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A jam submission

Grandpa Chapter: IView game page

This is my shot at making a horror game in a span of a month for the spooktber jam.
Submitted by AVSDev — 1 day, 3 hours before the deadline
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Grandpa Chapter: I's page


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Ranked from 4 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Notes from gameplay:

- Main menu: fonts look nice, though perhaps a bit too elegant compared to this CREEPY MOFO.

- Grandpa is creepy


- Could look older

- The music and images immediately set the tone for what I'm going to see in game, well done

- Nice job including commands for controls. I really want to drop stuff at weird places...

- Unsure what a granny-like game is. I feel so old right now :P

- How do I set the difficulties which are listed? Edit: oh, it's the next page

- Let's start in normal and then try the others. The Best Time section is interesting, it implies I can come back and try to beat my score

- Peaceful is spelled without 2 Ls

- I like the scrawly font for the dialog, but it progresses too quickly to read! Nice job including a skip option

- Items list: wow, lots of things to find. Is my goal to find all of these? Is there a way to reread this later?

- Love the crude slang, sets a vibe for the game. You're consistent with it and it gives personality to the characters we met in the intro

- Oops, hi grandpa. CREEPY

- Day 2: left the room and glitched into what seems to be the kitchen, soft lock? restarting game

- Sound seems to go away after being in pause menu

- Got me a car battery

- I like how you have distant parts of the house kept in shadows, builds tension and suspense

- I want to watch the TV!

- Press E to hide - this is the same kitchen hiding spot I got into when trying to leave the room on day 2. How do I leave this hiding place? Edit: figured out it's Q from rereading the letter interaction text

- Restart. Damn grandpa appeared in the starting room. Maybe keep that blocked out as a place for him to appear until player has left it. Was 30 seconds in and still reading the note

- Exploring upstairs, total jump scare! The audio for the jump scares plus the zoom in on grandpa are great, definitely make me jump

- Would be nice to have a way to reread the note as I am exploring

- I dead (ded might be funnier and fit the existing diction better)

- Gonna try easy mode just to see the content. This is tricky, but I think definitely doable for fans of this genre. This is my first time playing a game like this.

- Oh interesting the keys spawn in different parts of the room, that's nice variety

- Collision could use some work, I get caught up on stuff when moving sometimes

- Struggling to get crowbar out of locker, it keeps closing the locker instead of getting it

- An inventory system might be more useful, gets annoying having to drop stuff everywhere, especially when reading the note

- Peaceful mode still has grandpa jump scares and still leads to death :(

- Oh man, grandpa gives me a jump scare every time he catches me lol

- Hmm, how many house keys are there? Can't open front door. Edit: After advancing a day i could with the same key

- I like how the upper floor lets you watch grandpa's movements for tactical movement choices of your own

- Can't seem to go back inside after going outside, but I left the crowbar inside... I think I got caught on collision, camera perspective felt too low

- Damn crowbar reset. Calling it a reset her, other games I need to rate, but played for an hour

Overall, I think you did an awesome job at creating a creepy, suspenseful game - you really should keep up development on this! With some adjustments to mechanics, improved graphics and more content, this could be something I'd see my younger relatives playing. I really liked the chain of puzzles and an inventory system would smooth over the biggest issues of remembering the necessary order of operations, while also letting you keep items so you don't have to backtrack so much. You really nailed the jump scare factor with the visual focus and audio, enhanced by the tension you feel creeping around the house. Great work!


Thanks Bro. Really appreciate your detailed review on the game. The difficulty mode is glitched so peacefull is a bit glitchy sometimes. The note system at the start was a bit last minute because while playtesting i found that it was to hard. So i will do someting about it and the pickup system is also glitchy. Actually i am the worlds worst artist so almost all the models are from online so the mesh colliders are glitchy Pls tell if there is a was to fix mesh colliders. The thing with crowbar is that the locker and crowbar uses same input [E] so it is very glitchy i will try to fix all these issues after jam. (I am actually feeling proud that someone actually played my game for an hour and gave an detailed review. Thanks bro you made my day!


It was really really dark for me and the player sometimes gets stuck on corners. 

It was fun though


Thanks for the response Bro. I will try to add a brightness settings and try to improve the mesh colliders to reduce glitches after the jam. Thanks


No problem! It would be cool if you can rate my game too


Sure i am actually not getting time to rate games i will try!


Guys Pls drop a comment for any bugs and overall review it really helps


Grandpa kicked my ass twice in hard mode. This game is hilarious and fun, and very quick. Heed the devs warning - dropping objects on the ground WILL send them into the void. Also equipped items kinda glitch out visually. All in all, fun for what it is!


Thanks bro for reviews it really helps. The dropping thing actually is glitch in the mesh colliders of models of houses i didnt know how to solve them. The equipped item glitch out visually because of post processing i thought it was cool. Thanks bro!


That grandpa certainly is scary. I couldn't pick up the crowbar sometimes, even when I was not holding anything.


That might be due to you were in range of some kind of door. I will try to fix it after the rating ends, thanks bro!