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A member registered Mar 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Okay also if you stack the weather cards it eats them? like they get removed from the game. So next time you have no cards. I think if you go lower then -1 on your lives system then you can play indefinitely. Or is there no loose state? anyway, these are just some of the things I noticed when trying to play. Thanks for the submission.

I don't think this is displaying correctly. I got it to somewhat work if I zoom in a bunch but then the buttons aren't where they should be I think.

I have no idea what I am doing, and I lost a lot of money. It has nice art and sound. Thanks for the submission.

Nice game idea, I love the art. I did find out that if you keep pushing space you can just infinitely play because it never will activate the lose state. I played till about 11thousand before stopping.

I also think the music is really quiet. I didn't even know there was music till I read one of the other comments. Anyway, thanks for the submission.

Cool concept. I did find that you can just go to the side and avoid everything. The flying ones are almost imposable to dodge if they are heading for you which seems like how it would be realistically. Thanks for the submission

Hey thanks for having the ability to change the text size! Also,  cool game. It does seem to be on the hard side as even if you bump some stats, you usually just lose them the next check you do. I think it's because you need a flat 10+ to pass and most of the time with 2 D6 you will get 7. I played about 6 times and just started ignoring stuff because if you need to roll chances are you lose which makes you lose more stats and so lose more. I found it a bit annoying because I was trying to see all the routs but some of them seem almost impossible to get unless it rolls 2 sixes some time 3 times in a row it seems.

Anyway, I was trying to see all the things. Thanks for the submission.

Fantastic game! It is a bit hard to see where the middle of the character is after a while but eventually you get supper speed so you can just bounce around randomly to pick up stuff. Thanks for the submission.

Nah it's fine probably going to drop out of this one, Ludum dare is this weekend and this jam seems like the hosts disappeared. We got good feedback from | Ludum Dare game jam before so bye all, I probably will still work on my game but just as a hobby project. I am learning a lot about Clickteam fusion 2 but I got some bad vibes about this jam is all. Good luck to the people who stay I guess.

Hello, I have no experience being a crab or making music, I made some kobold sounds and stuff I can send a link to things that I did the sound for if you want. But I have no musical talent. Are you going for realistic crabs or amazing crabs?

Here is some of my work.

Kobold Slide by Moonbow Entertainment, BlackDrake21, Gawain (DarkGriffin) (

I made some bees! It's the first time I am doing code so DarkGriffin has been helping me. I now just need to add a bit more and make them look like bees but I'm normally an artist so that should be the easy part.

So is this jam going to be like the boingy boingy one and I should just find a new one then?

Jump Ship Jam community · Created a new topic So question!

What are we being rated on or is it just a whatever kind of thing. last game jam I was in we were only rated on boingy boingy and it was basically useless feedback. Just figured I would ask before I make half a game and am like oh, we needed to have X in the game.

Also is it only the game engine that has to be a new software that we use? I use Aseprite and am mostly an artist, should I use say paint to make the art or am I allowed to use Aseprite for the art and should just use a new game engine for the putting the game together? I usually only do art so wasn't sure if I needed to learn two new things or if the programing is good enough?

Thanks for your time. Have a good day and good luck to everyone!

Hello, I am glad you had fun!

Yeah, the time can let you play quite a while. My personal high score is about 8000 or so. I'm not sure if you can play infinitely. But I think the way the math is eventually you will run out of time. (not sure on that we didn't test it all that much.) We were going to have different difficulties or other game play modes but ended up chopping them out for smoother/faster entrance into the game. Maybe we could expand on the idea for a later game. (Maybe make the Dark souls of slide games.)

We are trying to make a bunch of games to play like the old flash arcades. Thanks for playing!

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for playing our game. I am glad you had fun. Hopefully we will be able to make more in the future!

Sorry for the late reply. I'm glad you enjoyed our game. Hopefully we will be able to make more in the future!

We can add that in for you. I'm not the programer so it sounds easy to me for us to do that. Glad you liked it enough to put up with the pain but accessability is always our top priority so we will look into other control layouts.

Thanks, I'm glad you had fun. I had a blast working on the sound and art.

it was after the bear cave I went up and talked to lo. And I think I was supposed to be able to go left and back to the others but couldn't get through the tree. I was also able to bounce back to the bear cave after going in it and do the cutscene again so maybe that broke it.

I did the whole game again and it worked fine that time. So not sure was fun though.

Thanks for playing our game. I had a blast recording the sound effects and making the art. Glad you enjoyed playing.

Have a  wonderful day!

Thanks glad you liked it. I loved doing the sound and art for this game. I tried your game as well, not to good at golf myself and was difficult for me with the cards but was a cool new way of doing a golf game so good job!

Thank you for playing our game. I loved doing the sound. Glad you had fun. I loved your game as well the cat is cute!

(1 edit)

Nice was Fun I think it broke the first time through it as I couldn't get back to the marshmallows but did it again and it worked fine. Thanks for the submission.

Forgot to say I had Fun and the art is awesome! Thanks.

Nice game I am not vary good at it, I die on level 2, but is an interesting take on the normal breakout game. It's nice to be able to shoot that last one that I keep missing with the ball.

Thanks for the submission. Have a good day!

This game is like the dark souls of game jam games. Took me a while to figure out what I was even doing. Finally killed that sun. Good job on the submission.

For other people when you push space and glow blue you can bounce the sun back rather then just turn on fire.

Fun game, I had to look up what a Frijole was LOL. learn something new everyday anyway cool game my top score was 25 the first time then tried to do better and did worse so apparently I am better at it if I just close my eyes. Thanks for the Submission.

Have a wonderful day!

I love the art of this game I have never seen more menacing cubes and pointy things. I played up to round 62 and stopped because I think it just keeps going? Was fun, Though I ended up becoming immortal because none of the bad guys could get through a wall of turrets.

Now that that is out of the way. It would help if there was some sort of guide to where the turrets were going to spawn maybe a indicator of how much power you had (could be as simple as a bar 1 to 100 next to the power bar.) also I think the shot is different if it is gaining power or losing power. Not sure on that but it seemed like it, hard to make the same shot twice in a row so unsure.

All in all I liked the game and the shooting the turrets and having them bounce around was funny but probably not a good way to deploy them in a tower defense game. Thanks for the submission. Have a good day.

Nice little game got 970 then got eaten by a plant was going so well too. Ah well. Was fun. Thanks for the submission.

Have a good day!

It's like an art program with bouncing balls. Was drawing a Kobold in it and sadness almost finished and then it crashed T_T. It is a cool concept. Not sure it is a game but doing the live bouncing on things is cool. (not a programmer so no idea how that is working so I am amazed!)

Thanks for the submission. Was fun to paint with balls bouncing till it crashed.

Nice game, not sure the powerups are even at all, also not sure why you would bounce rather then just attack. Was fun though. I enjoyed it played till x7 on all of the guys.

Thanks for the submission. Had fun.

Cool art style, fun game, only thing is the random? dinosaur movements make the last? level a bit frustrating. I'm guessing it is the last level (level 5 I think.) because then it crashed? Not sure if it was supposed to crash. It looks like it ran out of levels so maybe just ran out of time?

I will say this game makes vary little sense but I love it for the art anyway. It is adorable. Had fun.

Thanks for the submission. Have a good day.

Nice was able to finish, I'm not a coder but I am getting a headache from thinking on what math shenanigans are going on to make it work without sinking into the floor or spazz out. Cool game.

Thanks for the submission. Have a good one.

Nice little game, having a sound or visual que that you bounced one of the babies would be nice. I keep losing lives because I'm not sure I saved one or not.

Was fun all the same. Thanks for the submission.

Interesting, had fun poking it, couldn't get it to make new planets for the longest time (could just be my set up it has had problems on these things before.) then randomly it was only making planets and couldn't get it to go back to moving them. Eh, was fun! thanks for the great submission!

Lovely game took me several tries to get up there, but the art is amazing. Easy to learn what does what after you hit things maybe have what things do? Probably not a problem for jam game but could be frustrating if the only way to know what things do is by bouncing on them. Good job on the game jam! Cat is cute.

Thank you for playing our game. I'm glad you liked it.

Played yours as well I'm not very good at it I only can get 25 or so. it was fun all the same good job!

Fun game? Heh I am no good at this game my top score is 25. Thanks for this music is nice. Also Mooo!

Can confirm from the picture anyway that that is a Kobold has tail and horns and everything. I draw Kobolds a lot so just saying I approve of the kobold. *nods*. I'm going through a bunch of games to see different art styles/game mechanics to see what works and what doesn't. Excited to add this to my list for the art and because kobold...Might be a while before I get to it but it is on the list.

I like your game it is fun to run around on fire. I tried so many times to cross the bridge T_T.

Vary cute game good job.

Thanks for playing our game I'm glad you liked it.

We had a bunch of like ... or other things in the text but when we went to test it they were sometimes gone from some of the lines. This was like 2 hours left on the jam and I was like nope just remove it all as it is worse if they sometimes do it and sometimes don't. All in all, I'm vary happy with what we made considering we had never made a visual novel before.

I'll play your game later, I got a doctor to go to now. Have a good day.

Thanks for playing our game glad you liked it. I enjoyed your game as well the phone was very relatable.