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Connect Control ConquerView game page

Build a mech then use it to destroy endless waves of enemy mechs!
Submitted by DF_WideCode (@DF_WideCode) — 1 day, 26 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#3282.5502.550
Art Direction#3682.2002.200

Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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The concept is good and fits the theme well. I liked designing my mech up ready for combat.


We talked on discord, so I have nothing to say here ;)


It's a bit weird but I like mechs and building things.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Really like this concept. Very creative for the theme as well. Good job on the building process and the transition to play. I do wish it was a bit easier to control though (maybe with mouse movement instead of tank controls). Parts were difficult to attach to the mech at times and after restarting from a death they wouldn't attach at all sadly :( The sound is a bit harsh in my opinion, but it fits decently well with the visuals. Hope you continue to work on and expand this idea; I can see it going pretty far :)


This was a cool idea, I imagine there could be a lot of depth in creating ever more intricate mechs.
Right now, it's let down a bit by the user interface. It would be nice if parts snapped to the mech, and an easier way to rotate pieces would be great. The artwork could do with another pass as well.

This has potential, just needs some more polish. Not bad for a weeks work though.


Thanks for the feedback.  Totally agree,  I had to rush everything and I'm no artist.  Definitely going to improve the interface and looks after voting ends.


I had a little trouble until I worked out how to build the mech without my parts disappearing as soon as I clicked build - needs a way to block starting until you have a working unit. First few runs my blades and guns just vanished then the game started.


Yes,  un-attached parts self destruct when you start.  Its likely those parts, or the parts they were attached to, where not attached to the body of the mech.  Clearly I need a more tolerant snapping distance and more obvious connection feedback.  

Alternatively, I did consider allowing you to build mechs with disconnected parts that would either stay in orbit around the cockpit or lay where ever you left them.  This might lead to interesting turret or mine laying tactics 

Thank you for the feedback.


awesome !  I like the build and fight mechanics , It gives the  player to try out combinations for building and combat,  overall I enjoyed playing this one! congratulations! keep it up!


Thanks a lot

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

really nice concept and game! congratulations, good job!


Thank you.


Really cool game!! I would love to see more pieces added, and maybe a way to rotate by specific amounts (maybe 15 degrees) to line things up better, specifically engines.


Good idea.  Thank you.


Firstly this is such a cool concept. I appreciate that there is still some work to be done, but here are some ideas, forgive me if you have already thought of them. The enemies should orbit at a distance either a circular or oval orbit. Nice selection of units to fit to the mech. Perhaps an audible connection sound when the unit clicks into place will solve the snap distance. Probably should be a cost to fitment and then earn revenue. Allowing different levels to slowly learn all the parts. Settings screen text too small, and perhaps increase the game window size. This could become a really nice game. The concept is also infinitly scalable. There is so much here. Well done.


Thank you for the feedback.  

I do plan to limit what you can build  at the start (maybe 10 parts), then add some sort of pickup that would add to your part allowance.  

The AI is actually pretty cool in this game because it is built into the construction of the enemy mechs.  Active parts like the engine, rotor and gun have two or three special AI switch settings.  Active-when-on-target and  active-when-not-on-target (clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation for the rotor).  These parts all have a ray-cast (sensor) and a range to detect the player  So there is one enemy that tries to orbit the player by having an engine on the side that pushes away from the player when it gets too close.  It is a bit subtle but I could improve it in future enemies.  It might also be cool to let the player construct enemies or even set up their own mech to be fully AI.

The screen size issues may be because this is the first game I have tried to run in the webpage.  I could not get the automatic dimensions and scale to work and just manually set them. I developed the game at 1920x1080 but it did not work correctly in the browser till i shrunk it way down.  I definitely have to figure that out.

All good ideas for future development.


Wow cool concept - it's fun being able to build the mech to my own specs! The sound effects hurt my ears a little but other than that amazing work!



Sorry for the sounds, they were all last minute and are latterly me making mouth noises into a laptop mic.  I will definitely replace them with some real sounds after the jam.


Cool little concept and was fun to play around and build different types of mechs but yeah if this had the parts snap in place it would be even better for after the jam. But well done for a cool submission


Thanks for the notes.  

I probably should increase the snapping distance.  not sure if I can do it before the jam (voting) is over though.


I enjoyed toying with variations of mech to send out into the world! Would be nice to have some activatable defensive option for incoming attacks (maybe directional?). If parts would "snap" together more I could spend some serious time making the dream drill bit lawnmower! Fun concept; some magnetism on the joints and this is off to the races. 


Thanks a lot.  

I will definitely improve the snapping together-ness post jam.  And have a few ideas for more parts.  

Game jams are fun but I still need a lot of work in the time management department.