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Afterlife ConnectionsView game page

Place the ghosts on the correct graves to keep their family connections in the afterlife.
Submitted by Yvens R. Serpa (@yvensre) — 1 day, 22 hours before the deadline
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Its a simple game and the visuals are good. It would be better if you added more difficult levels. overall its a good game


Thanks for taking the time to play and comment :) Indeed, I still have to add more difficult puzzles, but I decided to stick to easier ones that I knew people would get the game and learn how to play, rather than go for more difficult ones and have people give up or assume the game is just broken.


Very simple game and puzzles but with an excellent presentation. I would like to see some more difficult puzzles.


Thanks. Indeed, I still have quite some work to do on more difficult puzzles, but I already have some ideas in my head ;)


Really great, I can tell lots of effort went into this submission :) Neat puzzles and fun to play :)


Thank you very much for the kind compliments! Indeed, it took me quite some effort, especially in coming up with not-so-easy puzzles (I still have a lot to work on).


I actually enjoy the charm the music and sfx bring to the game, I'm a very impatient so it actually made me play more than I normally do. I didn't understood the big tomb mechanics at first, but I got the hang of it


Thank you very much for playing and taking the time :) I'm glad you enjoyed the music and SFX, too.


Very well made game, great polish and a cool puzzle system. Great stuff


Thank you very much for the kind words :)


Great polish, the animations and camera work were impressive and the sound ques/theme fit really well.

The puzzles where varied and it felt rewarding completing the game.

I liked figuring out the rules for how the graves connect and what the different graves do through trial and error.

The puzzle element aside from figuring out how rules work and what new things do seemed a bit self solving though.


Thank you very much. I try to keep the gameplay and mechanics quite simple so I can put a lot of effort into making music, animating, and polishing other stuff. I also try to design the levels in a way that you will (mostly) get what things do by just trying them, and slowly I ramp up the challenge to check how much you've got to understand them or if you need more thinking.


Very nicely made Yvens! I love all the small details from the wind effects on the foliage and trees, the camera animations, particle effects etc.! It's also neat that the game is pretty self-explanatory. I like how your turned the theme into this mechanic. I haven't seen anything similar so quite creative. I did find  that there maybe were a bit too many easy levels for the beginning, but I did like figuring out how the mechanics worked by throwing my horde of ghosts at the tombstones haha.


Thank you so much for your kind words :) Indeed, the game has quite some easy levels, which are somewhat by design, so you can learn how to play the game without texts or tutorials. I plan on adding and expanding it a bit further later on with more difficult challenges - they take quite some time to design.


Hey Yvens!
Great take on the theme and very fun to play ^^
I at first had some problems with figuring out how to play but I feel like it would have been way too easy if you would have told us that the order in which one places the ghoosts matters :D Not too easy to figure out and no explaination text needed (maybe a hint would be nice though if someone gets stuck ^^)

love it :D


Hey, thank you very much for the kind words Mary :)

Actually, if you pay attention to the level names, I do say the order matters :D But it is a bit subtle, and still, the idea is that you, indeed, learn how to play by playing and testing things out. Thanks for playing.


Very cool vibe


Thank you :)