I liked it a lot, the idea is interesting and the difficulty curve is good
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Heart's Aim's itch.io pageHow does your game incorporate the theme?
The main characters throws his heart to the soulmate for the love connection to match.
Fun little game! Some feedback, as requested:
The game opens fullscreen, but the playable levels aren't scaled to fullscreen. I can also see the background is not infinite :D
Throwing a heart is always at full force, regardless of how long or short the pointy line or me holding spacebar is.
The game is very forgiving for mistakes in most of the puzzles, with the hearts sometimes starting to roll towards the target spontaneously. Not sure if intended, but it's a nice touch.
I dislike invisible walls, it's just restart bait. Would rather have that information up front.
While the levels are varied in style, they don't really evolve in mechanics until later in the game. The keys mechanic is interesting, but with the current level design and with infinite restarts it doesn't matter much as you only need to hit it once, and then you have two more attempts to hit the soulmate. Same with the jumpers. What would be interesting is having a few levels where you have to make 3-4 perfect-ish shots in a row in order to beat it, that would increase the challenge a bit. Or perhaps having to time the jumpers, to use them for an extra bump rather than avoid ing them. But of course, this would make the game less cozy so that's a tradeoff :D
I dislike having to manually select the next level after beating one. Makes me have to remember what I was playing :D would rather it just automatically go to the next one, and perhaps also mark the completed ones in the level select menu.
Overall it's pretty enjoyable to quickly play through. Good job!
Thank you for your feedback! It was very detailed, and I thank you for that!
1. I see that you can open your game fullscreen, to which I'm almost 100% sure I set the game project to not being able to fullscreen,. How did you even do it? Was it in HTML or Windows executable?
2. I tried to add dynamic force to how far or how close was the mouse to the lover, but couldn't make it in time.
3. The soulmate has a forgive radius that attracts hearts when entering that radius. That's something I noticed I needed to implement during playtesting, for a more forgiving and relaxing game.
4. Define more about the "invisible walls"; is it about the collision heart to certain objects like big mushrooms and greenhouses?
5. The game mechanics, along with level select, were actually a last second implementation, so I understand that there should be a better way to implement. Also, there was supposed to be a results screen menu that could go back to level select, restart the level or go to next level, but ended bugging the whole game, and was scrapped.
Once again, thank you for putting the effort and share the much needed feedback to me!
You're welcome!
1. I played in HTML, for me it opens up in a popup window and fullscreen immediately. Using firefox, if that helps.
4. Oof this is hard to remember. I think it was at one of the levels where there was a partial roof made of keyblocks above the target. My shot bounced when I tried to go through sideways. Maybe it was just a wonky collision, and not an intentional invisible wall :D it clearly should've gone through to the target but it bounced off the (in my eyes) invisible wall. But it ruined my oneshot solution :D
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