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Dance Dance EXECUTIONView game page

Miziziziz Game Jam Submission
Submitted by ReignRL — 7 minutes, 35 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Creative use of art assets#973.7063.706
Overall polish#2113.2943.294

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Wow, This is one of the best GameJams I have played, this game sure deserves more ratings, It looks polished af, the music is on point and I had fun every single moment!


I am SUPER glad that I came back to rate this one ,taking its tab off of the chopping block at the last second. 

Man, I seriously laughed out loud at this thing. So much character and polish to back it up! The SNAKE! The freaking snake. My gosh, there's so much more you could do with this aside from just juicing it up, too, but even with the obvious repetitions this was still plenty to hold me (given that its a jam game, but even without that advantage it'd still hold up quite well, I'd imagine). 

Do something with this! Make certain enemies blind you, making it so that you need to memorize their patterns aurally (they'd have to be simpler to compensate, but still!), or make the arrows disappear after a few minirounds with them so that you need to recognize each characters' body movements and subtleties! Aw, MAN!

This was probably the most engaging thing I played during ratings (in many respects). Kudos, for real.  


Haha yeah I animated the snake, I loved the way it came out, and apparently other people do too! Thanks for playing!


Yes we need more DDR games!

oo i like how you make the characters dance to the beat^^.

As a DDR lover, i just skipped to level maximum, for optimal fun.
Level wasn't easy. Had alot of fun playing it!

Props to you btw for music sync. Didn't had time to add it on mine^^

Good work!


"The best game I have ever played" - my gf

This is a very charming game and should absolutely be finished!


Nice game! I think it should give some feedback about how you are doing it, and also have a lose condition. Te animations were really well made and fun. Nice job with those sprites :)


Well done on the music, felt dynamic to have the melodies tied to the gameplay. Would have liked feedback on how well I was doing and how far I was getting in the level. Was appealing the way you deformed the sprites to animate them.


This was sooo good!! I liked the concept that in each level you would go up against a few enemies. Made it feel like I was actually progressing through a dungeon. I also really loved how each enemy had their own little unique tune. Also good job on having so much content for a jam game (5 distinct levels!) Another thing I liked was how different parts of the characters were anmiated separately and danced around. The music was also really nice, good job for creating it custom.

In terms of feedback, a good tip for rhythm games is to have everything pulse/animate to the beat. It makes the game feel more alive. Also it would have been nice to have more feedback when hitting/missing notes. Most of the time I didn't really know whether I was making progress or not. Also this is kind of a nitpick but sometimes the levels felt quite long and would feel a tad boring after a while.

Excellent game overall! I love rhythm games and actually made one myself for this jam. I was wondering how you authored the levels/notes for this game? Was it hard coded or did you have a tool or maybe import MIDI?


Let me start off by saying I LOVE rhythm games and was so tempted to make one myself. They're very difficult to produce so props to you for handling making on so quickly and with custom music! My litmus test for any and all rhythm games are if I can continually mash every button and still win without getting penalized. Your game allowed me to do that, FIX IT -- and you'll have a nice little gem here. It still was A LOT of fun and I enjoyed myself! Big props my man!


Very, very nice game! Nice art use, great music! I mostly agree with other commentators. My personal problem was that I sometimes couldn't read the moves of the opponents. For example, the octopus always has his limbs up, so it's difficult to differentiate if it moves even upper from that position. Or the mermaid, whose tail is a little ambiguous. I think it's an interesting task how to make those moves for those characters more obvious. I like how you animated the characters overall! Your game is very engaging, great job!


Heeyyy!  This was really well done.  The inputs really went well in time with the music, control felt tight, the animations were cute, and I loved how the different "competitors" had different sounds for their moves.  Really well done and definitely underrated!  It could use a little more "juice" as the kids say these days, but the core game loop is the most important thing, and you've done a great job.


Thanks for playing!


The rythum mechanic was excellent but I think you might need to do a calibration test, at the third level I got de-synced and started dropping inputs. but other than that a really amazing game that I can see would be polished into an astounding final game.


It’s a good rhythm game and I enjoyed it, reminds me of Parappa the Rapper where you have to repeat the commands. I love the animations and how the hands move, it’s pretty adorable. It’s a relaxing game that has no fail state, the song can go on forever until you decide to dance. This is a unique and great point for kids and casual players, and I think the game can keep this feature, but the downside is that the song was made in a way where it loops and the melodies were simple enough to be able to be inserted at any point of the song, which takes away from the flow of the music. Because of this, it also becomes less engaging because there’s also no structure to the music: no verse, no bridge, no chorus, etc. even the song ends abruptly. I think it’s still possible to keep the structure while maintaining the no-fail-state, but that would mean you’ll have to make loops for each section of the song, which I actually prefer over more levels. There also needs to be more apparent player feedback when the player hits the beat correctly, maybe some effects or a flash of color.

Overall, I liked that it’s cute and the melodies were nice. I played all the levels and felt relaxed.


Thanks for the feedback and for playing!


WOWOWOWOWOW, ok so I have rated over 100 games so far this jam, yours is no joke the most enjoyable on yet, I was smiling the whole time, at times banging my head to the music (especially that last boss fight) All around beautiful aesthetics from enemies to background to menu. This is criminally underrated. Only thing I can think of to make it better is some particles when you hit a move but other than that this game is amazing. Really well polished, really creative and really engaging, ticks all the boxes :)


Wow thanks! I wanted to add some particles like you said but there wasn't enough time. Thanks for playing!