item to buy. When the item you want is in the bubble right click on the bubble to purchase the item. If you purchase a plot, while its in your hand press B and you will see green spots outside the base. Left clicking on a spot will place a plot down and take you out of build mode, then you can select the hoe and left click a square to till it. If you have any more problems please let us know, we greatly appreciate it.


update my review… good job on your game! It’s lovely. 👍


Damn dude, im giving you a 10/10 for this review


Like your jamm theme interpretation.

But, I didn't make it to buy my first plot. 

What am i doing wrong? 


Right clicking on the buy button in the base will make items pop up in the bubble. Then you can right click the floating orbs to scroll left and right. Once the item you want to purchase is in the bubble right click the bubble to purchase it. When you buy a plot, while its in your hand you can press B to enter build mode and you will see green spots outside the base. Left click on a green spot to place your first plot. Left click on a dirt square with the hoe to till the ground. If you have any problems let us know, we greatly appreciate your feedback.