Simple concept like a lot of people have mentioned, but I see you threw in some ways to spice it up with bombs which is a really nice thing and often missing in game jams. I think some people have mentioned, that it is not easy to distinguish bombs from frogs when you're just thrown into the game. For that I'd suggest using some colors/symbols that are commonly used for dangers and power ups. (Like for example in platformers spikes instantly signal that they're dangerous and hearts usually are good, so players recognize them straight away). Besides that I really like that you give oportunity to configure lifes and bombs, I think it's a neat little trick to set difficulty. Another good thing is that the screen isn't cluttered and it's easy to see the action. That might get hard when you make bigger games, but I think it's a nice thing to keep in mind when making them. All in all simple, yet neat polished game.
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Wonder Wanderer's pageComments
It really gets to the point. The game is good and simple. It's very familiar to an arcade game. But, I was hoping the game would get harder and harder when the waves go up. But it seems it doesn't in my session. Still, pretty cool concept.
Howdy! I’ll explain to you how waves works. Every frog spawned is based on a counter between 0 milliseconds and 2000 - (50*waves). So, the game generate a number and that will be added to the counter, if the time hits the counter, a frog can be spawned. That means on wave 40 you have 1000 or more frogs per seconds and on wave 1 you get at least one frog per two seconds. That means the progress is there, but it’s not visible. If you are good with the game you can set bombs, lives and the waves itself, less stuff you have, more points you get. Try putting waves 20 or higher and you will see an huge difference between the first waves. Have a good day!
Spend quite some time playing the game, it's a really fun mechanic!
It is simple but I ended up playing for aquite a while. I like that you put the option for changing lives, bombs and waves in.
Well done. The bombs really need to look a bit more different from the frogs.
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